Change of Plans

If It was Meant to Be -

There were three sharp raps on the door.

“Kyuhyun! Could you get that?”

He ignored her. 

Three more raps


The sheets felt scratchy against his skin. So uncomfortable. He refused to get up.

The sound of padding footsteps passed him followed by the click of the door opening.

“Good morning, Seohyun!”

Kyuhyun nearly fell out of bed.

Ryeowook. He was still delivering them breakfast? What the hell?

Forcing himself to calm down, Kyuhyun shoved his face further into the pillow and tried to steady his breathing. His heart highly disagreed and decided to start pounding as fast as possible.

“Ryeowook, breakfast in our room again? This is so nice.”

“Of course! It’s always my pleasure! Now since you’re going to the beach today, I also prepped you guys a sack lunch…”

Kyuhyun pulled the covers up over his head to shield himself from the musical voice. He did not need this right now.

His face remained pressed into the sheets until another click signaled that Ryeowook had left. Even then, he refused to get up. There was a soft clatter of utensils by his head and he heard Seohyun sigh. It was obviously for effect otherwise he wouldn’t have heard it.

Suddenly, something solid and plush smacked him in the back of his head.


“Get up, Kyuhyun! You’re going to suffocate!”

“Yeah,you'd like that wouldn't you?” He grumbled. Seohyun didn’t reply.

Groaning, Kyuhyun pulled up his exhausted body. He blinked blearily a couple times, trying to focus the blinding world of whiteness. The curtains were wide open and the room was bathed in light. Of course the sun was out today. 


“Oh, Kyuhyun. Don’t be like that.” Seohyun was already up and dressed and packing her day bag.

“Ugh” He replied.

“Look, breakfast is right here. Go wash your face, get dressed, and we can eat.”


“Stop your !” Seohyun snapped, “Now seriously: go get ready!”

With great effort, Kyuhyun dragged himself into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Then he made sure to let out an extra loud groan just on principle.

Turning on the water, the disheveled man tried throwing water on his face. It was cold enough to remove most of his morning grogginess, but that was no good. All it meant was that he was more aware of his discomfort. 

His body was still exhausted. His throat was still sore. And his mind was still a jumbled mess of incomprehensible emotions.

Ryeowook, Ryeowook, Ryeowook. Something about Ryeowook. After getting back to the cabin last night, he’d collapsed into bed only to not sleep. Instead he got to jump from emotion to emotion and torment himself with thoughts of the guide.

How long had he held Ryeowook for? Ten, twenty minutes? Whatever it was, a part of him hadn’t wanted to let go. It was so strange. The small head laying on his shoulder, the petite frame pressing against his chest; it had felt so comfortable. Thankfully he had, or else it would’ve been even more awkward when the smaller reminded him he had a girlfriend to attend to.

The rest of the night was blurred between so many recollections of their talk and stress-induced nightmares that Kyuhyun couldn’t recall what had actually happened. A part of him hoped none of it had happened. That he didn’t say half the things he did and that Ryeowook hadn’t cried into his shoulder like a lost child. Unfortunately, it appeared everything had happened. The crying, the yelling, the touching.

And the resulting emotions were going to kill him.

Snatching up a comb, Kyuhyun furiously began to yank it through his hair.

If only he could figure out what was going on! Something was definitely wrong with him especially concerning Ryeowook.  He was a friend, only not exactly. They'd met three days ago, except it felt longer. And now he knew Ryeowook had faced a similar past? Really? 

“Ow!” He grasped at his scalp where his intense combing had just yanked out a knot of hair, “Freakin’, damn comb-brush…”Mumbling curses, Kyuhyun chucked the comb across the room. 

Why of all things did Ryeowook have to be a musician? It was everything Kyuhyun had tried to forget. Those dreams had fully derailed his life but he was telling Ryeowook to continue chasing his. And hugging him? What?

Kyuhyun slammed on the sink and repeatedly began throwing water in his face. Wake up Kyuhyun, wake up...

This was wrong. Nothing was going according to plan. He only had six days left of this trip and Seohyun was nowhere near proposing status. He'd have to scrap the idea altogether. Meanwhile, he was a mess in the bathroom. What the hell had happened? The only other time he’d felt so confused was when he was still in Super Junior. When he’d lost his passion for music.

A bitter part of him recalled that that was in the bathroom too.

Shoving those memories to the pits of his mind, Kyuhyun stumbled half-blind to the towel rack. Scrubbing his face dry, he forced himself to think rationally.

He did not plan this trip to uproot his life. His performing days had done that before and he’d just stood there and let them. There was no way he would allow another life risk slip ruin what he’d rebuilt. And it seemed Ryeowook was a risk. One he couldn’t take.

Standing before the sink, Kyuhyun forced away his lingering feelings.

He had to stop thinking about this. It didn't matter why he was confused as long as it didn't get in the way. The guide or musician or whatever he was would not be around for the next few days. Then they’d be gone in a week. As of right now, he needed to concentrate on one thing and one thing only: leaving with Seohyun.

Taking a deep breath, Kyuhyun switched off the water.



Kyuhyun wouldn’t look at him. Of course Kyuhyun wouldn’t look at him. He’d screamed at the man, dumped his entire life story on him, and then burst out crying. What did he expect?

But still (Ryeowook cringed) maybe a part of him had hoped Kyuhyun had meant what he said. That it was more than just pity. After all, if he hadn’t had any hope then he wouldn’t be feeling so damn lousy about Kyuhyun freakin' not looking at him!

“So, all you have to do is dial our hotel number and I’ll be here to get you whatever you need!” As they walked to the parking lot, Ryeowook explained how they would keep in contact while they were at the beach.

“Are you just going to be sitting at the front desk all day? What if we need something urgently? What time are you picking us up?” Seohyun stared at him with her standard worrying expression. Ryeowook was beginning to think she had some control issues.

“I typically work in the lobby so I’ll always be there for when you call. The beach is a fifteen minute drive and you have all the necessities including temporary treatment for a jellyfish sting. I’ll be leaving you for the day but call me whenever you wish to be picked up. We can call three o’ clock our default hour. Sound good?” Ryeowook wanted to die as he listened to himself talk in that fake cheerful voice through his fake cheerful mask.

Seohyun just smiled brightly and nodded.

He should’ve been an actor.

“So, are we just going to have dinner at the hotel again?”

Ryeowook stumbled a bit at Kyuhyun’s first words of the day. 

“Um, well, yes…” he tried to regain his composure, “Your meals are included in the bill and the simplicity of our cooking reflects local culture very well compared to other tourism restaurants.”

“Oh, well that's nice. But what if we want something a little more … complex?” Seohyun crooned, lightly grasping Kyuhyun’s arm.

Ryeowook pressed his lips together. For a brief second, he wondered if she knew those arms had been wrapped around him last night then he mentally slapped himself. What was he thinking that for? She was his girlfriend.

Clearing his throat, Ryeowook forced himself to look forward. “Like I said, you can get just about any local dish at our hotel if you include pre-ordered ones so we have time to pick up ingredients but if you would like to dine somewhere else I could make arrangements easily.”

“Great!” he heard Seohyun chirp, “Is seafood okay with you, Kyu?”

 “Yeah, sure.”

Ryeowook couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed at how nonchalant he sounded. He poured his life out to the guy, the least Kyuhyun could do was pretend like something happened. But then again, maybe to him, nothing had happened.

They continued the walk in silence. For whatever reason, Ryeowook had decided to meet the couple at their cabin today. He hadn’t meant to come off as clingy but Seohyun’s offhand joke about him ‘compensating for the rest of the day’ had made him feel rather like the weed that kept growing back. And to think they were paying him for this.

On the other hand, the day was beautiful. Everything Caribbean ads promised from the cerulean sky to blindingly yellow sun just called for a day at the beach. He couldn't wait to work in the lobby all day. 

“So, remember: if you need anything today just call. I’ll be working in the lobby so anything you need, just call.” He said as they approached the parking lot.

“Yes mother.” Seohyun replied jokingly, still clinging to Kyuhyun’s arm.

Ryeowook gave her a thin smile. Was it wrong that he found relaxed Seohyun more annoying than moody Seohyun?

Turning into the parking lot, Ryeowook told his guests to stay put while he went to get the car keys. No sooner did he enter the lobby did he have to run back outside to do a double-take. None of their cars were in the lot.

“What the…” Ryeowook gaped at the empty spaces which always had at least one of three minivans.

Darting back inside, he sprinted to the front desk manned by Kat.


“Yeah?” She looked up from her magazine.

“What happened to all the cars?”

“People drove them off.” She replied casually.

Ryeowook stared at her. It was incredibly unlike Kat to give smart-aleck answers.

“Who drove them off where and when are they coming back? My guests need to get to the beach.”

“Oh, ‘need’ is a strong word; I think ‘greatly desire’ would suit them better.”

“Wha – Kat!”


He gawked at the teenaged girl idly flipping through her magazine, a note of panic creeping into his voice. Was she still mad at him or something? “I’m serious! When are they coming back?”

“Well,” she paused to stare at the ceiling, “I think in couple of hours.”


“Maybe before lunch. Anne went grocery shopping and Colin took Mr. Parker to the doctor’s but he said he was going to pick up something from in town, so it might take a little longer.”

“But-but...Kat!” Ryeowook squeaked, more thrown off by his friend’s attitude than her words.

“Oh come on there’s a beach right there.” She said, pointing to space out back.

“It’s gross,” Ryeowook retorted, “It’s covered in branches and leaves and they’ve seen it already; where is the third car?”


“Jonny took it?”




Ryeowook turned around to see the dark compact van pull up to the parking space right in front of the hotel doors. He swore it was like a movie. As the door slid open in aching slowness, out stepped either the person he didn't realize how desperately he needed to see: Im Yoona.

Jaw unhinged, Ryeowook turned disbelievingly his friend who returned his look with a laughing smile.

“Like a dream come true, right?”



Kyuhyun had built up a wall. He’d taken all his emotions, especially ones regarding Ryeowook, and stuffed them into the corner of his brain. Then he’d built a giant mental wall to make sure they would never be released. Unfortunately, that wall crumbled like dust the second Ryeowook placed his lips on the new girl’s.

At first, he was confused when the guide ran to the model-like Korean. Then almost immediately, spots of red colored his vision. Ryeowook was holding the new girl, hugging her, picking her up and spinning her; all with a brilliant smile he’d never even shown before. And the new girl was soaking it up. She was laughing and giggling and just clinging all over him. 

Kyuhyun couldn’t even think clearly; everything was so sudden. All he could process was: Whatthehellwhatthehellwhatthehell-

“Kyuhyun.” Seohyun jerked on his arm snapping him back to reality.

He hadn’t even realized how hard his fists were clenched until he registered that his hands were in pain. Teeth gritted, Kyuhyun forced his eyes away from the scene.

Obviously, he shouldn’t be mad. Obviously, he was irate beyond comparison. 

Suddenly, it seemed as if flirty, playboy Ryeowook remembered them. Pulling the new girl by the hand, he dragged her over to where they stood; Kyuhyun looking like he wanted to kill her and Seohyun still with a look of surprise. The girl smiled shyly.

“Hi! I’m Yoona!”

When neither of them replied, Ryeowook beamed and pulled the pretty girl closer to him. “Guys, this is my girlfriend! Yoona, these are my guests: Kyuhyun and Seohyun. They’re really great people!”

Kyuhyun scanned her quickly, trying to find any deformity or irregularity gracing her figure. And nothing. She looked like she walked out of an idol photo shoot with her perfect hair and perfect smile looking perfectly comfortable in her ratty t-shirt and jeans. She looked irritatingly fake to the point that Kyuhyun was sure that was why he hated her.

As if hearing his thoughts, (or reading his expression) the new girl edged a little closer to Ryeowook. Her eyes flickered across their faces like she was sizing them up. 

 “Wow,” Seohyun finally breathed, “I didn’t think you had a girlfriend.”

“Yeah, I know I didn’t talk about her much,” Ryeowook whined, poking his pouting girlfriend, “But that’s only because she wouldn’t return my calls.”

“You know I have school! And I had to work twice as hard on make-up stuff to take days off!”

“I know, I know, and thank you.” The petite man mumbled, pulling her into a tight hug.

Well, that didn’t make Kyuhyun even a little nauseated. Nope. Not at all.

"Ahem," he coughed, "Are we going to the beach anytime soon?" 

At first it seemed like the couple didn't hear him, but then the girl shot him an annoyed look. Kyuhyun felt his irritation grow. Ryeowook ruffled the girl’s hair affectionately before finally breaking away.

“Okay, sorry. I just wanted you guys to meet her." Ryeowook seemed to deflate a little bit. Kyuhyun would've felt bad about making their reconcilation so damn awkward except his head was pounding from so many feelings from last night it was a little hard to care. Especially when the petite man leaned in and whispered something in her ear, causing another burst of giggles. Then it seemed he remembered Kyuhyun. "Come on. Let's get you guys to the beach! Yoona, Jonny and Kat will help you move your stuff, okay?”

"Okay." The model muttered. Once again, her eyes scanned his and Seo's faces. Her analyzation was both pissing Kyuhyun off and making him very uncomfortable. He could only shoot her an annoyed look which didn't faze her at all. Instead she smiled. 

Just as they were about to turn away and leave this unprecented disaster, the girl gripped Ryeowook’s arm.“Wait.” The sight made Kyuhyun’s face twitch. What did she want and why couldn't it wait?

“I-I’m just wondering,” she said staring directly at Seohyun, “Do I know you from somewhere. Like, high school? A neighbor?”

Pursing her lips, Seohyun gave the girl a thin smile. “I highly doubt it. Seoul is a crowded place.”

“I know but I feel like I've seen you somewhere – Oh!” she snapped her fingers, “I know! Seohyun isn’t your real name, is it? It’s your stage name!”

Seo’s grip tightened so hard Kyuhyun had to refrain from yelping. Ryeowook’s jaw dropped and he vaguely recalled that he hadn’t told him how he’d met his girlfriend.

“Yeah, yeah, your name is Seo Joohyun! I remember you from primary school. Wow, when I saw your face in that debut announcement I was like ‘I know her!’ and now we’re meeting again? That's fate!”

Kyuhyun wanted to tell her fate was crap and to shut up. Couldn’t she see that Seohyun was about to rip his arm off? 

“That is just so cool! Isn't this cool?" The girl turned to Ryeowook who hurriedly closed his mouth to nod. Turning back to Seohyun, she flashed her brilliantly manufactured smile, "Joohyun, you are just radiating success. And you're boyfriend was in Super Junior? You're like an ultimate power couple."

A flash of panic crossed Ryeowook's face while Kyuhyun felt like he'd just been punched in the gut. Nobody had recognized him in years. And on top of everything else he was feeling? What kind of car crash of a morning was this? Of course, you'd think the horrified faces of everyone around her would be enough to give her pause but nope. The girl kept talking.  

"Do you remember me, Joohyun? Im Yoona: tomboyish girl, didn’t like hugs and really liked food?”

A flash of recognition sparked in Seohyun’s face. “Oh, yeah. Im Yoona, prettiest girl in our class. You’ve sure changed a lot.” She let out an uneasy chuckle, probably eyeing the way she was draped all over Ryeowook.

“Oh, not really. I still love to eat. I’m training to become a chef.”

“That’s great…”

"I would love to hear about what you've been doing!"

"Yeah, it seems like you do..."

“We should do a double date tonight! I haven't been here in so long and I would love to catch up on where your life went. That is, if it’s okay with the rest of you guys.

Kyuhyun nearly laughed out loud. As if! As much as he wanted to see the girl flirt with Ryeowook all night, he knew Ms. Pretty just destroyed any chances of that. Never mind how insanely out of the blue her suggestion was, Seohyun never talked about her idol days. It just didn’t happen. Anytime he tried to bring it up, she would shut down instantly. And now the clueless blabbermouth wanted to have a dinner based on it? Yeah, right.

That was why he nearly fell over when Seohyun uttered an “okay” beside him.

Ryeowook looked as shocked as he felt, but his was a pleasant surprise. Nodding enthusiastically, the guide began planning for reservations and listing restaurants and Kyuhyun could see his entire plan fall apart with a matter of minutes. He couldn't even say anything over the bubbly couple and his suddenly compliant girlfriend. 

A double date was not expected. Ryeowook's flirty, girly girlfriend was not expected. And he was more than failing at not thinking about Ryeowook. 

The petite man turned to gaze at Yoona.The look in his eyes made Kyuhyun's heart clench.

Could the universe not give him a break today?



I was completely shocked to see that Yoona was officially dating and that SM confirmed it. As happy as I am for them, that was pretty mind-blowing. But since this is an sort-of-AU/Kyuwook fic, I'm just going to continue using her character (maybe not personality) as planned. =) Let me know what you think of her so far! 

P.S. This is officially my last day of break so it's back to even slower updates. OTL 

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Chapter 20: I swear to gods, that was the coolest way to dump a cheater! Very well donE Ryeowook! Very well done son!
Chapter 19: You're fast, Kyu! You're so fast! Who could resist Ryeowook anyway? Kkk~
Thank God Kyu finally realized what's wrong with his relationship with Seo! Smart Kyu! ^^
And now I'm dying to know what Ryeowook felt when he got that kiss >.<
Gonna read the next chap!
Chapter 18: I dont know why, I just like seohyun's characteristic in here.. she could become a sometimes but she's really a thoughtful woman .. that's what all girls think about a man like Kyuhyun.
And then again, Ryeowook is always amazing with his nice characteristic.. suits him very well. And what makes me fall for his characteristic even more is he's openminded and I like that.
Poor Kyuhyun still doesn't get what he really wants in life. Thank God Seohyun said those last words. Kyu would be free from now on but I think he still needs time to get use to the whole new situations especially his new interest on Wookie.. seriously, it's not easy to think that you're actually LIKE a Man while you're so sure that you're as straight as ruler.
I hope KyuWook will be okay..
Sorry for just dropping a comment now.. I really like this story, really!
I like this i like this i like this i like this i like this i like this i like this i like this! Damn you fingers. Why can't you type faster! Bruhhhh~
10 tumbs up so far..
Gonna read the other chapters now!!! ^^
cmngcm #4
Chapter 24: Great story and I love it. You should do more kyuwoo stories!
Chapter 24: This was such an interesting story...I actually read it in one sitting because
each chapter had me wondering what would happen next!
I think one of my favorite moments was in Chapter 6 when Kyuhyun said
I want to remember this moment with you....that had me squealing XD
Chapter 24: omg the last scene tho! that is sooo romantic :')
thank you for this beautiful fic, and make more kyuwook! 😀😀
Chapter 24: Asdjjsbzlsnsksnjs right? Oh wait that doesn't make sense.. I LOVED THIS SSOO SO MUCH!! KyuWook falling for each other <3 it was just tooo cute!!! If you have more KyuWook stories, I'd love to read them!! <3 Every little scene of KyuWook was just perfect!!! Their bickerings, small talks, small gestures, glances and just about everything melted my heart~ <3
Milulinsomnio #8
Chapter 23: I can't believe that this is over
Oh my god, you don't know how much I will miss you!
I hope you keep writing things, I will be waiting eagerly ♥
I need to know if you write other things, like in a blog or something like that, I will be pleased of keep reading you!

Now, when this fic started, it was an amazing idea, the AU not THAT AU with them trying to make their love story be, although the life separated them once. I didn't expect this level of writing, it was so precious and enjoyable! A very good reading, so thank you so much for sharing it ♥

“’If it is meant to be, make it be: that’s the name of this song.” oh, being you, the "-" of the title couldn't be random.

<<“Seriously, Kyu! Was that supposed to be romantic? What the hell?” he snapped, digging through the trash.>>
Oh my god that was hilarious! Seriously, I didn't see that coming, I was so in the mood and suddenly.............. Kyu is weird not only talking but also trying to be romantic! He is a sweetheart but he could have sold the ring or something like that hahahaha

<<“It’s a rock,” he peered up at Kyuhyun, “You are a dunce at romance.”>> This was the strangest love scene of my life, it's my favorite, too ♥
And you make it be August 15th and all!

I loved the end, it was so perfect, like the entire story, thank you so much again for sharing!!!!

Milulinsomnio #9
Chapter 22: You have to forgive my writing, I started college and I'm sooooooo sleepy all the time

"He had guided Kyuhyun away from a situation he wasn’t happy in to where he was now and with any luck Ryeowook would continue to guide him."
Ryeowook was Kyuhyun's guide in more than one way, and I think that it was mutual.

“My point is, even if Yoona hurt you and made you feel unwanted, there are people who want you and will stay loyal to you because you matter that much. Heck, there was a guy who stood outside for two hours begging to talk to you!” he looked Ryeowook in the eye, “Yoona wanting more is her own problem. Don’t let that get to you, Wookie.”
You just write one of the most important things in human relations! not strive with people that don't know to give other people the right value they deserve. I guess you grow greater and greater everytime.

I loved the conection betweet the first chapter and this, with Kyuhyun doing childish things in the sand.

"But now with our feelings out in the open I feel like I could wait for you forever. Because you’re worth all the time and effort I can give.”
Can your Kyu-cumber get more sweet? After that awkward speech, he just go and end all perfectly.
Milulinsomnio #10

Yoona is so disgusting here, she was bad enough without doing that.

But I guess she pushed the situation, maybe Kyu needed that despair of his misunderstanding to gain that conviction, I really loved this determined Kyuhyun, after a life of letting things be.