Dear Baekhyun

Dear Baekhyun

Dear Baekhyun,


Things have been slow since you left. The coffee shop that we opened has been getting busier since the last time you stepped foot in it. Kyungsoo's pastries are a huge hit, that's were half of the profits come from. Jongin is still the same but he's thinking about proposing to Kyungsoo. He's already planned it out, with my help. He's going to take him to the restaurant that they went on their first date. He's already pre-ordered the Kyungsoo's favorite, Chicken Alfredo and for dessert a slice of chocolate cake. Kyungsoo is going to be so surprised! After Jongin takes him to the restaurant, he's going to take him to the Han River and propose. Jongin and I have been planning this for two months and he's going to do it on Saturday. A month after you left Jongdae proposed to Minseok and got married two months after.  They adopted a beautiful little girl that looks like Minseok. Jongdae got promoted to executive director and his boss said that maybe in the future he can take over the company. Yifan proposed to Zitao two months after you left. Zitao went into medical school while Yifan opened a company in China, that became the biggest company in China. So you can say that they're well off. Luhan is still with Sehun and they are managing. The reason that I say that is because they have been on again and off again after you left. They're working on their relationship and it's getting better. Junmyeon and Yixing are having a difficult time since you left. I guess because you were so close to them, they've been taking it worse than everyone else. The first time we saw them Yixing didn't talk to anyone while Junmyeon stayed away from everyone. They've been distant now and it's scaring everyone. I've been good but life's been hell. Every time I think about that day I can't help but feel responsible. If we didn't go to that stupid party and my co-worker didn't flirt with me and tried to kiss me, you would still be here. If we didn't get into the fight in the car, you would still be here. If I saw that car and stopped faster, you would still be here. I've been thinking about that day for the past five months and it's eating me alive. Your screaming is still ringing in my head. The horns honking are still in my nightmares. Your lifeless body next to me is all I see when I close my eyes at night. I wish that your here. I always wake up and keep thinking that it was a nightmare but when I see that you aren't next to me, I remind myself that you aren't here. I miss you and I can't get over the fact that your gone. I love you and always will.

Love, Chanyeol.

After he wrote the letter, he folded it and put t in an envelope. He kissed the envelope before he got up and left the house to go to his car. The drive seemed to take forever because their wasn't anyone with him to make it interesting.

Once he got to the cemetery, he walked to Baekhyun's grave. He kneeled down and let a sad smile play on his face as a few tears left his eyes when he saw the gray stone that had his boyfriend's name on it.

"I miss you." He said in a sad tone. He looked at the roses, that were on the ground next to the grave, when he last visited. "Everyone misses you." He looked at the envelope and cried harder. "Baek, I'm sorry. I feel guilty everday." He bit his bottom lip and tried to regain composure. "I wrote a letter about how everyone is doing." He kissed the letter again and leaned it against the grave. "I love you." He got up and left his boyfriend, along with his memories.


My first oneshot.

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KimberlyKimchi #1
Chapter 1: Oh my god. I already cried when I read the first senteces....good job author-nim!!
Chapter 1: no :(( it was touching me :'(( good job, author :'((
marjorieloves #3
Chapter 1: Just why...... :( :( :( :(
Chapter 1: I cried again :'( Haixt.. always BaekYeol stories make me cry XDD
elzankent #5
petitebaekon #6
Chapter 1: i didn't cry BUT only because i managed to hold it ;___; channie don't cry /hugs/

*hehe sorry for the double post*
petitebaekon #7
omg i'm reading the comments and thinking if i should read this or not I DON'T WANNA CRY !!! FOR REAL~ WHAT'S WITH YOU AUTHORS AND KILLING BAEK~? /sobs/
Chapter 1: I'm in work experience in a Kindergarten and I decided to read this on my break.
You, my dear author, made my ALMOST cry while everyone was staring at me like I'm crazy. I didn't cry because I refused to x)

Great job though!! I loved it though it broke my heart <3
Chapter 1: ......Now tell me, Why didnt you mark this angst?.. Orz
Making me read Sad fanfics while Im still hyper.