
One Touch

“Did you really come her at 6 this mor-HYUNG WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO NOONA????” Seungri yelled.

Why’d he have to come in right now?! Jiyong thought. “Yah, get off me...” he whispered to Dara who was still in shock from being caught.

Dara looked back down at Jiyong, omo omo omo what is Seungri going to think? What do I do? Calm down, okay Dara…okay…first…um…get off Jiyong…that would be a good idea…she thought as she awkwardly started to remove herself from him. “Sorry…” she apologized shyly. All of a sudden she felt Seungri yank on her shoulder.

“Yah! What are you doing lying on top of noona, hyung??” Seungri demanded.

Aigoo…Dara rubbed her head, “Calm down,” she let out a sigh, “It was just an accident…honestly.” This is how he’d respond right?

Seungri rolled his eyes, Oh please, “And why are you two even in here hyung? Why would you two need to be in the same practice room anyways?”

Oh shoot… “Um…” Dara struggled to find the right words. “Umm-”

“I just happened to see Jiyong practicing and I came in because I had some time before practice,” Jiyong interrupted, aish this girl…seungri, you better not say anything unnecessary. “He was showing me how to dance ‘Michi Go’ and then I ended up tripping him and we fell over. That’s it.”

Hmmmm….that doesn’t sound like something Dara Noona would say…how suspicious. And the way the Hyung couldn’t answer my question, I can still see the sweat on his hands… “I see…anyhow, this is still suspicious! Don’t you dare do anything to my noona, hyung!” Seungri warned with his eyes.

Gulp Wah, I never would have thought that Seungri could look that mad… “Neh, it was just an accident anyways. Anyhow, you’re disrupting my practice, I need to get back to it,” Dara said smoothly while running her hand through her hair, boys do this often right? They always seem to do this in the dramas…must be right.

Jiyong felt like mentally slapping his forehead, What is that girl thinking??? She looks so awkward just running her hand through my hair…Aigoo, when will we switch back?????

“Right, I’ll see you later hyung,” Seungri said, completely unconvinced, before leaving the dance studio.

“Okay,” Jiyong said, “back to work, we’re going to run ‘Michi Go’ from the top.” He went towards speakers and pressed the play button.

Dara started to dance just like how Jiyong had showed her. It’s like…I can still feel where his hands were…or my hands? But that feeling…of just him…Jiyong…holding onto me…Aigoo stop thinking about that Dara! Focus! The concert is coming up soon. Next thing she knew the song was over and she was breathing heavily from all of the dancing.

*clap clap clap* “Wow! I didn’t think that you’d improve that quickly! That was passable. Let’s go through it once more, to make sure it wasn’t a fluke,” he laughed. Whoa, suddenly all of her stiffness went away, so much improvement so quickly. He walked over to the speakers and clicked for the song to be repeated.

Dara’s hands were on her knees, oh goodness…this will be a very long day…

            “Okay, I think that’s a wrap for today. I won’t be able to help you practice tomorrow, so just go through everything we did today and also start learning the lyrics to all of the songs too, you’ll need to at least look like you’re singing and dancing…” Jiyong said.

“Why won’t you be able to come tomorrow?” Dara asked.

Jiyong thumped her on the head, “Dummy, did you forget that you actually have practice for your new single coming out? And since you’re me and I’m you, I have to attend all of your rehearsals now,” he said with a grin, she’s always the same, isn’t she?

Dara’s mouth formed an ‘O’ when she realized what he meant, “Oh right…work hard at practice! I’ll work hard too! I won’t let you down,” she said giving him an encouraging smile.

“You better not,” Jiyong teased, “let’s head back, we better get some rest before tomorrow.”

She nodded and checked her phone, “What?! It’s already 11pm?! And we were here from 6….aigoooo.”

Jiyong rubbed her head, “good work today Dara Noona, just for today I’ll call you noona…oh and don’t worry I’ll make sure you wake up in time tomorrow, 6am, right?” he winked slyly at her.

Jiyong is a devil! Dara thought in horror. She packed up her bag and the two of them left the dance studio.

“Oh right…shoot…I still need to buy clothes for you,” Jiyong remembered, shoot, I can’t keep wearing my clothes in her body! I don’t know if any place is still open, plus people will recognize us, shoot. I was not thinking ahead of time…

“hmmmm….” Dara pondered, “Oh! Just go back to the dorm and get some of my clothes, that’d be better than going to buy more.”

“But what about the other members, won’t they be suspicious if they see you with me when we get your clothes?”

“According to our schedule, the other three should be out of the dorm right now, I was the only one that was free. Plus, if they are there…then I trust you to pick out the clothes you’ll need…I mean…it’s not as if you’ve never seen a woman’s set of clothing…” Dara blushed.

Jiyong turned away hiding his slightly blushing face, “right, that’s true. Plus, it’d be more convenient to do it that way…let’s go to 2NE1’s dorm then!” he said loudly, shoot, I hope no one heard that! He thought nervously as he quickly covered his mouth.

At 2NE1’s Dorm~

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that none of the other members are at home, a couple of them have schedules or are back at the office and the others are visiting home right now since we won’t have much time once our new song is released.” Dara said.

“Okay, then let’s go in,” Jiyong said as he reached for the car door handle.

“Um…I still don’t think it is a good idea for me to enter the dorm…since I’m you…I mean, what if there are paparazzi around and they see us enter 2NE1’s dorm room this late at night?” Dara asked.

“Have any of you ever encountered a problem with that before?”

“…no…but we’ve never had men come over this late at night either…”

“I’m sure I’ll be fine, just put on a hoodie…I have a good enough figure, I think I can pass as a flat chested girl…maybe”

Dara rolled her eye, “Fine,” she said worriedly.

The two of the exited the car and entered the apartment complex building. Once they arrived to 2NE1’s dorm the two of them entered and went directly to Dara’s room. “Since I’m here, I’ll just pack…umm exactly how many days do you think I’ll have to be staying at your place?”

“I don’t know…until we switch back into our original bodies…I guess.”

Dara let out a sigh and started packing whatever she thought she would need. After about 20 minutes of packing, she looked at her handiwork and said, “I think I packed everything…let’s get going before anyone comes home.”

Jiyong nodded as he led the way back to the car. Once in the car he let out a sigh of relief, “Thank goodness we didn’t run into any of the girls; that would have been awkward really quickly…”

Dara nodded in agreement as she started up the car and drove back to Jiyong’s place. Then all of a sudden she remembered something very important… “Hey…Ji?”


“We’ll have to bath each other again…huh?”

His eyes widened when he heard her, shoot I forgot about that…aish, I guess that’s true, yay another awkward blindfolded bath… “yeah,” he said trying to sound calm.


The rest of the car ride was filled in the awkward silence that filled the air. When they arrived they just went through the same routine as before. They bathed each other while the one getting bathed was blindfolded, trying to avoid looking at themselves as much as possible. After showering and putting on fresh clothing, the two of them went to bed, only saying “goodnight” before going to sleep.

“Ji! Hey! Ji! Wake up!” Dara said as she shook Jiyong awake, I guess yesterday was a one time thing, haha. It was quite the miracle to see him awake so early in the morning…

“mmmm…5 more minutes…” Jiyong muttered as he rolled away from her.

Dara giggled, “Fine,” she said as she bent over and whispered in his ear, “but I’m leaving right now to go practice…I’ll see you at the office …oooh and as for how you’re getting to the office…I already had my car brought over here, I’ll leave the keys where you usually keep your car keys. Sleep well Ji, don’t oversleep.”

“Mhmmm, work hard Darong…” he responded, she really shouldn’t whisper in people’s ear…it might cause them to…well…yeah…

Dara straightened her back and grabbed her things before heading out the door. She unlocked the white Bentley and sat in the driver’s seat, “I really can get used to driving this car though,” she laughed. When she reached the office she went straight for the dance studio where she practiced all of the songs that she and Jiyong went over the day before. While dancing she also tried to sing along in order to memorize the lyrics faster.

After about two hours of practicing, Dara took a 15 minute break, hopefully I’m improving…I think I go the lyrics down for a couple of the songs…

*click* Dara’s eyes shot toward the door as she saw Seungri enter the dance studio.

“Whoa hyung, I’ve never seen you practicing your choreography this hard since we debuted! Especially since you recently performed…” Like I thought…hyung is being suspicious.

“Anyways, what are you doing here Seungri?” Dara asked as she saw Seungri take a seat beside her.

“Oh, just preparing for my album, practicing all of the choreography, just like you hyung.”

“I see…but why are you in this studio now?” Why is he here???

“To talk to you, of course,” he said casually.

Talk? “Talk about what?”


Shoot…what is he going to ask me??? Ji where are you??? “What about yesterday?” she asked trying to sound calm as she drank some water from her bottle.

“Hyung…I know how you feel towards Dara noona and-”

*pffffffffff* All of the water came spraying out of Dara’s mouth, wait what did he just say???

“Why are you acting so surprised hyung? You’re the one who told me,” Seungri said in confusion.

“I told you what?” Dara asked dumbfounded, Ji? About me? What?

“Hyung…like I was saying, be careful about your actions around Dara noona. I mean just because she’s special to you doesn’t mean that you can be careless.”




A/N: Hi everyone!!! Sorry for not updating in a while TToTT I've just been really really busy with school and life in general...okay plus I had writer's block. Thank you so much for reading, subscribing and commenting! <3 I hope the way i've written this isn't too confusing! Please comment, I love getting feedback! Sorry this chapter isn't all that exciting...hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Thank you <3

What is this? Dara is special to Jiyong? How will Dara react to that? Until next time! :D

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Chapter 4: Taller than you... AHAHAHAHA!
Chapter 17: This is one suuuuppper lovely story! I like the supernatural plot with the switching of bodies, them living together, bathing each other, teaching each other dance routines and creating music together. <3 Another thing, I'm pretty sure the concert was in Singapore but the last sentence says, "Evidence of the couple on a sweet late night escapade were taken after G-dragon’s solo concert in the Philippines..." hahaha

This story is just tooo sweet yet just natural and soooo like them. I can imagine Ji and Dara being like this in reality. Too bad, author-nim did not continue this story anymore or completed this. Hope you get to complete this even after 5 years has passed. Fighting!
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 17: Please update this story, authornim...
Chapter 17: "Evidence of the couple on a sweet late night escapade were taken after G-dragon’s solo concert in the Philippines..."
I thought the concert was in Singapore? :)) Anyway, is this fic on hiatus? I hope you'll update this too. I just read it today and I love it. Haha.
Chapter 17: Where is the next botton authornim?hehehe just finished reading chapter excited for the next chapter...update soon authornim...
izzahfitri #7
Chapter 17: update update update!!
Chapter 17: is this on hiatus? well i hope not.. 'coz i'm looking forward for an update^^~
wenkie0414 #9
Chapter 17: update pleasee
Badchick2ne1 #10
Chapter 17: I want to see what happens next.