Walnut [KYUNGMI]

The Language of Flowers [REQUESTS CLOSED]

For fyxoxo


The iest thing on a lady, Kyungsoo believed, was her intellect. Just his luck when his father enrolled him in one of the top schools of the country. It excelled in all aspects: academic, sporting, arts and theatrics. Kyungsoo had natural born talent and smarts, and was one of those kids that you could envy. Without studying, his grades were above average, and Kyungsoo relied on this to get by in school, choosing to focus more on improving his voice and music composition skills. However, his side interest, was to get a girlfriend before he entered senior year. He believed that senior year should be the best and most memorable year in his life, and he was determined to have the looks, the smarts, the talent, and the girl by his side to achieve that dream. The only downside was that he was picky. The girl needed to connect to Kyungsoo on a mental and emotional level. The girl needed to be confident. Looks weren’t that important, but she must be able to catch his eye, at least by second sight, and most of all, she must be smart; street smart and intellectually smart.

When he entered his first period class on the first day of school, he had no doubt that he had found her. As he greeted the teacher and then introduced himself to the class, he noticed her in the front row. He read her nametag. Yoon Bomi.




 Bomi and Kyungsoo?

Sounds pretty good to me.


Bomi was the top of her class. She was also one of the popular girls in school. She had the looks, the brain, and the power. Just like her motto, she was sassy, classy and a little bit smart assy. She didn’t have time for love, she was solely focused on maintaining a good social life that was in balance with school. The boys that were chasing her, she had no time for them. Of course, she let them down easy. She was a nice girl. Humble, in fact, but she knew how to put up a good fight, and when she knew she deserved something, she would not back down until she got it. Like she said, sassy, classy, and a little bit smart assy.

Bomi always sat in the front row. She had to know everything and anything that was going on in class. On the first period of the first day of junior year, there was a new member of the class. He introduced himself as Do Kyungsoo. He looked smart. He looked pretty cute. And Bomi couldn’t help but notice that his mouth was heart-shaped.


The only available seat in class was to the right side of Bomi. Kyungsoo put his bag down and got out the materials for class, and the teacher began her lesson. All throughout class, he stared at her. All throughout class, he was already thinking of lyrics for a new song. All throughout class, his head was singing her name over and over again.


Bomi could feel his eyes on her, and she hated it. She couldn’t fully concentrate on what the teacher was explaining and it irked her. When the teacher asked a question, she had a delayed reaction and didn’t even put her hand up. This was bad, she thought. She was getting distracted by a guy she hadn’t even talked to. She felt herself slowly start to slip away, when she caught his eye and saw him smile. Bomi shook her head and fixed her gaze to the front. She would ignore his presence for the rest of class.


When class was over, Kyungsoo was going to follow Bomi, but a few guys held him back.

“Hey, it’s Kyungsoo, right? Well, I’m Jongin, this is Baekhyun and that’s Chanyeol.”

“Hey. So, what’s up?”

“We couldn’t help but notice you staring at Bomi…”

“She’s pretty smart right?”

“She is, but you shouldn’t even go there, man. She’ll just reject you…”


“She doesn’t date. She’s all about school, socialising and extra curriculars. She doesn’t do boyfriends. Save yourself some heartache man, and nip your infatuation with her in the bud before you really start falling.”

“Trust me, bro. I was just like you. I was new here during Sophmore, sat in the seat that you’re in now, confessed to her, only to be shot down like a toy duck at a carnival, ten seconds later.”

“Thanks for the advice guys, but I don’t back down easily. I like challenges.”


Bomi went to the gym to practice some of her taekwondo. This was one of her extracurricular activities, and she would be going into an interschool competition soon and needed to get some extra practice since she had dance lessons after school on top of helping her mother cook for dinner. She got dressed and then began to do some stretching on the floor. She heard the door opening and craned her neck to see who it was. When she saw that it was the new kid from class she scowled at him.

“You know you could have gotten me seriously injured by what you did!”

He took a seat beside her, the smile never leaving his face.

“And what exactly did I do?”

“You opened the door!”

“Is that a crime?”

“It is when there was clearly a sign that disallowed disruptions, and the fact that if I twisted my neck any longer to see who barged in on my practice, I would probably not be able to compete in the taekwondo competition!”

“I take full responsibility for opening the door, but it’s a free country. And in respect to you, you didn’t have to see who opened the door. You could’ve just kept doing what you were doing…”

“Whatever! Just, don’t do anything that will distract me…”

Bomi began to do her stretches again and Kyungsoo went to sit on the sidelines. After five minutes, Bomi got up from her place and started to storm off into the change rooms, clearly in a bad mood. Kyungsoo went up to catch up to her, and grabbed her wrist.

“Where are you going? You haven’t shown my any of your moves yet!”

With that statement, Kyungsoo got himself into a kneeling position in a headlock.

“Is this enough moves on you?”

“Hey! Hey! No need to be violent!”

“You’re an idiot!”

She dropped him on the floor but he got back up and caught her wrist again. Bomi was about to explode.

“Stop! You don’t get to follow me around, new kid! Stop distracting me!”

“I haven’t done anything of the sorts!”

“Yes, you have! You stare at me during class with that stupid grin on your face, and you start humming while I’m stretching, and you have cute heart-shaped lips….just….ahhhh! Go away!”

“Will you go on a date with me?”


“Come on! Your outburst right there clearly shows that you have some sort of interest in me. The fact that you notice the little details including my heart shaped lips, means that you pay attention, and you like me…”


“That too!”


“You can’t even form coherent and witty comebacks at me even though Baekhyun told me you have a smart mouth…So, I’ll ask you again, will you go out with me on Friday? I promise, I’ll make it worth your while, maybe, even sing for you? How does that sound?”

“Like the worst idea ever! Go away!”

Bomi ran into the changing rooms and Kyungsoo began to walk away, not defeated, but with a renewed sense of determination that Bomi would be his girlfriend before the year was up. He got to the exit and heard her footsteps coming out. He stopped in his tracks and shouted out something that Bomi would experience every day for the rest of the school year.

“You’re a tough one Yoon Bomi, but I’m not giving up easily. You’re not just going to see me at school, you’ll start to see me in your dreams. You’ll see my heart-shaped lips and hear my voice in the moments of silence that fills your day. When you do taekwondo and get someone in a headlock, you’ll remember me. I’m the new kid, Do Kyungsoo, and I’m going to stick around for a very long time.”

He walked out leaving the door swinging.

And just like he said, Bomi dreamt about Kyungsoo that night. But she didn’t see his lips, instead, she saw his backview, thought it was cool, and mentally swooned before snapping back into reality, and face-palmed herself.

Yoon Bomi. You’re in deep trouble now…


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Writing up a new chapter now!


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Chapter 8: Aww! My Surong feels is blooming!
Chapter 1: What a great idea to name the title with the name of flowers and the story somehow suits their name, eh?
Great ones! I love it.
When I was re-reading this colletion of exopink's oneshots I just realized that you're from the Philippines, too ! Hi my fellow kababayan. Hoping you write more exopink stories esp. chanji/chenji ff.
tiana_pluviophile #4
Chapter 1: This Surong ch is so sweet
Chapter 52: cutie baekji ♡♡♡
choandin #6
Chapter 29: My fave so far
Just wow, an incredibly amazing and breath-taking series of oneshots! I really enjoyed how all the stories share the theme of flowers as the little element they have in common. However, each one of them was very unique and beautifully written. Thank you for the great read!
luving_apink #8
Chapter 56: Great stories!!kaieun and layjoo:)))
Chapter 56: yixing! strike!! haha strike your way into namjoo's heart xD really smooth there, bro. as usual, ur stories always give off a good feeling to me after i finished reading it. good job!