Undeniable Scandal


Onew and Minho both fall for the same girl who's also a singer. With rumors of the love triangle, Minho makes it worst by going out on a date with the girl and being caught by a few public eyes. Being the leader, Onew steps up and has his band members help him create a scandal of his own. Sung So Yun was a rising model turned actress. Coincidentally, she was on a show expressing her admiration towards Shinee, which leads the boys into planning a scandal with her. When the boys finally get the chance to meet the young actress, they blackmail her into a scandal with Onew. Will Soyun actually agree and go along with them? Or will Onew have no choice but to let Minho be the one to take the fall?


"Minho...Do you really like her that much?"

Onew stared at him waiting for the answer. Minho looked down at the ground feeling guilty. Slowly, he nodded.

I knew right there and then that I needed to fix this somehow. If I didn't, all of them would be feeling at fault...all of them would be taking the hits. They're too young. I don't want to see them living that way.

It was a job for me.

I will find the solution.

Standing in front of her, his will of saving his band members began feeling weary.

Why her though...?...


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Chapter 9: OH. MY. GOSH. That is sooo... <3 He has some feelings for her but he kept telling himself no... Is Minho really interested in Soyun now? Onew, you better be nicer to Soyun before she has a bunch of guys confessing their feelings for her!
rizukawaii #2
Chapter 10: aaaaakhh this story is so cute...
please update more!
onewjjang #3
Aww, that was so sweet.
Onew is slowly beginning to like Soyun..
It's creeping on him already. I can see it.
Not long after this, I know there will be competition between Minho and Onew.
But I don't like it how Minho can loose interest in Hyesun that fast and move on to Soyun now.
Tsk Minho ah, are you like, like to steal someone else's eye candy.
Gah, I don't know what I typed, but you get what I mean right Author-shi. Hehe. :D
Thanks for the update. :D
so cute... when will onew start to like her????
onewjjang #5
Gah Minho yah!!! You already took Hyesun from Onew and now you are going to take Soyun too?<br />
Oh no you mister. You stay with Hyesun.<br />
You get to her before right. So don't intefere with Onew and Soyun.<br />
Onew you better take a stand with Soyun. Or else you are going to lose her as you have lose Hyesun to Minho.
i love it i love it i love it pls update
Ooooh!!!i wonder what's going on in onew's mind when minho said that!thanks for the update!it's great as usual!XD
RaiNah #8
oh my...so it's another love triangle?<br />
Soyun,you're a lucky girl~~
onewjjang #9
Hehe.. I like it that Soyun calling Onew as Jinki. <br />
I like this chapter. Lol. Actually, any scene with Soyun and Onew is a plus for me. Keke.<br />
Thanks for the update. :)