Love At First Stage

Love At First Stage - Jonghyun

"Please welcome one of the new faces to the Kpop world, ______ _____." The MC’s said as the dark stage lit up with a single spotlight on you along with glitter from above and lasers to pump up the crowd. A glittery silver jacket caught the light and sparkled onto your skin with a hat to match as black shorts and tank top contrasted your silver high heeled skate shoes. It was one of your y song for sure, your manager had suggested that you do the y one first then your calmer one.

The crowd cheered as you danced and sung all by yourself. The boy backup dancers were fantastic as they played around with your attitude that you had. Giving you that playful and fun attitude for you were truly enjoying yourself and the crowd noticed.

One of the faces in the crowd that was glued to yours was Jonghyun, a smile was on his face as he watched you. One of your boy back up dancers handed you a rose that was part of your routine as you knelt down and handed it to the star struck fan, that was really Jonghyun.

Smiling happily, you moved back to the center of the stage as you slid the microphone into the stand as a single spotlight gently hung over you, your calmer song made Jonghyun fall for your sweet side as well. Just letting your silky voice wash over him as he smelled the beautiful rose that you gave to him. Petting the rose he wanted to pet your skin, he was in love with you, you and your voice, your stage presence and everything about you.

SHINee already performed by the time that you got on stage. Bowing to the loud crowd you skipped off stage as you took your seat a couple rows in front of Jonghyun. The way that your hair fell on your figure and how you were you, nothing had been changed.

"Wah! That was a beautiful performance by ____ ____. Please show her support." The MC’s introduced the next band as they performed and you clapped for their efforts. "Let’s get all of the Idols up here so we can choose the winner." You walked up onto the stage as you put on your jacket and fixed your hat as you went up on stage.

Jonghyun got up on stage as he looked for your sparkly hat, standing on his tip toes he searched for you. Brushing past other stars as you came into his view. Sliding through spaces he finally reached you, you were at the edge of the stage on the very left side as someone pushed you and knocked you off balance. Jonghyun sprung into action as he grabbed your waist and your arm as he pulled you in towards himself. Your hands rested on his chest as he held you tight, not wanting you to fall.

"T-Thank you." You stuttered as you were just in the arms of a SHINee member.

"Please be more careful." His sweet tone was loving and pure as it felt like he was talking to his girlfriend. You bit your lip and nodded as you pulled your arms away from him. He let his arms drop from you as you tried to focus on the MC’s but his touch was just so intoxicating to you. His hand gently brushed against yours as he took one of your fingers into his as he it causing you to blush. The MC’s had gotten the results back as glitter and balloons fell from above as their music blared through the speakers. The rest of the Idol’s danced and had fun as they all celebrated together.

Dancing in place you soon found yourself dancing with Jonghyun. Both of you knew each others name as you happily danced with each other, not caring if you got caught you had made a friend. Secretly hoping that you would be more, for Jonghyun knew that it was going to work out perfectly and that you were the one.

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