Bells of Ireland [HUNJOO]

The Language of Flowers [REQUESTS CLOSED]

AN: Hey guys! Just wanted you to know that your requests (that I'm in the process of writing) is written on the foreword. 

For nurullianashaipudin

Bells of Ireland

Although its powers have never been proven, Sehun believed in crossed fingers. He thought it applied to any and every situation. When he lied he crossed his fingers. When he hoped that his teacher wouldn’t pick on his in class, he crossed his fingers. When he wanted to get out of doing something, he crossed his fingers. And when he needed luck to be on his side in general, he crossed his fingers. For some reason, Sehun wanted to prove that crossed fingers worked, and he told his best friend Namjoo about his plan. He created four scenarios, where he would need crossed fingers, and he was going to show Namjoo, that it worked each time.

SCENARIO #1: Getting out of answering a question

Sehun hated English class. It was his worst subject, and his failed to grasp the concepts that were being presented to him. Why did the composer use the blue door as a motif? He didn’t know. Maybe he liked the colour blue, and are they even sure it’s a motif? He only repeated it three times throughout the short story. Why does writing have to be formal and complicated, he didn’t even know.

That wasn’t his only problem. His teacher that year loved class discussions and made it a point, or as he would say “encouraged” every student to participate by either answering questions or offering their opinions. Although Sehun hated the awkward silences that occurred every time the teacher asked for student input, he could never quite put up his hand to say something, not even to ask if he could go to the bathroom.

On that particular day, many students were not in class because they were participating in some athletic championship, so there were only ten people in a class. Instead of a one in twenty five chance of being picked, it was now one in ten, and Sehun didn’t like those odds, so instead, he crossed his fingers and hoped that he wouldn’t get picked.

The class waited for the teacher to arrive and Sehun rejoiced in his head when they got a substitute. They had been watching a film, and although they were in the last ten minutes of it, the class convinced the teacher that they had twenty minutes left to go. Their actual teacher had left questions to ask for a discussion at the end, and he didn’t know their names so he picked students randomly.

“What was the effect of having the montage at the end, and not during the beginning of the film? How about you?”

Sehun’s eyes widened when the teacher’s finger landed on him. He was going to stutter out an answer while inwardly cursing.

“Umm…it’s to show how the event of the film had made an impact on the character. It’s even more effective that it occurred during his final moments, although that added to the clichéd of life flashing before your eyes in your dying moments. It wouldn’t have made sense to put it at the beginning.”

The teacher nodded at his answer and Sehun uncrossed his fingers and looked at Namjoo. She smirked, and Sehun let out a sigh, and then hit his hand on the table when the bell rang as he finished his answer.

SCENARIO #2: Skipping school

“Omma, I don’t need to go to school on Monday…so can I go to the concert with Namjoo on Sunday night?”

Sehun’s mother eyed him and Namjoo, but Namjoo shrugged her shoulders. Sehun’s fingers were crossed behind his back as he showed his mother his class schedule and demonstrated that he only had four classes to go to before he was free for the rest of the day and they were only maths and history and he could study those from a text book at home.

“And, I haven’t been away from school at all this year, so a day wouldn’t hurt and this is their only concert. Please, Omma?”

His mother looked like she was about to give in, but in the end she rejected his offer.

“Maybe next time, when you don’t have school…”

He heard Namjoo snicker behind his back.

SCENARIO #3: Lying about being sick

Sehun and Namjoo were at her house having a movie marathon and a food fest. Sehun had gotten a text a few days prior inviting him to a party with the boys from school. He didn’t reply hoping that they would forget that he was invited, but in the middle of the movie, he received a call. He put it on loudspeaker.


“Hey man…”

“Are you coming over to the party?”

“I don’t think I can…”


“I have homework to finish…”

“But you always say that, and you haven’t hung out with us in ages!”

“I’m busy…”

Sehun crossed his fingers hoping that the guy would drop the subject but he kept asking.

“What class do you have work?”


“You don’t need to do it. She gave the class an extension. You’re coming over and that’s final…”

The line went dead without Sehun even being able to say anything. Namjoo pushed his head over.

“This thing doesn’t work…”

“I’ll show you next time…”

SCENARIO #4: Not being helpful at setting up a school event

The graduating class was having a special ceremony and then banquet to celebrate. The juniors all had to volunteer to help set up the hall with chair and tables, putting up the decorations and preparing the food as well as serving them.

At first, Sehun managed to dodge the teachers that were telling them what to do, and was chatting with Namjoo about what they would do after they were let off from volunteering. Then, Sehun heard his name being called.

“Oh Sehun!”


“Go over and fold those big tables and put them in the gym. You can get Namjoo to help you. Then, gather the chairs and line them up beside each other in a semicircle shape.”

The teacher was about to walk away and Sehun crossed his fingers hoping that they wouldn’t have anything else to do, but it failed.

“And then go to the kitchen and bring out the bowls of punch, put the server in the bowl and set up the cups next to it. Thanks!”

Namjoo dragged him over to where the tables were.

“Come on, let’s get this over with…”

When they had finished all that they were asked to do, there was still half an hour before they were allowed to go home.



“What are you gonna do after this?”

“Probably go home. Why?”

“Do you wanna hang out with me?”

“We hung out yesterday…”

“But…can you just go out with me this afternoon?”

Namjoo saw that Sehun had crossed his fingers behind his back, and inwardly smirked. She would use this to .

“I can’t, it’s looking too much like we’re dating since we hang out every day…”

She saw as he uncrossed his fingers and looked defeated.

“But if you’re asking me for a date, then…”

Sehun looked up at her, hopeful.

“Namjoo-yah…will you go on a date with me this afternoon?”


Crossed fingers success rate, questionable; Sehun’s success rate in love, 100%


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Writing up a new chapter now!


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Chapter 8: Aww! My Surong feels is blooming!
Chapter 1: What a great idea to name the title with the name of flowers and the story somehow suits their name, eh?
Great ones! I love it.
When I was re-reading this colletion of exopink's oneshots I just realized that you're from the Philippines, too ! Hi my fellow kababayan. Hoping you write more exopink stories esp. chanji/chenji ff.
tiana_pluviophile #4
Chapter 1: This Surong ch is so sweet
Chapter 52: cutie baekji ♡♡♡
choandin #6
Chapter 29: My fave so far
Just wow, an incredibly amazing and breath-taking series of oneshots! I really enjoyed how all the stories share the theme of flowers as the little element they have in common. However, each one of them was very unique and beautifully written. Thank you for the great read!
luving_apink #8
Chapter 56: Great stories!!kaieun and layjoo:)))
Chapter 56: yixing! strike!! haha strike your way into namjoo's heart xD really smooth there, bro. as usual, ur stories always give off a good feeling to me after i finished reading it. good job!