
One Touch

Ba-dump ba-dump ba-dump.

Both of them stayed in that position for few seconds before Dara registered what was actually happening. She shoved him away from him and nervously laughed, “there…you got me to smile, see.” She showed him an embarrassed smile.

Jiyong blinked a few times then rubbed the back of his head, huh…this just doesn’t feel right since I have long hair right now. “Yeah…by the way, how did we even collide today?” He suddenly remembered.

“Oh! Um…” Dara searched her brain, “um…I don’t really remember…all I remember is worrying about being late for practice and then it went black. Next thing I knew, I woke up in your body…”


“Omo! What if we accidently kissed and this is what happened!!!” Dara exclaimed, omo, I didn’t do that did I? Kiss Jiyong? Aigoo She felt the blood rush to her cheeks just thinking about it.

Jiyong just shook his head, “I don’t think that that’s what happened. You know all of those dramas, right? When they fall and accidently kiss each other, their lips are cut. And from what I remember neither of us tasted blood on our lips when we woke up.”

“Ah…you’re right…” Dara said a little disappointed, wait why am I disappointed??? It’s a good thing that we didn’t kiss.

“Maybe…we bumped heads really hard?” Jiyong suggested.

Dara just shrugged in response.

“Might as well give it a go right now, since there’s no one to see us looking like idiots,” he chuckled.

She gave a small smile and said, “okay, let’s try it.”

Jiyong placed his hands on her shoulders, jeez were her arms always this small? “Okay, ready?” She nodded, “Okay, 1…2…3!” Jiyong launched forward when he said three, colliding his head with hers. *BANG*

Both of them fell onto the bed in pain, Jiyong opened his eyes and felt his chest, when he felt the two bumps, he immediate took his hands off himself, I guess it didn’t work…I hope she didn’t just see me groping her. Jiyong looked at Dara who was still lying down in pain, whew, I guess she didn’t. “Are you okay?” he asked softly.

She sat up and rubbed her head. “Aish, that really hurt! I have a REALLY hard head,” she shook her head, “now I know how it feels when I head someone. Aish!”

He could only chuckle, “I guess something good did come out of that then. Too bad we didn’t change back.”

“Yeah…I still have to be a boy! UGH,” Dara complained, this is soooo inconvenient! Wait a second… “Where did you put my phone, Jiyong?” she asked suddenly.

“Um…it’s over on the nightstand,” he responded in confusion.

She jumped off the bed and went to her phone, why isn’t it unlocking?! This should be my password! Oh! Wait, it’s his birthday now, August 18th, right? She opened the calendar and dread swept over her.

Seeing the color on her face change, Jiyong got off the bed and approached her, “hey…is everything okay?”

“I’M SO SORRY JIYONG!” she cried.

Jiyong started freaking out, what’s wrong??? What happened? “What’s wrong? You have nothing to apologize for?”

Dara looked at him, this is so embarrassing! How am I supposed to tell him?! “Well…you see…you know…um…girls are different from boys…”

“Uh-huh, I know that much,” he nodded.

“And…well…you see…we get things that boys don’t…”

“Like clothes?” he asked, what is she trying to get at?

“No, not like clothes…it’s something that happens…once a month,” she peeked up to see his expression.

Once a month? Jiyong thought, then it clicked, oh no…oh no! Don’t tell me she’s…

Seeing the horror on Jiyong’s face, Dara knew that he understood, “You see…I’m supposed to be on it…in about….two days…”

“Two days???? You mean, if I’m not back in my own body, I’ll be having my period?! I’ll be the only guy to ever actually experience it?”

Dara could only nod in response, what am I supposed to say? No??

He let out a long sigh and buried his face into his hands, “aish, okay then. How bad is it?”

“Huh?” she asked, confused.

“I asked, how bad is it?”

“What do you mean?”

“How bad do your cramps get?” He let out another long sigh, please say it’s less than Dami noona!

“Um…I don’t think they’re that bad, but maybe it’s because I’m used to it,” Dara cautiously said, it’s true, they aren’t that bad…but they still make me want to curl up into a little ball.

“Okay,” he smiled a little, “I guess I’ll know what to expect, kind of.” He saw her give him a confused look, “When I was younger, I used to help my sister whenever she had her cramps during that…special time of the month,” he explained.

Dara made an “o” with , “I see.”

“Anyways, we better go to sleep soon, we both have early schedules tomorrow,” Jiyong said with a yawn.

“Schedule? I have a schedule tomorrow?” Dara asked in confusion.

Jiyong gave her an evil gril, “Of course. You see, we’ll be waking up at 5 so that we can practice.”

“Practice? Practice for what?”

Aish, how slow is she? Jiyong kept smirking. He lightly touched Dara’s cheek, “well you see, all afternoon and evening today, I was in the practice room practicing your routine for your comeback. And well…you see, I have another concert in a few days,” he leaned in closer to her, “and let’s say you will have it a hundred times worse than I did. Be reading to work your but off tomorrow. Because we’ll be practicing your singing, rapping, and dancing ALL day and ALL night.”

Dara’s jaw dropped, Shoot! I totally forgot about that! I was too absorbed in his music that I totally forgot about his concert.

Jiyong laughed at her reaction, I really can’t stop teasing her. “Let’s go to bed Darong.”

She immediately closed and glared at him, “Don’t call me that.”

He raised an eyebrow, “why not? There’s nothing wrong with it.”

She opened to speak but decided against it, I shouldn’t show him how I feel about this whole “daragon” thing. He probably isn’t bothered by it, especially since he’s really popular and paired up with so many beautiful girls. She sighed, “Okay, let’s go to sleep.”

She started to crawl into the bed when Jiyong stopped her, “Ahem, you don’t think we’ll be sharing a bed do you?”

She stopped and looked at him, “but where am I going to sleep?”

He shook his head letting out a smile, “Aigoo, just sleep here. I think I can give up my bed for a couple of nights. I’ll sleep in the guest bedroom. Let me know if you need anything.” He walked towards the door, “And remember,” he turned around and gave her an evil smile again, “5 o’clock.” With that he left and closed the door behind him.

“Aish Dara, how did you let this happen do you? Tomorrow is going to be so exhausting…better get some sleep,” she looked at her phone and saw it was already 1:30am, only 3 hours of sleep…great. She closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep.

In what felt like a minute she heard, “TIME TO GET UP DARONG!”

Jiyong was standing there in a set of his own clothes. He wore jeans and the same white t-shirt he went to bed in, “Oh, and don’t worry, I just put on the jeans on top of the boxers I was wearing,” he gave her a wink.

“Five more minutes,” she muttered.

“Don’t even think about it,” he approached her and literally started to drag her out until she started moving herself. “You already made me get up this early, and you know my reputation, I’m the worst out of Big Bang at getting out of bed. So you are going to get up now!”

Dara stood up and rubbed her head, “aish, I heard you the first time Ji.” She walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash face. When she needed to relieve herself she looked anywhere by downwards, trying not to think about what she was doing. I am never going to get used to this…She pulled a pair of jeans and met up to where Jiyong was.

He raised an eyebrow at her outfit, “you sure you don’t want anything more comfortable?”

She shook her head, “These are nice and comfy. I’ll be able to dance in them.”

He just shrugged, “if you say so. Oh, by the way, I’ll need to go buy some clothes for your body soon. Or at least go buy underwear. I can wear my actual clothes, but I don’t exactly have women clothing.”

“Whatever’s fine. You have nice clothes anyways,” she smiled.

He laughed, “thank you for the compliment,” he replied, “Let’s go!”

Dara let out a sigh, I am so not ready for this, she thought and followed him out the door and towards the YG building.




A/N: Hello! So I felt bad for putting up a "Not an update" update :( so here's a real update! I hope you like it! :D


Is Dara ready for Jiyong? Until next time :D

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Chapter 4: Taller than you... AHAHAHAHA!
Chapter 17: This is one suuuuppper lovely story! I like the supernatural plot with the switching of bodies, them living together, bathing each other, teaching each other dance routines and creating music together. <3 Another thing, I'm pretty sure the concert was in Singapore but the last sentence says, "Evidence of the couple on a sweet late night escapade were taken after G-dragon’s solo concert in the Philippines..." hahaha

This story is just tooo sweet yet just natural and soooo like them. I can imagine Ji and Dara being like this in reality. Too bad, author-nim did not continue this story anymore or completed this. Hope you get to complete this even after 5 years has passed. Fighting!
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 17: Please update this story, authornim...
Chapter 17: "Evidence of the couple on a sweet late night escapade were taken after G-dragon’s solo concert in the Philippines..."
I thought the concert was in Singapore? :)) Anyway, is this fic on hiatus? I hope you'll update this too. I just read it today and I love it. Haha.
Chapter 17: Where is the next botton authornim?hehehe just finished reading chapter excited for the next chapter...update soon authornim...
izzahfitri #7
Chapter 17: update update update!!
Chapter 17: is this on hiatus? well i hope not.. 'coz i'm looking forward for an update^^~
wenkie0414 #9
Chapter 17: update pleasee
Badchick2ne1 #10
Chapter 17: I want to see what happens next.