
Lonely - Hoya

Searching for a midnight snack, you raided the fridge, looking for anything and everything that would take the edge off of your loneliness. Not hearing the door click open you began to pig-out with junk food as you stood there in the kitchen in your pajamas. Hoya stood there in the doorway as he dropped his bag at your sight, he smiled and looked over to the side as you stood there in your purple bed shorts and a white tank top as your hair was pulled into a high ponytail on the side of your head.

"What are you doing, ______?" Hoya’s deep voice asked as you didn’t see him standing there.

"I-I was lonely so I came to get some food." You said as you tried to swallow what was in your mouth.

"Why were you lonely?" Hoya moved past you as he grabbed some juice and drank it as he leaned against the counter.

"I am always lonely when you leave." You said shyly as you never told him this before.

"You know what you signed up for when you started dating me." Hoya smirked as he took another sip of his drink.

"I know, I thought that when you were home that we would do more stuff together than we do now. It just feels that you are gone all the time, that you don’t even have time for me or anyone else besides your members." You started talking softly but then your voice raised as you just let everything known.

"You know I am not that touchy feely, jagi. You know I don’t like to do the couple stuff. You know me." Hoya started to get agitated now.

"I know, but do you even know me. Where is the sacrifices that boyfriends make for their girls? Where is that? I seem to make more sacrifices then you. I can’t go out with my friends, I can’t see my family to keep them safe from the cameras. I can’t even do the hobbies I like, since I moved here with you. I can’t even cuddle with my boyfriend. I can’t do a lot of things Hoya. You just don’t understand." You brushed past him as he tried to get you back, confused at why you are acting this way.

"I give up things too Jagi." Hoya said as he followed you.

"Like what Hoya?" Turning around you stared at him with stern eyes as he got flustered and couldn’t finish. "See? You have everything that you want and need. You don’t need me. It wouldn’t matter to you anyways." Grabbing a hoodie off of the hook you slipped on your flip flops as you ran outside.

Hoya just stood there frozen in time as he tried to think of what he has given up for you. Nothing came to mind, he couldn’t go after you, he knew that he had lost you a while ago and because you were a kind heart you stayed with him after he stopped showing you that he loved you. He just picked up his bag as he headed to the bedroom. Slipping into some purple flannel pants he slid into bed as he looked over to where you were laying. Running his hand over your head imprint on your pillow, it got him thinking. Taking the pillow into his arms he held it close as he nuzzled his nose into your pillow still holding the scent of you and your freshly washed hair. Drifting off to sleep he let tears slipped from his eyes as he wished that you would come back to him.

Wondering around in the dark with your hoodie still dressed in your pajamas you thought about what you said as the cool air seemed to numb your exposed skin as tears fan down your face. How could he be so heartless? Was he really your boyfriend or just someone that you are afraid to loose? Thoughts ran through your head as you didn’t know what to believe. After walking around in the foggy night you headed back to the apartment but didn’t go in as you stayed in the lobby for the night.

The next morning you walked around the city, still dressed in your pajamas. Letting your heart find it’s way and letting love take you over.

With you not by him when Hoya woke up, his heart broke. Getting up he walked out to see if you were there on the couch, but you weren’t. Hoya cleaned up the mess in the kitchen and just moped around all day, he did his and your laundry and just hung around the house. Listening to your music, reading the stories that you would write about yourself and others. A smile found its way to his lips as he happily thought of you, tears streamed down his face afterwards as he missed you. Trying to put the pieces to his heart back together was too hard without you.

The night fell upon you as you had spent most of the day in the lonely park, watching the ducks on the pond frolic and enjoy themselves as your heart was trying to console your mind and soul. Deciding to give Hoya another chance you headed back to the apartment that you shared. Entering into the house in the early morning hours, out of habit you walked to the bedroom as you opened the door slowly, seeing Hoya shirtless clutching your pillow with his strong arms as he mumbled your name.

”_______, _______ please come back. I am so sorry. I love you” He mumbled as his arms tensed and his back began to heave up and down as tears ran down his face. Walking out of the room you saw the cleaned house as you grabbed a pillow and blanket and made yourself comfy on the couch.

The next morning Hoya woke up as the tear stained pillow welcomed him to a new day. Getting up he walked out of his room as he saw a person on the couch. Going back into the bedroom he grabbed his glasses and rubbed his eyes as he got a closer look at the person sleeping on the couch. Kneeling down beside your head he brushed your hair away from your face as the back of his fingers gently rubbed against your cheek, moving your face towards the sweet touch he smiled as he knew that you missed him too.

He watched you for a while, just sleeping happily as it was almost the middle of the day. Slowly moving his head against yours his lips pressed up against yours as you kissed him back. His hand rested on your cheek as he deepened the kiss letting you know how much he missed you and loved you. Letting your lips part from his your eyes opened.

"Hoya?" You looked at him as you sat up.

"I am sorry, I was a horrible boyfriend. Please forgive me." His thumb traveled over your cheek as his eyes were red and blood shot from crying over you.

"I don’t know." You said teasing him to see how far he will go for you.

"I will give everything up for you. I love you, I want to be with you. You can cuddle with me and we can go buy matching purple shoes or something for couples. I will do anything for you." Hoya’s eyes made your heart swell as you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I just want you." You said as your warm breath traveled over his exposed neck. "I love you Hoya, I missed you so much." He held you close to his skin as he kissed your neck gently, helping you move onto his lap.

"I missed you too Jagi. You won’t be lonely any more." He never wanted to let you go and you didn’t want to let go either.

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Chapter 1: lovers tiff. liked it
Chapter 1: it's so - ugh!
I love it!
Chapter 1: ♥ I absolutely loved it!!! ♥
Chapter 1: Aaahhhhhh ♥♥ thiss^^