What Society Wants

A Bunch Of Poems That Were Written When Emotional..

Push her a little to the left

A little to right!

Nope that's no good

Lets do it again! 


Make her twirl a bit! 

Make her fall!

Oh look who's knocking at our door

He says she should be more mature! 


Look at what she's wearing!

Oh that is immature!

Who's her parents?

I want to know!


Don't you think she is weird?

Liking things unreal

Well she doesn't have a future anyway

Can she just be Normal?



What is Normal you say?

Should I be a model?

Or a perfecct bride?


I seem to be a castout 

How can I fit in?

The walls are crushing me together




Don't let them hear you

Where did I wrong?

I've grown a child who is unwanted


What is unwanted is society! 

All they do is hurt us all! 

Look at them where are they?

They only lay in gossips


My life is not yours to write 

Don't ever tell me who I am 

WhoI should be

Because I'am me! 


Now child Hush! 

They mustn't hear! 

If they do we  will be in ruins! 

Follow their orders!


And this is why you'll never be able to be free

It's beacuse of "SOCIETY"


This one is for all those people who hate society for all the hurt and harm it causes them and people they love! There y'a go society what do you think? Is all I want to ask to those who like to tell others who and what they should be. Sorry for all the males I will try to make a male version as well... I'm sorrY I'm just being dumb at the moment. I should just go before writing more. Sorry for such a long A/N Love y'all bye-bye! 

January 19th 2014 2:19 PM NYC,USA

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CURW4KdqWgM Tearing up like a baby... Kris' emotions and Lay cuteness. GOD HELP ME


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Chapter 2: aww, so cute... love is so easy to write about since it makes you feel so many things
Chapter 1: its so depressing, yet so beautiful. "I feel like a pearl from a necklace that broke" I love that line, it has depth, how something beautiful is easily damaged
Wolf_97 #3
:) Society just made me kind of lose it on that chapter so I had to let it all out by writing it :DDDDD anyway you agree that Society is one heck of annoying
Chapter 9: this are exactly the words you hear these days...gosh I couldn't, and can't, agree more..
Wolf_97 #5
:D I'm happy we can share feelings together ^_^
These are just ... exactly how I feel on times ;;
wendyc #7
Chapter 1: Omg yes i think this is what everyone feels at times