how to fall

tonight nothing matters. tonight you can be anything.

you can fall; you can fly; you can disappear. the shining lights call out to you, singing your name like tinkling bells and it's oh-so-enchanting, but you have to be careful (you've found out the hard way) not to be too enraptured by their siren's song. get too drawn in to a name and place that will never be yours, can never you yours, is not yours because stitching something to your skin is not the same as innate talent and sometimes you can't get out and sometimes you can't stop and a car without breaks is as useless as a car without an accelerator.

it's when the bass is thrumming in your bones, your heartbeat matching the one-two-three-four of the count, not even a count anymore but the very stuff of your being. limbs matching the rhythm, harsh but graceful, continuous, never breaking because you know how to bend, how to slow down, but not how to stop. the moments before this you wonder if there's something missing inside you that makes you crave this in a way that yixing and sehun and luhan do not or if there's an overabundance of energy that's trapped within your body, yearning to spring free.

this is the closest you've ever gotten to magic. this is the only time you've ever felt the stardust pumping through your veins share their oxygen and secrets with the rest of your body. this is the closest you've ever gotten to truth, to destiny, to love, to reality.

maybe, even as icarus burnt from the heat of the stars, he was smiling.

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