Search & Struggle

Just Another Average Day [EXO!]

"Almost there..."

Kris gasped in exhaustion. Just a short distance from him was a cutter that would enable him to break free. Just one problem...well, actually there were two. First of all, he was still tied tightly onto the chair. Secondly, the chair had fallen over with him still stuck on it. Kris sighs in fustration. At least he managed to get the cutter to fall to actually reach it.

The moon shone through the window into the pitch black room. Sadly no one remembered to turn on the light for him. Though he would usually love this kind of peace and quiet, he was terribly hungry and a free meal from the manager? Definately a not-to-miss event. Plus he somehow had a bad feeling about this...about how he wasn't there for Suho and their manager in case something bad happens. There was just something about that night that just didn't feel right...or maybe it was just because he was terribly hungry.

Kris has been lying and squirming there for about an hour or so. He look lifelessly at the wall. "One last try..." He whispers to himself and with one last push, he finally manages to grab hold of the cutter. He quickly tries to cut the rope off "Finally!" He grins happily as he feels the grip around his wrists loosen. He quickly tried to stand up only to realize that his legs were still tied to the chair, resulting in him falling over again. Now with his hands free he could finally facepalm himself as he sighs. Kris crawls over to get the cutter and cuts his feets free. "There we go!" Kris praise himself as he stood up.

Kris quickly took his phone and use his jacket before running off to the door, only to trip on Tao's panda doll who was lying on the dark floor. Poor duizhang fell onto the hard ground once again, regretting his decision to not turn on the lights. Kris threw the doll back into Tao's room, not caring where it landed as he continue to run to the door.

Locked...of course...

Kris sighs. Of course the others wouldnt leave the dorm not locking the door, who knows how many fangirls could easily go in if it wasn't. Kris looked out the window. Surely he couldn't just jump out, their dorm was located at the higher levels of the apartment. He looked around again, only to remember that there must be a spair key. But where? He sat down and think.


Kris eyes widened as the name echoed in his mind. He remembered how the managers and Suho gave him a spare key, since he was the maknae. "Seriously, i swear those maknaes get special treatment or something." Kris mutters to himself. He preoceeded to run to the maknae's room. It was pitch black. Kris slowly stepped inside, only to be greeted by a lego block. Before proceeding to go even further, he quickly stepped back to the entrance to turn on the lights. The floor was littered with totally random objects, from dirty clothing to rainbow colour pencils to Tao's panda doll. Wait, how did it get there? Kris was sure he threw it back into Tao's room. Kris shrugged, admiting it was kind of creepy and weird but decided to not really care about it.

After navigating through the messy room, Kris finally reached the maknae's closet. He expects a wave of things to fall out of it, burying him alive, when he opens it but no; to his surprise, the closet was completly tidy...for now that is. He quickly opens all the drawers except for one, which was lock. Kris was sure it was in there. He looked around to see if he could find the key to the key. "If i were a maknae, where would i hide something from the hyungs...?" Kris thought.

A few seconds of silence. Kris looked under Sehun's pillow and quickly found the key. "Of course." Kris sighs. After taking the spare key, he quickly rushed outside, only to not look where he was going and tripping over something else. Kris looked back to see Tao's panda doll. "Oh my gosh, just leave me alone!" Kris threw it onto Sehun's bad before making a run to the door.

"Freedom!!!" Kris shouted in english as he barges out the succesfully unlocked door. A couple who so happened to be on the same floor looked at him strangely before going inside their room. "OMG WU YIFAN, KRIISSS!!" he heard a shout from across the hallway. A group of girls screamed before running to him. Kris quickly ran the opposite direction, much regretting his desicion to scream so loudly before. He passes the lift, there was no time to wait for it so he decides to take the stairs.

3 floor downs and he slowed down, well tired. He looked back up only to be greeted by the girls just a floor above him, still going at full speed. "Crap..." Kris continued to rn down. "How many more floors?" he cried softly. Finally what seems to be an eternity, the ground floor could finally been seen. He bursts out the doorm ending up at the alley behind the apartment. By now he was completely drained from energy. He looked back to hear the girls still screaming at the top of their lungs. The leader of M quickly went out to the main road, trying hard to blend in with the crowd. The girls looked around frantically, to Kris's relief, running off to the opposite direction.

Kris looks around. Where should he go now? He thought about it as he rests his poor feet. Not so long after, a place pops up in his mind. Of course! The member's favourite seafood restaurant located just 3 blocks East. Kris quickly headed in that direction; hoping that there were still some leftovers for him to eat. Thinking about food results in him walkin faster to the point where he was skipping. "Almost there~" he says joyfully.

He suddenly felt a vibration in his pocket. Kris took out his phone to see that their manager was calling him. "Yeah? Oh yeah, don't worry i see you." Kris says as he sees their manager standing in front of the restaurant. "Yeah, i'm here!" Kris greeted, almost able to taste the delicious dishes that were awaiting him. Little did he know that dinner would be a little delayed."Oh thank God you're here!" Manager-nim exclaimed. "Thta's right! Hope you guys saved something for me~" Kris grinned excitedly. "Yeah...about that..." their manager trailed off. "Let me more left-overs for me?" Kris sighed. "No, its not that!" "What is it then?" " see..."

"The others escaped."


"They kinda you see...ran away."


The manager sighed. "I'm sorry, i didn't really catch that, can you repeat?" Kris asks, a look of desperation in his eyes. "Okay, here's what happened." The manager clears his throat. "You see, we came here and like animals they are, they practically ate the whole table. Though they only finished like 85% before they stopped. They all started grinning and smiling at each other. Long story short, they started to run away. They just ran like that; took their stuffs and went out of the restaurant until there were only Suho and I. Suho tried to find them but he hasn't come back ever since." Manager-nim explained before looking straight into Kris' eyes.

"Kris, you are our only hope. Find them all and get them back to the dorm. If you can, you should try to find and team up with Suho." Before Kris could reply, their manager smirked. "Who knows, you always wanted to be leader of EXO and not just Exo-M right? Maybe if you succeed, i'll switch your position with Suho." Kris grinned at the irresistible offer. "Got it! So...where do you think they went?" "They split up mostly in pairs. Other then that, who knows where they went. They're probably scattered all around Seoul!"

"Seoul...233.7 sq miles...605.2 km²...11 full grown man scattered around it...their fates relied on one man to find them" Kris looks at the sky dramatically. " can count on me." Kris assured the manager before running off. "Be careful! I'm pretty sure half of them had a little too much to drink, really drunk and will attack when provoked!" Manager-nim shouted as Kris dissappears into the crowd. "And you guys better be back before morning!"

Kris ran past people, his eyes narrowed as his mouth grins. He'll finally prove manager-nim that he was worthy to be called the leader of EXO...not just "oh, he's the leader of EXO-M".

He will find them

After of course, something to eat. Kris slows down as he runs out of energy. He looks back to see manager-nim still standing there. He surely didn't run that far. He could see manager-nim facepalming at the M leader's fail to be cool and dramtatic. "Yeah, i'll just go get something to eat first..." Kris says to himself as he went to the closest food stall.

"Here you go, sir." the man smiles as he hands over a small packet of kimbap and some nice bubble tea. Kris directly at the kimbaps and finished the bubble tea before going back to his dramatic running. At least he had some energy to go on. He'll buy something else later when he's hungry again. Its a good thing he brought his money.

Kris didn't even cared to try to call the others. He knew they wouldn't care to answer back.He looked around the bustling streets. Their manager advised him to find Suho...should he or not? "I can do this by my own, maybe i'll pair up with him but only if i run into him." Kris shrugged, being his arrogant and ignorant self. "D.O would most likely follow Kai...No question about it, Chanyeo and Baekhyun will sure be together. Same goes with Luhan and Sehun...but Luhan may also be likely to hang out with Xiumin. Either that or Xiumin with Chen...Lay would usually be with Suho but as i recall, Suho would be that means Lay would most likely be with Tao. Though i have a feeling Tao would ditch him..." Kris maps out in his mind.

"Manager-nim said most of them would be in couples...most, not all. Could it be that some are travelling in small groups of three or maybe four? Kris continued to calculate the likely pairings in his minds.Question was, who should he try to find first? Then he remembered something.


Of course! How could he ever forget about EXO's 13th member? He cursed out softly as he realizes that he forgotten to ask manager-nim...than again, he would have already returned it back to Kris if he had it. Which means...that someone else has it. But who? "Chanyeol..." Kris spat out. Being Ace's personal father, worry and concerns filled him. But it could easily be another member. Over-protective father Kris swears to kill anyone who has Ace. What if they left him somewhere and forget about him? What if they accidentally break him? Kris bit his lips in worry as he walks faster.

He shook his head; trying to get rid of all of the negative thoughts. He had a job to be done. Not just a job but a special job. No wait, a special mission. A special mission that was assigned specially for him. The manager relied on him. The whole SM entertainment relied on him. The whole world of KPop relied on him. For EXOstans and EXO themselves. The future of EXO lies on his shoulders. Kris smirks as he views the ligth-filled roads of Seoul.

This was his time to shine.


Here you go guyss~ new chapter^^ hope you guys enjoy it~

As usual, sorry for any typos or errors~

Cause i'm pretty sure there are some

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Chapter 7: lol Lay.. and god Tao's doll is creepy ~
critiz_ #2
Chapter 6: what if actuallly the others is at dorm already eue
Chapter 5: They crazy......
pyc_th5k #4
Chapter 5: arghhhh~~~ i Kris dead?? *get bricks* oh ma gosh~~~ crazy EXO
kkk update soon~~ cant wait to know what will happen to Kris after this hehehe
Chapter 5: Haha! Poor kris ! xD
Chapter 3: OMG I love your story! Totally made my day! Keep on updating ~~ ;)
Chapter 2: When Baek and Luhan told Tao and Xiumin to hit the girls because they said exo are gay... That succesfully made me laugh XD.. I'll wait for the update~
Chapter 2: Update soon Author-nim !! ^^
Chapter 1: Wow.. This is cute! Please update~