Cupcake shop - one shot

Cupcake shop - one shot

Here you go, harabeoji You smiled giving a paper bag with a cupcake to old man. He smiled back and left the shop

Haru, I have to go right now. I think I won’t make it to come back today. Will you close the shop when there will be time? EunHee – your boss and aunt in one person asked with one foot already outside

Of course, auntie. I’ve done that before, don’t worry. You smiled to her and waved as she was leaving.


You looked at the cute cupcake-like clock on the wall and sighed when you noticed that you have less than an hour to close the shop. It’s been almost a year when you finished your school and moved to Seoul with your parents. Your mum is Korean and she wanted to came here back a lot. Finally, after years of begging your father and you, all your family packed their stuff and move here. You found job at your aunt’s cupcake shop in Mapo-Gu in West Seoul and you loved it. She taught you how to bake and decorate the cakes and after a while you realized you love baking as much as eating. Since last month you even started attending the evening classes on how to decorate professionally the cakes, and quickly your cupcakes and cakes gained fans in the neighborhood.



Annyeonhaseyo Haru-ah! your favorite customer came, announced by a bell over the front door. You gave him a shy smile and bow There’s no cherry ones left? He said referring to his favorite cupcakes. When he looked around the cupcakes behind the glass he pouted when didn’t see any.

A lot of clients like them, too you said amused by his childish behavior But I left two just for you. You added giving him a green box with cupcakes inside.

You did?! He couldn’t believe and opened the box immediately Oh wow, thank you so much. Haru-ah! You’re a life saver. We were dance practicing all day and the only thing that was keeping me awake was the thought of this taste  he said with his mouth already full of the cupcake and you laughed.

Don’t you want to sit? You will choke if you’re gonna eat so fast you said enjoying the view. You wanted him to stay longer.

Aniyo, I can’t. I have a party that I have to attend tonight and have to get ready… oh God, this is so good!

A party? That’s so cool. You gave him a paper napkin and tried to hide the smile when you saw this hip-hop dressed like guy with a pink napkin. He was wearing black sweatpants and a hoodie on top of the cap on his head. You were wondering if he’s wearing this all day indoor and outdoor, or just when he goes to the public to cover his face from being recognized by fans. His fans were also the reason, why he always comes just few minutes before the closing the shop – fangirls like to hang out here, as it’s the closest cupcake shop to YG building. You can see the building across the street, so they don’t have to spend hours on the sidewalk waiting for their idols.

Most parties like that are boring. Believe me, you would be bored to death. He gave you a smile and said goodbye right after that.

I wouldn’t be bored with you… you said quietly to yourself when he left the shop and you could see how he jogs toward his building. Changing the Open sign to Closed  you sighed at the thought of you being at the party with Him. You never saw him in suit, besides the photos online. He must look even more beautiful in real life…



Haru-ah, I hope you’re gonna like it. You’ll meet all my friends! He whispered to your ear, his arm around your waist, eyes glittering

Both of you enter the crowed foyer full of photographers and reporters. You could barely see anything because of flash. He placed his hand on your back, leading you to the right direction, in front of the photographers, where you stood up. You looked up at his face, but he was looking straight, smiling from time to time. The reporters were shouting Who’s that? What’s her name? Is she your girlfriend? He didn’t answer, just shook his head when the last questioned was asked. After few minutes of smiling, he dragged you away from reporters and whispered to your ear

The worst part is behind us. Now, let’s have some fun. You gave him a shy smile and entered the big room, full of beautiful people, all dressed up in most expensive clothes. You could recognize almost everyone. They were singers, actors, models, famous MCs… he waved to Chaerin from 2NE1, his label mate and both of you approached her.

You know Chaerin, right? I’ll bring some drinks for you and walk you around. He said leaving you behind. You took a glance at him, and bit your lower lip when your eyes moved to his y in dark blue suit. You were right before – he was looking so damn good in suit!

So, Haru-ah… you like Oppa, don’t ya? You turned to Chaerin and blushed at her question.

Which oppa? And who likes him? Kwon JiYong appeared out of nowhere next to her with his drink in his hand

Haru-ah. I think she likes SeungHyun Oppa she repeated for him with a chuckle. Your smile disappeared when both of them laughed.

But you don’t think he would like back someone like you, right? JiYong gave you a pitiful look, checking you out from head to toe. Did you use a parachute to make this dress? Everyone in the room was looking at you now and laughed.

What do you do with the cupcakes that have left after a day? Eat them all at once? Someone asked with a chuckle

I wonder how many cakes she eat when doing those for sale.

What do you think you’re doing here, among us?

Where do you buy your clothes, I’ve never saw 4XL clothes shop in Seoul.

What was you major in US? Eating?

I bet she’s still a …

Yeah, there’s no way a guy would touch her

Probably SeungHyun Hyung brought her here today to get free cupcakes…

Everyone was laughing and was giving you disgusting look. Your didn’t hide you tears. Why all of them are saying all those words. You knew some of them personally and they were all friendly to you and nice. You felt dizzy, everyone and everything were spinning around you. All you could here now is their laughter, SeungHyun who brought you here was among them.










We don’t want you here!


Fat! Fat! Fat! Fat!


You couldn’t stand still any more and fell on the floor.


It must be a nightmare, it must be a nightmare!! You screamed but nothing happened, everyone were still laughing at you. You stood up and ran as far away from all of them as possible.


When you opened your eyes it was still dark outside. You were all sweaty, you could feel tears on your cheeks. It was 3AM and you couldn’t remember how you came back home. Or, maybe it was just a dream? A real nightmare? You took a shower and tried to remember, if SeungHyun really invited you to join the party. You couldn’t. When he left the cupcake store, he mentioned the party, but he never asked you to go with him. Why would he? He’s not even my real friend. Just a nice customer you thought. You two never met outside the store. You’ve been into YG’s party couple months ago, but you were helping your aunt deliver the cakes and cupcakes, and you were there before the actual party even started.

You went to your walk-in wardrobe to get dress. But when you looked at yourself in the mirror you recalled what everyone at the party were saying Fat! Ugly! You were indeed a bit chubby. You love food, and working at the cupcake store didn’t help in remaining fit. You looked at your jeans that you were holding, about to wear them that day.


When did I become like this? You said out loud. You were never a model – like figure, but you liked yourself just the way you are. You always thought that diets are for stupid dolls, with nothing in their heads and you didn’t want to become one of them, who’s obsessed with counting calories.


Someday, you will meet a nice boy, that will love you for your personality and character, not a body. That’s what your dad is saying all the time.


But time has passed, you graduated high school, culinary school, moved to Korea and not even a sign of that ‘nice guy’. I don’t want to end up like aunty Sue you thought. She was your father’s cousin – a workaholic who has nobody. No husband, no children, an old cat as her only friend. An old lady with delusions, spending all day with her books and writing another ones. She died few months before your parents and you moved to South Korea.


I have to do something with my life. Now or never! You said to your reflection in the mirror, wore a sweatpants and a hoodie and placed yourself in front of the computer

One thing you had in common with Aunty Sue – and you didn’t mind that – was writing. You were running a diary where you were writing all your thoughts, plans and… new recipes.

You spent next 2 hours reading about healthy eating and in-door exercises, coping the best looking ideas to your folder named “Open if you want to die” – a small remainder to your younger brother to mind his own business (password-protected of course, because you don’t trust him). And at 6AM, you packed your things to large bag and headed to work – maybe you want to change your eating habits now, but you still have to work, and you have to bake the cupcakes for today.



Haru-ah! What are you doing all day? There are people waiting in the queue! Your aunt was irritated

I’m sorry auntie. I’m searching for new recipes. Did you know that by changing some ingredients you can reduce the calories of cupcakes for 40%?? You said excited following your aunt to the fridge.

Since when did you become interested in calories, Haru? she said while wrapping a vanilla cheesecake for a customer

Since now you said shyly. She gave you a questionable look, but said nothing more.



When she saw you eating a salad for lunch she asked again

Did you meet a boy, sweetheart?

Mhwo? Why would you think that? You asked surprised and she pointed at your salad Aniyo… you blushed

It’s for that tall boy from across the street, right? And you want to starve yourself for him? She shook her head in disapproval. If he doesn’t like you the way you are, than he doesn’t deserve you. she added and you just nodded to please her.

I’m doing this for myself, auntie. I just want to try something different…



The next day as soon as you woke up you decided to write down all your measurements. You were in shock when you saw you weigh almost 90kg!! 90!! With your 165cm height, that was definitely too much! I’ve made the right decision.

After 10 minutes of exercising you were exhausted. You couldn’t take you breathe, you were all wet from sweat and you wanted to die. You took a shower and was watching dramas all day long.



Noona!! Where’s my favorite noona!! Your dongsaeng came home and you’re hiding from me!! You could here your younger brother screaming all over the house.

Kitchen! You screamed to him, and few moments after you saw him running toward you and gave you a hug.

Noonaaaaa!!!! I’ve missed you sooo much!! Oh, a cupcake! He pointed the freshly made cupcakes and a second later he took two, one already in his mouth. You laughed at him. He was your taste tester but unlike you – he was fit and handsome as a model. When you two go outside together people are surprised when you say you’re sibling. You were like black and white. Totally different. You’re a chubby, shy and unattractive girl, and he’s a handsome, well fit guy that is always in the center of attention.

I love this cream! It’s not so sweet and you can feel the taste of blueberries! Where did you find the recipe? He asked his fingers when the second cupcake disappeared.

I’ve mixed some recipes… there’s less sugar and butter in it, but I think it’s good.

It’s delicious! You’re a cupcake queen!

JiWoo… may I ask you something? You asked him shyly giving him another cupcake – strawberry one, this time. He nodded. Since you came back from Busan and will spend some time home… can you help me with some exercising?

Wae? Exercising? You? he was surprised by your question Why so sudden? You… want to lose some weight? DID YOU MEET SOMEONE!!?? He screamed even more surprised.

No, I just… want to do it for myself… you said playing with your hair to avoid his look.

Of course I’ll help you!! Noona! This is huge!! I’m gonna make you a super hot chick like those from Girl’s Generation! OMO! I can imagine, how every guy will look behind you and wanted to date you!! Noona!!! I’m so proud of you!!!! he was so excited that you laughed. He was more happy about it than you did.



Haru-ah… I have a special order for you! JiYong said a week after your talk with your brother As you may know, SeungHyun Hyung has birthday in two weeks… you nodded, trying to hide your surprise – you didn’t know about the birthday We’re throwing a small birthday party for him and we want you, to bake the cake. I know he’s coming here to buy your cupcakes – he thinks I don’t know, but… well, I do. He’s my hyung, but I’m his leader and I know things. A big man with a childish addiction to sweets He chuckled.

I understand. He really thinks that you don’t know… he’s always like Ji Yong would kill me for those cupcakes!  You laughed, so did he.


After a while both of you agreed on how the cake should taste and look. When he was leaving the shop, he turned around, looked at you and said with a sincere smile

You… look good today. Really and left the shop leaving you speechless.


Kwon Ji Yong, the biggest fashionista in Seoul – as he was named in the magazines you were reading today told me that I look good!!


As soon as you came back after work you checked your weight. It was just one kilogram less, but you didn’t mind. You called your brother and both of you started your daily training, JiYong’s words in your head as the best motivator you could imagine.


Small bowl of fruits for breakfast, a salad with raw veggies without dressing for lunch, soup for dinner, few nuts for dessert and a small portion of chicken or fish for supper + 2 hours of exercising with Ji Woo. That was your daily fit program. Ji Woo was the best private trainer you could imagine. For the time of working out, he was dropping the formalities and screamed at you or even cursed when you wanted to stop working out. Every day he was measuring you and was making notes on his tablet. He didn’t show you any of your results, unless they were worse than he planned. After two weeks of hard work, you could feel better, less sleepy, with more energy. He didn’t have to watch you when you were baking cupcakes for the shop, too. You knew you can’t eat them, and you didn’t.


Finally it was time for you to make the birthday cake for SeungHyun. You spent 2 nights for making the decorations : a microphone, small cupcakes, ice creams, some luxury brand’s logos and his own little figure in tight black jeans and silver jacket. The cake was with chocolate and cherry cream. You left the middle of the cake empty for the candles.

When he was coming from time to time during this past two weeks, you were giving him new cupcakes to taste, to check which one he likes and that was the mix of chocolate and cherry.



JiYong asked you to bring the cake to the dance studio on ground floor in YG building. They were preparing for their comeback and spent their every hour there or in recording studio. Before you went there, you took a glance at your reflection in the mirror, and was glad at what you saw. JiWoo told you yesterday, that you successfully lost 6 kilograms and to celebrate it, you went shopping. The dress was simple but the colorful accessories made the look. You took the box with the cake and headed to the building across the street.



Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear SeungHyunnie, happy birthday to YOUUUUUUU!! Everyone sang when you came with the cake, and approached SeungHyun who was lying on the floor covering his face and laughing.


The dance studio was lighten up with small lights and birthday candles on the cake. The reflection of everyone in the mirrored walls made you smile. You were among them, not in the back, no one were laughing at you, no one said anything bad to you. It was perfect. Everyone was laughing at SeungHyun’s reaction and clapping. When he stood up and blew the candles he gave you a tight hug and your heartbeat raced. This was the first time he hugged you and you didn’t want him to stop. When everyone started to give him wishes individually and eat the cake, you found Ji Yong who was laughing surrounded by some girls and you mouthed to him, that you’re leaving. You turned around and wanted to leave, but someone stopped you by grabbing your elbow. You turned to face the person surprised


Haru-ah, where are you going? Don’t you want to stay? SeungHyun asked, still holding you

I should go… you said shyly

But you didn’t even try the cake!! He said dragging you to the table where the cake was placed… or what has left from the cake

He gave you a small portion and smiled to you.

Thank you. For the cake and that you came here. SeungHyun said when you sat down on the nearby sofa and you blushed at his words. It really means a lot to me. He added and you thought that after hearing that you can die peacefully.


You stayed at the party for a little bit and enjoyed every second of it. Soon everyone had to go back to their schedules and you headed to home. That night you had the most amazing dreams in a long time.



Can I ask you something? SeungHyun asked you a week after, when he came to the shop and you nodded You… don’t starve yourself, right? He asked shyly, not looking at you but at his cupcake. You widen your eyes in surprise. I’m sorry for the question, but I’m worried about you. You lost your weight and… I don’t want you to be unhealthy or unhappy… I like you the way you are he added blushing

No, i… i’m not starving myself you laughed nervously Just started to eat healthier and I feel much better now than before… I like you the way you are I like you the way you are I like you the way you are Did he really just say that?

He nodded and smiled to you.

I went through it… I know how you feel. But, don’t change too much, alright? Don’t become one of those empty-headed slim chicks that talk only about clothes and make up, will you promise me that? JiYong’s talking about that too much, and I won’t take it if even you’ll change into that he added the last part and smirked

So, what do you think about Korea – US alliance? It was 60th anniversary last month ... you asked with a serious expression, but couldn’t control it for too long and we both laughed.


The next week you were given a Vip ticket to BigBang’s concert that was one of the most amazing moment in your life. Before you knew that you were invited to the after party.



A few months later, healthier, award winner in cupcakes’ contests, with a bunch of true friends that were called by fans best idols in Asia your photo appeared on many Korean gossip websites with a title above


YG Entertainment confirms that BigBang’s T.O.P is officially dating. Meet the lucky girl!




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jess11041102 #1
Chapter 1: i wanna be the lucky girl ;)
Chapter 1: Wow such a good story *___* I have been on a diet and lately I've been losing up and gained some pounds ToT my appetite grew bigger but after reading this story I'm motivated more than ever :D I'm going to exercise right now !!! Thank you for this :'D this is truly inspiring and it's exactly how Seung Hyun is . Through his ideal woman is Lee Hyori, he doesn't care that much about looks . I remember that story of a fan who asked him to write some tips for her to lose some weight on a fansigning but he wrote "You're beautiful the way you are" instead ^^ so kindhearted <3 Proud to be a charmer.
Chapter 1: love it~
yup TOP really inspired me to lose weight