ToggyMoggy's Advertisement and Recommendation shop


Your one stop place for all your desired fanfics


Season's category


Monthly competition

1st place - permanent free advertisement + 200 karma points

2nd place - 2 week free advertisement + 100 karma points

3rd place - 1 week free advertisement + 50 karma points

Terms and Conditions

1) Please susbrice to our shop before requesting

2) Only request one time for each story. If your story is selected we will notify you

3) Not all stories will be accepted

4) Feel free to PM me if you have any questions

5) No bashing or negative feedback on other people's stories

6) You will be blacklisted if you break any of the rules

7) Notify us one week before if you want to cancel your request

8) Story must fit our season's category

9) This is a free request shop but please don't take us for granted



Request form

Author's name :

Story name :

Story link :

Summary of story :

(Please state if it is rated or not)

Time of advertisement : 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 1 season

(Karma must be sent before we accept your story) 

Type of story : Oneshot or chaptered

Genre of story : Romance, fantasy etc

*Comment your request


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