Trapped Love

Trapped Love
You remember exactly the day you met him. Your perfect angel Kim Jongin. He was the most perfect person you had ever met, you were sure he wasn't even a person, he was a fallen angel. The days before you two connected eyes for the first time seems so dry and boring, they were empty, were they even proper days? You remember how when you first met he insisted you call him Kai, but you never did, you always called him Jongin, you just thought it was nicer than Kai. You would always smile like an idiot whenever he got fake mad at you for calling him Jongin, then you would always pinch his cheeks and tell him he was cute and he would get ever madder. You loved those moments.
-Two years before-
"Hey." You heard a voice behind you, turning around you connected eyes with, you were sure, was the most perfect human you had ever seen. 
"Uh hi." You said shyly. He must be one of the new servants you thought to yourself. You remember your dad telling you they were getting some new workers in soon, he must be one of them. 
"My name's Jongin, are you one of the other servants?" He smiled at you.
"Kai!" You heard another, louder voice, you were sure this one was female though. "Kai, where are you?" The woman appeared out of the kitchen door, she spotted you and the boy. "Kai what are you doing to the poor girl? I'm sorry dear for anything he's done to make you feel uncomfortable." 
"Oh no..." You stuttered out. You had no idea what to say to this, you were so nervous to be around this boy. He had a smile which made your heart fly up to your throat and drop back down to your feet. He was beautiful. 
"What's your name dear?" The lady, who you assumed to be the boys mother, asked you.
"____." You said quickly. 
"Why hello ____, you just call me Ms. Kim and this is my son Kai. You must be the lady of the household?" She had a smile which was exactly like her son's, extremely beautiful and perfect. She wasn't exactly the youngest person in the world and she did have a few wrinkles but she resembled her son a lot, they were obviously related. 
"He told me his name was Jongin." You said without thinking. You immediately regretted saying that as you thought it was too forward. 
"I prefer Kai, so you can just call me Kai." He smiled and you were sure your heart exploded in your chest, no-one had ever made you feel like this before.
"Is there anything I can get you, dear?" You shook your head. "Well if you ever need anything, just ask my son and he will see that it is delivered to you. It was a pleasure meeting you." They both bowed to you and walked off. Jongin turned around to you again and winked. 
"Wow." You whispered to yourself hoping no-one would hear. 
You sat in your chair in your room, turning the page of the book you were reading. You really enjoyed the book your father had given it to you a few nights before, you just couldn't put it down. You always loved reading ever since you were a small child, it was a good way to pass the time in the household. Your father would never let you leave since he was afraid you would get hurt or never come back. Ever since your mother passed away when you were 4, he was always so paranoid something would happen to you as well. You hadn't left the house in 12 years, but it felt like 50 to you. Most kids would do anything to stay inside all day and not do anything, but you, you would give your left arm to see rain and snow and sunlight again, to smell the fresh air and the sea, to just live again. You couldn't live in here, you were enclosed and trapped. That's why you loved reading, it made you feel like you were somewhere else, somewhere fighting dragons, or sailing the seas, you were living. You were suddenly pulled out of your trance by a deep voice sounding behind you.
"Do you need anything, miss?" You pulled your attention away from the book and looked up to see Jongin standing over you, you felt your heart in your chest against your ribs. 
"N-no thank you, Jongin." This was his third day here and he would always check up on you to make sure you needed anything, you didn't mind so much because you knew he was just making sure he was doing his job right, but sometimes it could be annoying. It was hard to stay mad at him though.
"Miss, I told you to call me Kai." He said with a laugh. You smiled weakly.
"Sorry, Kai." You flinched a little at saying Kai, you just didn't think Kai suited him. 
"It's okay, Miss. Are you sure there isn't anything I can get you?" 
"No. B-but if I'm going to call you Kai, you have to call me ____." 
"Okay, ____."  The door to your room opened and Ms Kim stepped in, she bowed quickly before approaching you and Jongin. 
"Your father wishes to see you, Miss. Kai, will you please her to her Mr ____'s study?"
"Yes mother, of course I can." He extended his arm to you and smiled that perfect smile. "Coming, ____?" You took his hand and stood up. His mother walked out and you and Jongin quickly followed. He escorted you all the way to you father's study, both of your arms linked. When you reached the study, he bowed to you and backed away. 
"Thank you." You whispered to him, he winked at you and backed away more. You turned your attention towards your fathers office door. 
"Who is it?" Your fathers voice sounded behind the door. 
"I-it's me, father."
"Come in darling." You slowly opened the door to his office and stepped inside. He was hunched over his desk as usual, glasses on and looking at some paperwork. He tore his attention away from his papers and looked up at you.
"Hello sweetheart." You were starting to get sick of the pet names people always called you, sometimes you wished people would just  call you by your actual name. You sat down at the chair on the other side of his desk. "How are you?" 
"I'm fine, father. Why did you call me here?" He chucked quietly.
"I came to ask you about the new servants. What do you think of them? Are they good?" You were suddenly very aware of Jongin standing on the other side of the door. 
"Yes, father. They're fine."
"Just fine?"
"N-no that wasn't what I meant, what I meant was they're good."
"Ah, good. That's all I called you hear for. Just needed to make sure that everything is okay and the new people are good. Remember, if they ever do anything that isn't correct you tell me straight away and I'll make sure they're taken care of." Taken care of? What did taken care of mean? You had only known Jongin for a few days, but you didn't want anything to happen to him already. Something about him made you feel special, he made you feel safe. "Sorry sweetheart, dad has a lot to do, but I shall see you for dinner." You stood up from the chair and walked back towards the door. "Remember darling, if they ever cause you any trouble then you tell me." You nodded to him, turned around towards the door and walked out, closing the door behind you. Jongin was still standing against the wall when you turned around. 
"Everything okay?" He asked you. You nodded slightly and started back to your room. "Hey, hey slow down ____." You kept walking until he grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him. "What's wrong?" You tried avoid eye contact with him, but he grabbed your chin and lifted your face up so your eyes met. "____, tell me what's wrong." 
"Nothing is wrong. Sorry I just...felt a little sick." You lied. In actuality you had no idea why you were trying to avoid Jongin. 
"Do you want some water or some tea? How do you feel sick? Headache? Stomach pains?"
"Stomach pains." You whispered. He placed his hand on your forehead to check you didn't have a temperature. 
"Here, you go back to your room and sit down and I'll go fetch you some tea okay?" You nodded, and walked back in the direction of your room. You were actually looking forward to having some tea, you loved tea, it was your favourite drink apart from juice. You very rarely had juice though, only on special occasions. When you reached your room you opened the door to find Ms Kim in there tidying up the room.
"Hello dear, sorry I was just cleaning up a little. Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah just fine, I just feel a little sick." She walked over to you and lifted her hand up to your forehead. You were beginning to notice similarities to how Jongin and his mother acted. 
"Oh dear, you feel a bit hot, I think you should lay down for a bit." 
"I think so too." You pulled off your cardigan, pulled the covers back and got into bed. You were starting to get stomach pains for real now, it only started out as a lie as to why you were avoiding Jongin, but you could feel them coming on. You laid your head back on the pillow and relaxed all your muscles into the soft mattress. The door to your room opened and Jongin stepped in with a tray, with a pot and a teacup on it. The soft smell off the tea hit your nose, you breathed in the scent and relaxed even more. 
"Jongin? Ah you bought some tea for ____. Well I have some other stuff to do, but I trust you will make sure she is okay?" Jongin nodded and set the tea down on the table by the door. "Good job. Feel better, Miss." Ms Kim smiled before leaving the room, whispering something to Jongin in the process. Jongin smiled at you before turning his attention to the tea, pouring it carefully, adding in milk and sugar exactly how you liked it. How did he know how I liked it? You thought to yourself. He bought the cup over to you and passed it to you carefully, you took a small sip, sighed and placed the cup on the table next to you.
"It's good, but how did you know how I liked my tea?" You asked him.
"I asked." He said matter-of-factly, like it was the most obvious answer in the world. 
"Who did you ask?" 
"One of the kitchen staff." He sat down on the bed next to you. "Is the tea good?" You nodded. "Good. I hope it makes you feel better."
"3,2,1. Ready or not here I come." Jongin said from the hallway. You were squished in-between two trench coats in the hall wardrobe, hiding from Jongin. You suppressed your giggles that threatened to come out of your mouth, knowing that if you made a single sound, he would find you in an instant. You both had gotten very close in these past six months. It was past the point where he was just your servant, he was your friend. You still got butterflies every time he smiled, or held your hand. "Found you." Jongin laughed, grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the wardrobe. 
"You're going to have to catch me first." You wrenched your hand out of his and bolted down the hallway, running into the closest room and shutting the door.
"____ open the door! I already caught you once!" He yelled from the other side of the door.
"No." You yelled back and giggled. 
"Kai!" Another voice came from behind the door which you knew was Ms Kim. 
"Yes Mum?" 
"I need your help."
"Ok mum. ____ open the door or I'm just going to leave." You opened the door and Jongin grabbed you by the waist and ticked you, you let out a cry of laughter, trying to fight him off. 
"L-let me go Jongin!" You screamed. 
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Kai?!" He let go of you and glared at you.
"I don't like Kai, I like Jongin." 
"Kai!" His mother screamed again.
"Sorry, I have to go, but we shall continue when I return."
"Okay, Jongin." He turned around to you again and stuck his tongue out, you stuck your tongue out as well, before he ran away to help his Ms Kim.
"Jongin, I- Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'll just..." You covered your eyes. Opening the door to Jongin's room, you didn't expect to find him changing. You had walked in on him putting his shirt on and had accidentally seen him shirtless. 
"____, it's fine you can open your eyes now." When you opened your eyes he was dressed again, wearing that smirk on his face he always does when he's right. "Hey it's fine okay? Don't worry about it, just next time maybe knock." 
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just-"
"It doesn't matter ____, no big deal really." He walked over to you and patted your back softly. "How are you doing today anyway?"
"I'm okay. A little hungry though." You shot a glance at him.
"Does that mean 'Kai will you please get me some food?'" 
"Okay fine, I'll be back soon with your food, your highness." He mocked bowed at you and smirked. 
"I could get you fired for that." 
"Yeah, but you won't."
"What makes you so sure I won't?" You obviously wouldn't but he didn't know that. 
"Because you like me too much."
"I don't like you, I only put up with you because you get me food."
"I only put up with you because I'm paid to." He returned your snarky comment. "Hey ____, there's something I want to ask you."
"Yeah what is it?" What could he possibly want to ask you? You always told him everything.
"I was thinking, maybe tonight we could go out? Like just for a walk or something?" 
"I just thought maybe you'd want to." He smiled his best smile, you could swear you almost melted right there and then.
"Jongin, you know I'm now allowed to leave the house, ever. Especially with a servant." Jongin's smile disappeared into a frown.
"A servant? Are you saying I'm not good enough to take you out and be your friend?"
"That's not what I meant and you know it, I'm just saying I'm not allowed to leave, even if I was, my father would never approve of going with you or anyone for that matter."
"But don't you get sick of being in here, don't you ever think about leaving and adventuring? It's a big world out there ____, you should go see it." Tears started to form in your eyes. Of course you thought about leaving, but you couldn't. You knew you couldn't and so did Jongin, why couldn't he understand that?
"Of course I do Jongin, I haven't left the house in 12 years. I want to leave and adventure and travel. I want to meet new people, make friends..." You hesitated for the next bit. "Fall in love, but I just...can't." 
"But why? Why can't you? Why can't you just leave here? I know you hate it here. No matter how much you hide it, I know you hate it. So why don't we just leave, together?" Jongin reached up his hand to your eyes and wiped your tears away, you just batted his hand away. 
"Jongin, please don't do this..." He grabbed your hand.
"Why? You need to admit to yourself you want to leave, you can't stay here forever." You looked down at your feet. You knew Jongin was right but you didn't want to admit it to yourself let alone Jongin. "Come on let's just leave, just for a bit. Just for tonight. We'll go out, I can show you around, it will be fun. Come on please?" Typical Jongin, always so stubborn, he never gave up until he got what he wanted. 
"Okay, fine. Let's go." You smiled.
"What? Really?"
"Yes, you idiot. Come on." He grabbed your hand and you both skipped out your bedroom door to the front door, but when you got to the door you hesitated, hand hovering over the handle.
"Hey, you okay?" 
"Y-yeah fine, just a little nervous." He bent down slightly and kissed your cheek. 
"It will be fine I promise. Whenever you're ready okay?" You carefully opened the door, the dull breeze hitting your face. You thought you were going to cry, but you didn't, you couldn't. You wanted to be happy right now, everything was perfect. 
"1,2,3 go!" You both said at the same time. You both shoved the popcorn into your mouth and chewed. Jongin started coughing on the popcorn violently, you couldn't help but laugh at him. He kept coughing and you patted his back in an attempt to get him to stop. 
"Hey, you ok?" You asked him.
"Fine, just fine." He said when he finished coughing. "Hey look over here." He grabbed your hand and pulled you over to another stall, this one had shelves and shelves of jewelry.
"They're so beautiful." You whispered as you carefully picked up a necklace. It was shaped like a circle and in the middle of it was what looked like a branch with a bird perched on it. On one of the branches was a small pearl. You admired it for a few minutes before putting it back carefully, eyeing the other necklaces. There were so many different types, ones that looked like bows, ones with diamonds, some made of pearls and ones simply shaped like hearts. 
"Do you want one?" Jongin chimed in. 
"What? Oh no I couldn't."
"No, really, I don't mind. Which one do you want?" 
"Um..." You looked over all the necklaces before your eyes fell back on the bird one. 
"This one?" He asked you, picking up the necklace you were eyeing. You nodded and he handed the necklace to the man behind the shelves. Jongin handed the man some money, before the man passed the box back to Jongin with the necklace in it. He took out the necklace and held it up. "Turn around." You did what he said. He put the necklace around your neck and hooked the clasp on. After he was done you turned around to face him. "It looks lovely." He smiled and you smiled back. 
"____?" You heard a voice behind you, you turned around to see your father standing behind you. "Mr Kim?"
"Mr ____?" Jongin bowed to your father. 
"____ what are you doing here?" He grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him. "I told you to never leave the house. Come on, I'm taking you home." He started to drag you back in the direction of your house. 
"But father..." You protested.
"No buts! Come on! I'll deal with you tomorrow."
"Uh Mr ____. This is my fault. I was the one who convinced her to come out. I take full responsibility." You were taken aback by what Jongin had said. Didn't he know how much trouble he could get in for this?
"Oh I know you do Mr Kim. When we get back I want to see you in my office." Your father dragged you all the way back to the house, never letting go of your arm. Jongin trailed behind you both, never making eye contact when you would look back at him. When you reached your house, your father didn't say anything, he just opened your bedroom door, threw you inside and locked it, leaving Jongin outside with him. 
"Jongin!" You screamed. You started to pound on the door of your room hoping someone would hear you. No-one ever came to answer the door for you. So you just sat in your room all night by the door, hoping someone would come and open it, you didn't even remember falling asleep that night. When you awoke the sun outside was barely risen, it was still partially dark outside, so it must have been early. "Jongin." You whispered. What happened to Jongin? "Jongin!" You screamed again like the night before. This time though, the door opened and your father stepped.
"Good morning ____. How did you sleep?" 
"Where's Jongin?" You asked him. This was the first time you had ever disobeyed your father or been so upfront with him. 
"You mean Mr Kim? Him and his mother have been taken care of. They won't bother you anymore Darling." He pulled you in for a hug, you tried to push him away but he was too strong. 
"Where are they father?" He let go of you.
"I told you, I took care of them. Now we don't ever have to talk about them again. Now I shall get one of the other servants to help you get dressed. You'll be meeting someone very important today and you need to look pretty." He smiled, but you saw through it. Jongin and Ms Kim had been more of a family to you than he ever was. You hated him now, hated him so much. 
When you entered your fathers office that night, the first thing you saw was the boy standing next to your father shaking his hand. He was tall, really tall, very handsome, you couldn't deny that. He had short dirty blonde hair, pink lips, brown eyes, perfect skin, he had the kind of face you'd expect to see on an anime character or a model. He had a very blank and bored look on his face, like he would rather be anywhere but here. If that was the case then you couldn't blame him. 
"____, meet Kris. Son of Mr Wu, one of my associates from China. Kris this is my daughter ____." You bowed politely to Kris and Mr Wu. "____, Mr Wu and I have some great news for you both. You two are going to be married." You stopped in your tracks. Your heart dropped all the way down to your feet, your head was pounding, you couldn't breathe. You needed to get away. 
"What father?" Kris asked. Kris was just as upset as you about the engagement. 
"Yes son, you and ____ are going to be married soon, isn't that great? I'm sure you two will get along just fine. In fact why don't we start now? Kris, why don't you ____ to the dining room while Mr ____ and I discuss some more business?" Kris nodded curtly and approached you silently, linking his arm around yours. You both walked into the dining room, silent the whole time. When you reached the dining room he checked to make sure no-one was there before shutting the door. 
"Listen, I don't want to do this as much as you do. It's nothing personal I just..."
"No it's fine, I understand. Believe me I do." You looked down at your feet.
"Um...this is really awkward, but just know that if neither of us can get out of this, I won't be a jerk to you, because none of this is your fault whatsoever, I'll be nice, I'll try to be a good husband, I promise." He smiled warmly. You didn't expect him to be this nice. 
"I'll promise too." You tried your best to smile but you couldn't. The only thing on your mind was Jongin, what had happened to him? 
"There's someone else isn't there?" 
"A guy? There's another guy isn't there?" Tears started forming in your eyes and you just couldn't hold them, Kris pulled you into a hug while you cried. You had known this guy for not even five minutes and already he was comforting you. "Whoever he is I'm sure he likes you back." You pulled away from Kris, wiping your eyes. "You should talk to him."
"I said you should go find him and talk to him, tell him how you feel, before both of us get into our dads stupid business deals." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Tell Jongin how you feel? Did you like him? Would he like you back? Mr Wu and your father both walked into the dining room at that exact moment. 
"How is the happy couple?" Your father asked with a smile. Kris pulled you closer to him and plastered on a fake smile, you did the same.
"Better than ever." He said. You must admit, he's a good actor. 
"____." Kris shook you awake. It had been three days since you and him had become engaged, you two had to put of the couple charade until this was all over. You knew there was no getting out of this deal, you knew and Kris knew it. Over these last few days you had been getting to know him better, and he was really nice, he was funny and smart too, but you didn't love him. You knew who you really loved, but you'd probably never see him again.
"What?" You asked groggily.
"Wake up! There's someone here to see you." You dragged yourself off the bed and over to where Kris was standing by the window.
"What time is it?" You asked while rubbing your eyes. 
"Just look out there." He pointed out the window, you looked out the window and down onto the ground where he was now pointing. Down on the ground was Jongin, standing there with his trademark smile which always made your knees weak. 
"W-what? But how?" 
"Just go out there." Kris said. You ran out of your room, down the stairs and to the front door, you wrenched it open and bolted to the backyard where Jongin was standing. When you reached him you didn't say anything you jumped on him and hugged him as hard as you could. 
"I missed you so much ____." He whispered in your ear. You two hugged for what seemed like hours before you finally pulled apart. "____, I'm sorry I..." Tears were forming in his eyes too, you had never seen him cry before. 
"Don't be sorry okay, don't be sorry for anything. Nothing is your fault. I love you Jongin." You said before he planted his lips onto yours. The way your lips moulded together was beyond description, you two just fit together like two pieces of the puzzle. You regretted never confessing your feelings before, you loved him so much, you never wanted to let him go. 
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Kai?" You both laughed before kissing again. The moment was perfect, nothing could ruin it, except...
"____!" Your father yelled. Jongin pulled away from you and put you down. "____ get inside!" He ordered.
"No!" You yelled. You would never leave Jongin ever again.
"I said get inside!" He yelled before grabbing your arm and shoving you towards the house. "And you!" He turned to Jongin. "Stay away from my daughter, and my house. If you ever come back, you and your mother will pay." 
"Jongin!" You screamed.
"I'm sorry!" He screamed back. You reached out for him, hoping he would grab you and take you away, but he didn't, he couldn't. 
Your father dragged you inside and all the way up to your room, you were struggling the whole way but he wouldn't let go no matter how much you kicked and punched. He threw you inside you room, you landed right in Kris' arms. He hugged you tightly while you cried.
"It's going to be okay ssh. It's fine." He whispered comforting things into your ear the whole night before you fell asleep in his arms. 
"____!" Kris yelled again to you. You two had been married for a year now. You never got out of your father and Mr Wu's business deal, and had ended up marrying Kris after all. He became your best friend after a while. You two didn't love each other as husband and wife, but you were best friends and you would never change that. 
"What?" You yelled back. He probably wanted more food or he got stuck in the bath again. The bath always was too small for his long legs. He walked into the living room where you were watching tv and hugged you. 
"What's for dinner tonight?" 
"Pizza?" You suggested. He nodded and smiled.
"Sounds great." You never saw Jongin again after that night and you probably never will. It was probably for the best though, because you could never be with him. No matter how much you two loved each other, you couldn't actually be together. You were married to Kris, which didn't turn out to be so bad. Some nights you would cry over Jongin, you still loved him with all your heart, and you knew you always will. Those nights Kris would just hug you until you fell asleep, he never said anything because he knew anything he would say would just make it worse. Some nights Kris cried as well for his lost love. You never found out who they were but you knew their name was Chanyeol as he would sometime whisper his sleep. You two were happy though, happier than you thought you would be. You both kept your promise after all.
(this is the necklace, i saw it and thought it was pretty :3 )
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Chapter 1: Its beautiful and sad at the same time T.T omg the ending lol BWAHAHAHAHA KRIS IS GAY XDDDD
humblebeginnings #2
Chapter 1: It's so sad for me.. but nice one
papapipame #3
I enjoyed reading it.. hehehe.. thanks for writing this awesome story LOL XDXD
Chapter 1: Interesting (:
exodrug #5
seems interesting keep updating :_