Warm Beginning

Warm Beginning

"Stop it!" she shouted at the boy who decided to toy around with her. She was in the middle of reading an interesting part in the story but this boy had to go and snatch the book away from her, taking out the bookmark at the same time and tossing in onto the floor. She was boiling with rage, but the boy didn't have a care in the world. "Sorry," was all he said with a smirk on his lips. Sarcasm was dripping from his words and he left the girl standing there after tossing her book onto the table carelessly. 

She immediately picked up the book and the bookmark and dusted them. She huffed and sat down on her chair, trying to look for that page she was on earlier. It wasn't easy, and that's what irks her so much. From the corner of her eye, she saw a group of boys coming into the classroom, followed by a herd of smitten girls. Curious, she looked up. She recognized the boys, they were EXO, a popular group of boys in the school. 

The girls were trying to earn their attention and that's what made her feel nauseated. Some of them were being noticed while some were just ignored. Her eyes stopped on a particular boy. He was having headphones on and he seemed to be in his own world, not caring about anything else. He interested her, but she made no plans to befriend him. After a while of staring, she realized it was Kris -their leader. 

Maybe he felt her stare, because at that time, he turned around and his eyes met hers. She was stunned for a moment and she was  lost in his brown orbs.  He didn't smile, he just stared back at her. She quickly turned her eyes away from his. His ability to actually ignore his surroundings without difficulty interested her. She wanted to ignore those bullies. She wanted to be like him. 

The next day, she came to school with her headphones in her bag. Maybe if she wore it too, she would be able to be not bothered by anything. She couldn't wait to try it. It wasn't the bullying that gets to her nerves, it was the bad-mouthing and the constant rumors and gossip about her that irate her. Because of that, she didn't have friends. She wasn't getting bullied every time and she was thankful for that. 

Settling down in her seat, she took out her headphones and put them on. She played a song in her iPod and she started to relax a little. Some girls walked pass her and she could hear they whispering about her being an asshat. She could still hear them and she turned the volume up until she couldn't. Satisfied, she smiled to herself and stared off into space. That was a day she enjoyed. A day without being bothered and a day being alright. 


It was raining quite heavily, and she waited at the school's porch. She was sitting on a bench by the wall with her headphones hanging around her neck. She saw Kris coming out of the school and she looked at him, fearing that if he stayed, it'd be and awkward mess. He stood by the wall and he seemed like he would also stay until the rain stops. To avoid any disasters to take place, she quickly put on her headphones, though it wasn't connected to her iPod. 

It was an excuse not to talk and she was  fine with that. Soon , however, Kris walked towards her and sat down beside her. She eyed him curiously at the corner of her eye. After 1 minute of awkward silence, though not so awkward as it would be if she hadn't pretended she was busy, he spoke. 

He sounded deep, his voice like velvet. "Did you feel good doing that?" 

"W-what?" she replied, shocked that he was actually the one who started a conversation.

"I mean putting on the headphones and pretending you were actually listening to something," he chuckled. 

There, she blushed. 'How did he know?' she thought. 

And as if he read her mind, he replied, "I saw that it wasn't plugged into the iPod."

And again, her face flushed. "Oh..yea...I guess I liked it."

"The feeling of escaping this world, the feeling that nothing else really matters and the feeling that things aren't that bad, huh?" he said thoughtfully. 

Her eyes widened a little. "Yea...those feelings.." she replied softly. 


She eyed the girl furiously, her eyes on fire. "DON'T.YOU.EVER.SPEAK.LIKE.THAT.ABOUT.MY.SISTER." 

"Like I give a about you or her. I do what I want, I say what I want. You can't stop me," the girl replied abominably.

She couldn't take it anymore. She lost all control. She was infuriated. She lifted her hand, about to slap the girl's face when suddenly she heard a deep, velvet voice saying her name. Her headphones were on her ears again and hands were pulling her out of the classroom while the people in there were wide eyed as she left. She turned around and was faced by Kris. He dragged her out into the school garden and he made her sit on the bench. 

He gave her time to calm herself down, and then he sat closer to her and gave her a warm hug. Immediately, she was no longer angry. She was somehow calm, somehow happy, somehow...different. Her heart was beating at an abnormal rate and she feared he would feel it, but he didn't because he himself felt that his heart might explode too. She doesn't know what to say or do, and he doesn't know what to say or do either. 

Without words, they remained at that position. That day, was a special day for them. That was the day they felt a tingling feeling in their hearts when they were together alone. And with that tingling feeling, they knew that things would change. Things would be better. And that that was a warm beginning to the thing called love. 


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Chapter 1: I like it a lot. There's something about it that's not pretentious.
anning #2
Chapter 1: That was sooo cute ^^
Jmonkeyz #3
I know we are awesome! Meowing, barking and tweeting xD
Aww! So cute! >.<
I really loved the part where she pretended to listen to music, and Kris already knew she wasn't haha.
Seriously loved this oneshot! ^-^