
Turning Tables


It had been 3 days since Ji-Eun and I broke up; and the last I heard Luhan had been comforting her.


“How could you tell her?!” I pinned Luhan against the wall growling at him “Why would you do that?!”

“Dude! It’s not like you actually like her anyways! Besides, she deserves someone better to take care of her!”

“And you think that someone’s you?!”

“It’s better than having a liar as a boyfriend and getting her to play the fool! I don’t why you’re getting angry at me when really you’re the one who’s at fault here! You used her!” As angry as I was, I had to admit he was right.

*End Of Flashback*

“Hyung!” I heard a familiar voice outside my door.

“Kyungsoo-ya, what are you doing here?” He stepped into the office carrying a weird vase of flowers arranged in a particular, complex fashion “What’s that?” I pointed to the flowers.

“Hyung, I heard about your breakup,” Oh no, I thought, don’t tell me he’s already gone back to his normally-obsessed self again! “so I just wanted to give you these” He handed the vase of flowers to me. Truthfully, they actually looked pretty cool – the flowers seemed wild and exotic, and the way they were convolutely arranged appeared to take him a long time.

“You do … flower arranging?” He nodded happily.

“Ikebana – it’s a Japanese art. It’s actually one of my hobbies”

“How long did it take for you to arrange them like this?”

“Not long – in 30 minutes I’d say. If you practise as often and hard every day, it gets easier”

“Where’d you get the flowers from?”

“My apartment building actually has a greenhouse on the roof – it was old and abandoned before I moved in, but I decided to take care of it and make it my own”

“So you grew them yourself?” He smiled. Do Kyungsoo was literally a flower boy; and the more I thought about it, the more I looked at his lips and eyes. He was actually fairly cute. Aisshh! What am I thinking? Snap out of it Wooyoung! You’re not gay!” I thought loudly to myself. But still, I had to thank him for the flowers “Kyungsoo-ya …” I was about to thank him, but remembered that if I acknowledge him even further, the more he won’t leave me be.

“Wooyoungie,” an older voice called from behind Kyungsoo at the door “are you guys busy?” It was Taecyeon.

“No! Not at all” When I replied that, Kyungsoo’s smile faded into a childish pout.

“I was going to head out anyway” Kyungsoo parted from the room, then Taecyeon entered.

“So what were you guys talking about?” Taecyeon grabbed a seat then sat down.

“Oh, nothing. He heard about my breakup with Ji-Eun and so he gave me these flowers”

“What? Dude, you’re not actually thinking about keeping them are you? You’re especially not leaving them on your desk right?”

“Why not? They’re actually pretty cool; I mean look at them,” I pointed to the pretty vase of flowers “It’d be a waste to not keep them” Taecyeon sighed.

“Fine, sure. Keep the flowers. But if you decide to keep them, Kyungsoo will start to think they’ll personally mean something to you, but more importantly it’ll mean a lot more to him! Are you trying to attract his further interest? Do you not want to be left alone by him?”

“Of course I want him to leave me alone!”

“Then get rid of the gay flowers man! Seriously!” I thought more about Taecyeon’s words, and he was right – I didn’t want Kyungsoo to bug me more than he normally did before. And besides, now that he’s heard of my breakup with Ji-Eun, he’s probably gone back to his normal, overjoyed self again. So I picked up the flowers from my desk, walked over to the bin, and disposed of them feeling a little bad.




I made my way to Kyungsoo’s apartment room to talk a little more about designing clothes for me, but I guess what I really wanted was to sneak a peek at his feelings for Wooyoung. I arrived at the door and knocked, so far nobody had arrived at the door so I tried knocking again.

“Umm … Miss?” A feminine voice spoke from the opposite side of the corridor “Are you looking for Do Kyungsoo?”

“Yes, I am”

“He’s probably up in the greenhouse on top of the roof, just take the stairs at the end of the hall and make your way up”

“Oh, thank you” We both bowed to each other and I left.

After climbing the stairs and reaching the roof, I easily spotted the greenhouse and Kyungsoo tending to his flowers through the window. I made my way in and entered when I saw the most beautiful flowers growing in the small pots hanging over my head, garden beds, and even in an old bathtub on the other end of the greenhouse.

“Miss Kwon” He raised his eyebrows in shock.

“Kyungsoo-ya, call me Tiffany. Why would you want to make me feel like an ahjumma?” I teased.

“I’m sorry”

“So I’m here, in fact, to discuss what you have in mind for what I’m going to wear to the annual Hwanam Masquerade”

“The Hwanam Masquerade?” He asked curiously. The Hwanam Masquerade was thought to be the biggest party of the year among the affluent; but it was invite-only. In order to get in, you’d have to be only the most exclusive of the high-class, and those who didn’t get an invitation, well, they’d suffer for another 364 days of the remaining year “But, isn’t that a few months away?”

“It’s better to start now than later right?” He lightly chuckled “Besides, wouldn’t you want a good muse like me to flaunt your design in front of your sister?”

“Thanks Tiffany” He smiled cutely.

“So, got your eye on anyone lately? A girl … or a guy?”

“Oh. So you now that I’m-”

“Gay? I think I’d like to call myself a good judge of character”

“Well … there is this one guy,” I knew instantly he was talking about Wooyoung “he’s really the most beautiful person ever; every part of him is perfect – right from his glittering eyes down to his feet” I smiled; the way he talked about Wooyoung was so cute – Kyungsoo was really trapped in his lovey-dovey state “Seohyun even asked me how I found him attractive, I pretty much gave her a somewhat similar answer. But she says I like this guy only because of his looks”

“Well do you?” He paused for a moment before trying to reply “Kyungsoo-ya, have you ever heard of the halo effect?”

“The halo effect?”

“It’s a psychology term; it’s when one particular aspect of a person increases all other attributes. For instance, this guy you’re talking about seems to be ‘beautiful’ right? So you must assume he’s as kind-hearted, deep, and caring as he is attractive” He nodded in agreement.

“But, I know he is. I’ve talked to him a few times and it’s not like I’m communicating with a brute” Kyungsoo tried defending him.

“Look, all I’m saying is, you’ve got to be careful”

“You sound like Seohyun” He scoffed lightly.

“Then heed Seohyun’s words; although she’s a little ignorant towards you it doesn’t mean she isn’t wise” Kyungsoo began to purse his lips “And as for this guy you like, why don’t you take another deep look into his ‘glittering’ eyes, and see if you really do find yourself to be liking him” I stepped closer “Sometimes, the glittering you think is in that person’s eyes just turns out be non-existent; rather it’s just a façade you hallucinated and made up yourself. Perhaps, because he’s beautiful in your eyes, you want that glittering to be there” Kyungsoo blinked a few times, pausing in silence and appeared to reflect upon my words.


Je suis trés désolée mes enfants :( ごめんなさい :( 미안합니다 :(

sorry sorry for updating a day late my 3 loyal suscribers ahaha :D

I don't know why I didn't say this before, but feel free to comment :)

O.K. :)) Annyeong ! ! !

P.S. *Ikebana - the Japanese art of flower arranging if you were confused hehe ... just bringing out Kyungsoo's flowerboy side.

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DrBalqish #2
Chapter 16: Like seriously, wooyoung???? What have you done??
Chapter 11: so uhm, Kris was being asked by someone to seduce kyungsoo or whatsoever so this someone could get back to his/her ex-lover?
okay, simple-minded answer : it's Ji Eun. but to spice it with more drama i'd like to answer : someone related to Taecyeon and she/he wants to get Taecyeon back. lol.