`❃ avatar: the legend of two ; need earth & water masters 〉

Promoting Roleplays&Stories;

〈 `❃ avatar: the legend of two 〉

( welcome to republic city) ;

republic city is the capital of the united nations which is a large metropolis located on the shores of yue bay. situated near the mo ce sea, it is built upon what was once the territory of a fire nation colony. the city was founded by fire lord zuko and avatar aang after the conclusion of the hundred year war and as a haven for immigrants from all across the four nations..although no one expected what would happen next. in the midst of this peaceful decade, korra was taken out...nevertheless, the avatar cycle would continue. seventeen long years passed until the white lotus members announced the arrival of the new avatar. but it wasn't just one avatar. there was two. and they would both be half baked avatars, as they could only control two elements. 

Now, I ask you. Who are you? What is your part in this part? Who are your friends? And who are your enemies? Join us. And tell the story of your own character.
-3rd pov au rp
-Everyone expect Krystal and Yoona open
-Every nation, including airbending, open
-In need of Equalist,Masters,Novices,and Avatars.





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