Fly with me!

When Peter Pan meets Andy

"Andy! Bring these papers to the director! Andy! Bring me some coffee! Andy! deadline's tomorrow! Hurry with the report!"


Andy, Andy, Andy... Yes, those where the screaming I always hear at my internship. I am one of those people who knows that being a famous script writer, who actually writes real scripts for real movies and not work as an assistant grabbing some coffees would be a long way to go. It's going to be tough. But yeah, here I am still working my off to reach for that dream.

It started way back when I was in high school. I started becoming crazy about Kpop, boybands, girlbands and everything of that sort. Then and there I started writing stories with those idols as my characters. I posted my works on a site where fans, like me, read and also write fan-fictions like mine. My first story, was a love story. It was simple and so innocent. I mean what do you expect? I'm just a lazy student in high school but my story suprisingly got much attention though.


High School was really hard for me. I don't have friends, I'm not that good in class and I'm a target for bullies. Yeah, my high school life . But I had this one friend, Luna. She's exactly an opposite of me. She's famous, everyone wants to be her friend, she's the president of the drama club, she's pretty, rich, intelligent and has an incredible voice. She's just perfect. Every female lead role in our musicals goes to her. Yeah, she's perfect. Everyone was really surprised when she befriended me. They didn't expect her to befriend a weirdo like me. But we really loved each other. We understand each other.


We spent a lot of time together until college. She says she's my number one fan. She really loves my stories so much. She was the one who actually encouraged me to write more stories and to become a famous writer someday.


But now, I just don't understand my life. I think it's all in a mess. My Mom and Dad broke up, my younger sister got pregnant and my youngest brother keeps getting bullied. And additional to that, my mom keeps nagging at me to go find a rich boyfriend and marry quick! 


I hate my life so much. I changed when everyhting of this happened. I don't eat healthy foods, I don't get enough sleep and I don't have the urge to write stories anymore. It seemed like my creativity and imaginations vanished.


"Hell", that's how I describe  my life right now. I want to give up but I can't. I'm the only hope in the family right now. It's just insane when my mom forces me to marry a rich guy quick. Gosh! I'm twenty five!! I wanna enjoy life and just wait for the right person to come! 


One day, Luna and I met. She said she misses me so much. She said she loved my newly colored curly hair. I colored it red. She says it's cool. She was so happy to see me but she was worried seeing me so stressed-looking. She was right. I actually looked stressed and so thin. She was actually worried but she still smiled. She suprised me saying she's engaged. Yes, I was so happy for her! Who wouldn't I be?? My best friend getting married?? I am so happy! The sad part was, how about me? Am I really gonna die alone??


When my mom heard Luna is engaged, my mom quickly set up three dates for me without even my permission. She's my mom, so yeah, I went to all three dates.


The first date was with a rich guy, 29 years of age, has his own business but ... Gosh! He's 29 and I'm 25!! Too old. The next guy, was a good looking guy, same age as me. But he didn't like my career. He says it's boring. More like he said I'm boring. So No! The last guy, he looks handsome and very perferct but he's gay! Of course! I left... My mom almost killed me when she knew what happened. 


I hate Mom's nagging so I didn't go home but I went to my apartment instead. I quickly took a shower and dived into my bed not knowing that night would be the night that would change my life.


The next thing that happened was that, I woke up in a bed made of hay covered with a green comfortable cloth. Right there and then, I knew I wasn't in my bedroom anymore. More like a different world. More like I'm in a fictional character's place. Peter Pan? Yes! Peter Pan. But where is he? I asked myself. Suddenly a guy wearing green tight leggings and a green top popped in front of me. And Wow! yes, there he is. He was staring at me so badly.


"Who are you? Are you Captain Hook's pirate?", he asked.


Of course  I laughed! Who wouldnt?? Do I look like a pirate?


He then smiled and said, "Well, okay. I guess you're not Captain Hook's pirate."

"I'm in a dream, right?", I asked.


He smiled and said, "No, you're not. You're in my house. In Neverland!"

"Oh. So you're really Peter Pan.", I said.

"Well, yeah. I am Peter Pan, but they call me Dyo nowadays 'cause I keep saying 'Yo!' It sounds cool, right?"


I just smiled. I was quite feeling weird. He wasn't the Peter Pan  in those story books I've read. Then I got more curious. I started looking for almost all of the characters.

"So where's Tink?", I asked.

"There!", he pointed at a small glass box.


I was so surprised to see Tink! She looked like Luna! A small version of Luna! I was amazed but it was really weird. And then I asked for the lost boys and of course, Captain Hook.


"The Lost boys might be on their way now. And Captain Hook is on vacation.", said Peter Pan

"Wow! On vacation! Just like my boss.", I said while giggling imagining my boss as Captain Hook.


It was completely weird but I was enjoying it. Suddenly six boys knocked on Peter's house. But No! They're not boys! They're Men. So I said to myself, okay... this Peter Pan story is quite weird.


"The Lost Boys! Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Tao, Lay and Kai! This is...", he said.

"Oh, I'm Andy.", I said.


The six of them cutely bowed at me.


"Let's play outside now!", said Peter


We all went outside together. Peter or as he said Dyo and I were left on land while Tink and the Lost Boys were flying. I was so amazed seeing them fly. For real! 


Peter suddenly stared at me. He asked , "What's bothering you?"


Of course I told him everyhting. I mean, I'm in a dream so nothing's wrong If I'm going to tell him anyway. He laughed when he heard my problems.


He said, "Don't listen to your Mom. The right person will come to you. Soon."


I just smiled. 


"And about you being a writer, don't stop. We don't know, maybe you'll be inspired to write a story soon that will make you a famous writer someday.", Peter said as he was smiling at Tink and the Lost Boys flying.


I just smiled and did a sigh of relief.


"Let's go.", Peter said.

"Where?", I asked

"Let's fly!", Peter said reaching his hand to me.

"No, I'm ..I'm scared.", I said.

"Don't be. Trust me. Fly with me.", those were the words he said which made me trust him.


He called Tink. Tink started shaking and dancing. Fairy dust fell all over me. Peter took my hand and there we started flying. I never dreamed of flying but there I was enjoying myself. I felt like I was back to being a child. That was the happiest moment of my life. Setting all my worries and problems free. I forgot everything which made me a loser. I was just happy that time.


After exploring Neverland while flying, we went back to Peter's home. Tink fell asleep inside her glass box and the Lost boys started falling asleep one by one on Peter's carpeted floor. I smiled as I saw them. Peter smiled at me. 


He said, "I think it's time for you to wake up now."


Then he kissed me on the cheek.


And Poof! I woke up. I woke up for real. Woke up in the real world. I quickly grabbed a pen and paper. I quickly wrote everything that happened in the dream into a story.


After my breakfast, I quickly went to my internship. I was smiling. A positive me showed up. A happy Andy. That dream really changed me.


Elisa, a director suddenly approached me.


she said, "Hi Andy. I read your story about the Peter Pan thingy. I wanna work with you and make that story into a movie. Are you willing?"


I was so shocked and puzzled. I mean, I never released a copy of that. It was just written on my notebook this morning and I left it at home. How did she know about that. I immedaitely said yes to her offer. I mean.. who wouldn't?? She said she'll let me meet with the cast she thinks best for the movie.


I got so excited. Luna suddenly called me saying she'll be starring in a movie as Tinkerbell. And the movie she was talking about was the one I wrote. I kept it as a secret from Luna .I was so surprised. It's crazy! In my dream, Tink looked like Luna and now Luna is going to be Tink! I got more excited, who would be the Lost boys and Peter Pan then?


In the afternoon I went to a studio with Elisa. We were going to meet The Lost boys and the one who'll act as Peter Pan. Six men suddenly came. And then! Those six guys just look like Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kai, Sehun, Tao and Lay! It was so crazy!! They exist!! So what now? Who's Peter Pan? Is he going to be Dyo wearing those fitting costume?? 


"He's here.", said Elisa.


And when I turned. I thought I was still dreaming. Yes! He is the Peter Pan in my dream! Dyo! That's him! He looks totally like him. My jaw dropped! Unbelievable! But he had a red hair like mine. But I suddenly remembered Dyo saying he will color his hair red soon. And now there's a person who just looks like him with red hair standing and smiling in front of me.


"Hi, you must be Andy. It's so nice to meet you. I'm Dio.", he said extending his hand.

I just couldn't believe everything was happening that time. I asked myself 'Am I stil in a dream?'. But no. Completely not! It was really happening!

"Err... Hi.. Nice to meet you."


I uttered.


He smiled.


Elisa said, "So Andy, do you have a title for your story already?"


I looked at the Lost boys and Dio. They were smiling at me, so I smiled back.


and I said ,


" I think that title should be, When Peter Pan meets Andy."



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Nice thanks for this
jenjen93 #2
DAEBAK! nice story. keep it up :)

SMfan4evrAKB48 #4

Chapter 1: "Well, yeah. I am Peter Pan, but they call me Dyo nowadays 'cause I keep saying 'Yo!' It sounds cool, right?"