Chrysanthemum [KYUNGMI]

The Language of Flowers [REQUESTS CLOSED]

For choya91


Bomi woke up to the sound of her boyfriend doubling over in pain, and then hitting his head against the bedside table. He leaned over to one side, face scrunched up in agony and then tried to block out the sunlight that was filtering in. Bomi shot up from the bed and kneeled beside him, taking his face between her hands, observing for any signs of cutting or bruising, but he swatted her hand away and then covered his face and lay down on the floor.

“Kyungsoo-yah…you can’t lie down on the floor. I’ll take you to the hospital…”

She bent down to try and support him into a standing position but he tried to push her off, causing him to wince further from pain, and then collapse into another heap on the floor.

“No…I’ll just…lay here…don’t need to go to the hospital…”

“I’m not taking no for an answer. We’re going…”

This time, he didn’t try to fight her. He put his arms around her shoulders and tried to stand up. He was trying not to fully put his weight on her, but that just caused him to stumble.


“Mianhae…I’m just really dizzy…”

“Gwaenchanha…just put all your weight on me. It’s fine.”

Somehow, they managed to walk to the bottom of the stairs without any significant injuries. She got him a hat and a plastic bag, then put him into the passenger seat of the car and drove to the hospital. While they were waiting at the traffic lights, she glanced over to him and saw that he was sweating profusely and looked very much in pain. She was about to ask him how he felt when he made a grab for the plastic bag and threw up in it. When he finished he threw his head back and closed his eyes. Bomi put a hand to his shoulder and started rubbing up and down to try and soothe him.

“Mianhae…you shouldn’t have to look after me like this…”

“Don’t worry. We’re a team. You look after me, so I look after you…”

“Love you…”

“Love you too…we’re almost there. Just close your eyes.”

They reached the hospital and Bomi rushed him into the emergency department. He was taken in on a wheelchair and then examined by one of the doctors. It turns out that he had a case of vertigo, and needed to go home and be on complete bed rest. The doctor prescribed some medication and gave some instructions on care and then they were sent off.

“Oppa…just wait for a bit, okay? I need to buy some medicine…”

He weakly nodded his head in response and Bomi rushed into the pharmacy and purchased the medication.

“We’re going home now, Oppa…”

Bomi managed to get Kyungsoo out of the car, up the stairs and back into the bed. She propped up his pillows, closed the blinds and made sure he was lying down on his left side, where he was most comfortable at the moment. She went downstairs and prepared some soup and got the medicine ready. She shook him awake.

“Oppa…you can sleep soon. You haven’t had breakfast and you need something in your stomach before you take you medicine.”

He tried to sit up, but failed and so Bomi, helped him up. She spoon fed him and then gave him his medicine before setting him back down into bed and giving him a kiss on the forehead. He grabbed her arm before she could walk out.

“Gomawo…for doing this…for taking care of me…”

She caressed the side of his face and gave him a warm smile then kissed him on the lips. He managed a lopsided smile in return then fell back into much needed sleep. Bomi walked out and closed the door. She didn’t have anything to do, and so she decided to clean the house. She tidied up the living room, washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Then, when she was finished she watched some television. It was lunchtime, but she decided not to wake Kyungsoo up. She made herself a chicken sandwich and ate that, then went back into the lounge to watch some more television, well into the early evening, before having some leftovers for dinner.

At approximately 6.30, in the evening, she heard the doorbell ring. She opened it to find Baekhyun at the door.

“Oh? Oppa, why are you here?”

“Kyungsoo called me and asked me to bring something. I heard he was sick…”

Bomi looked down at the files in his hands and his large backpack.

“You’re bringing him work? When did he have time to call you?”

“He called me a half hour ago and asked me to bring him these. He said he’s on bed rest and when he was feeling better he’d look at these.”

“Ah…okay…you can give it to me and I’ll put it in the lounge for now.”

“Ani. He asked me to give it to him.”

“Okay…but if he’s asleep, please don’t wake him up…”


Ten minutes later, and Baekhyun came down.

“Have you eaten? I haven’t cooked, but there’s still some food in the fridge that I can heat up…”

“I’m okay. I’m going to eat at the office.”

“Okay. Drive safely.”

Baekhyun left and then went into the kitchen to wash the dishes from dinner. When she was almost finished she felt two arms wrap around her waist and the faint smell of tiger balm.

“What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be resting?”

Kyungsoo buried his head into the crook of her neck and shook his head.

“You seem like you’re still dizzy…go back to bed. I’ll be there soon.”

“I feel a bit better now thanks to you…”

“Even so…you should go back. Doctor’s orders!”

“I don’t want to listen to the doctor…”

“Fine then! Bomi’s orders…”

“Well, if my girlfriend is telling me…”

“You’ll do it?”


She lightly hit him on his shoulder.

“Owww…sick patient here!”

“I thought you were feeling better?”

He pouted like a child and Bomi poked his nose.

“You called Baekhyun?”

“Yes. I told him to give me something…”

“Told him to give you work?”

“No. Told him to give me this…”

He pulled out a white Chrysanthemum.

“It’s pretty…”

“It’s for you…”

“Wae? It’s not my birthday or an anniversary…and you only give me flowers on those days…”

“Today is a special occasion…”

“For what?”

“For you taking care of me…”

“I get a flower because I took care of you?”


“But I always take care of you…”

“That’s true…”

“You owe me an entire field of flowers then…”

“Someday…but for now…take this…”

Bomi took the flower and put it behind her ear.

“It symbolises perfection…”

“So you’re saying that I’m perfect?”

“Exactly! Because you are amazing and you basically carried me to the hospital…”

Kyungsoo winks at her.

“…because you are perfection in my eyes.”


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Writing up a new chapter now!


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Chapter 8: Aww! My Surong feels is blooming!
Chapter 1: What a great idea to name the title with the name of flowers and the story somehow suits their name, eh?
Great ones! I love it.
When I was re-reading this colletion of exopink's oneshots I just realized that you're from the Philippines, too ! Hi my fellow kababayan. Hoping you write more exopink stories esp. chanji/chenji ff.
tiana_pluviophile #4
Chapter 1: This Surong ch is so sweet
Chapter 52: cutie baekji ♡♡♡
choandin #6
Chapter 29: My fave so far
Just wow, an incredibly amazing and breath-taking series of oneshots! I really enjoyed how all the stories share the theme of flowers as the little element they have in common. However, each one of them was very unique and beautifully written. Thank you for the great read!
luving_apink #8
Chapter 56: Great stories!!kaieun and layjoo:)))
Chapter 56: yixing! strike!! haha strike your way into namjoo's heart xD really smooth there, bro. as usual, ur stories always give off a good feeling to me after i finished reading it. good job!