Unspoken ♥


Kim Jonghyun and Kibum are a couple since High School. One day, Kibum became the victim of an accident that severely damaged his vocal cords. Reality hit the two boys in the face when Kibum was told that he wouldn't be able to speak again.




Hm, so I was in the library the other day, and I bumped into this romantic book about a couple wherein the girl suffers under a terrible disease and decided to never talk again. There was a reason for that she refused to talk but it's too complicated to explain, so uh just so you know that I've got my inspiration from that book. If anyone knows the book, you can't really relate the story with the one I'm about to write because I'm just doing the same topic, not copying it and changing the characters. Just to make things clear :3

I'm getting a bit fed up with my other story (I might hate you) and thought that I could make another chapter fanfic. 
I am not discontinuing I might hate you, just so you know. It's still ongoing ^^
I also wanted to make a chaptered story where they're already dating, and that I don't have to write the whole meeting-falling in love-confessing part, because it's so exhausting to write. (That's actually the main reason that I'm getting fed up with I might hate you, it's so tiring to write :D)
Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy this one and I hope you'll give me feedback, it's not going to be a long story, let's say ... 7 chapters or less. 
Just to not confuse you all, I'm starting the story a couple of years later after the accident. and it's written in Jonghyun's point of view.
edit ; I just saw that there's another Jongkey store who has the same topic. 
Okay, so just to make clear that it wasn't my intention to do the same topic as her/him, 
but I seriously got the idea from a book, lol.
(I didn't remember the title of the book, and it was written by an author of my country so lol I don't think you know which book I mean, but if you do, all the better.)
so uh yeah, sorry once again for the author, it wasn't my intention to do it. ♥


He held up a glass of water, beckoning me. 

I came closer to him and he pushed the glass of water in my hand, directing me to drink it. 
I chuckled at his maternal behavior, taking the glass and putting it back on the counter after I finished it.
Even with all the resistance, he still manages to take care of me and acts like he's my wife. 
But hey, I'm not complaining.

We live together for already 2 years, that means 1 and a half year after the accident and 2 years since he graduated. 

He doesn't go to college, obviously. 
He's 20 years old, and can take perfectly care of himself. 
It's not because he can't talk, that you can easily label him with the term 'disordered'
He's not like that, he just doesn't has the ability to speak since the accident.
We both went through a pretty hard time then, and we still do to be honest, but we try to make the best of it. 
I do go to college, I'm 22 and I study Music in one of the universities here in Seoul. 
Kibum's parents are really rich so they pay the most of our bills and food. 
They were actually against the idea of us living together, and Kibum went through another pretty hard time then. 
He tried to tell them that the only way for him to still have a spark of happiness in his life, was to be with me everyday. 
Isn't he just the sweetest thing ?
And obviously his parents didn't want to take that spark of happiness away from him, so eventually they agreed.

Kibum's vocal cords are badly damaged, and his ability of speaking decreased to zero.
He can still manage to utter some noises, but can't form any coherent words or sentences. 
But for example, I can still hear him when he sobs. It's that very soft hiccuping sound he can still manage to make.
Or those high pitched screeches in the back of his throat when he pleads or begs for something like a little puppy.
It's always very silent in our house, so silent that it's creepy.
I'm getting used to it, though.
We became a lot more closer due to all the resistance we had to go through together. 
You don't need words to show somebody you truly love him.
But that doesn't mean I don't miss listening to his voice, his constantly nagging, his never ending lectures, 
his beautiful, beautiful voice. 
and how I wish he could tell me for the very last time he loves me  ...


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Ooooh I wish this story would finish , it was so good ㅠ_ㅠ
this is the cutest I swear
Chapter 7: dont worry; will be waiting..! the story is great. Regards from me.. <3
Jenkeey #4
Chapter 7: This is beautiful omg. ><
I hope you return soon! <3
this... is just.... omg.
I love it!!
Joyvin #6
I'll be patiently waiting for your update of this beautiful and amazing story!
*sniff* I did mention in another comment of mine that I wasn't good at reading depressing stories, but I would still give it a try...
Bad idea... cause now I can't stop crying ;(
Jonghyun has a virus and Kibum can't speak... O_Q
The last sentence was heart-breaking...
...I'll go read some fluff now, since angst definitely isn't my thing.
Hwaiting~! (I don't think it's appropriate to put a happy emoticon here)
kolmilyo #8
here's my LOVE!
i'm ok with waiting i'll miss u though:) good luck with wherever your going to. and i hope someday your brother will get better.