Life Of A Law Student Alive.


Tension dancing around yet not giving any space for us to spare this last moments of first semester alive.

Kim Junmyeon buried his nose into the thousand pages of book called "School Of Law".

Byun Baekhyun walking lazily but his eyes keep focusing on every words written on his note,"Treat like case alike, treat different cases differently." 

Kim Jongdae just sit there, holding a piece of paper and blankly stared at the whiteboard infront. "Corbett v Corbett [ 1971] L.R.p 83."

Do Kyungsoo keep mumbling something while his finger dancing on the white pieces of keyboard. "Nemo Judex In Causa Sua."

Kim Minseok fasten his pace and quickly sit at his usual place inside the library. He then took out a piece of paper note and start to write something on it. "Laws grows with the growth, and strengthens with the strengths of the people, and finally dies away as the nation loses its nationality."

"The more culture, the more law."  That's what Kris remember from today lesson. he packed all his stuff and heading back to hostel to continue study.


Human being though law is easy.

People though that law is all about memorizing things.

Citizen thought that law is amazing.

Society thought that one who majoring in law is good.

But reality is not that great, the truth is not that amazing.

Balancing of pressure and burden keep playing on the ground of their shoulder.

As they need to keep alive inside the world of law, with every steps of rules, in every breath of legalizing and every second of justice.

That is us. Law student from Seoul National University who keep trying and studying to keep the purities of justice and balancing the morality of life.



Come from a bitter experience called life.

Nothing much to be shared, nothing much to be told.

Just a moment to take the breath away from the tension air of final examination and LAW.


I am not really good with grammar though english is very important for me. 

Sorry for any grammatical error cause i actually got an exam tomorrow, but i am not in a good mood to study :)


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