


Author's Note: This isn't fluff, and I swear you don't want to read this.











All things truly wicked came from innocence.

--Ernest Hemingway











Yifan placed his mug of coffee on his desk as he stared blankly at the calendar.


The sounds of people typing on their keyboards and chitchattings in the room bothered him slightly, but the blond male dismissed the feeling of annoyance. Yifan propped himself up on one elbow on the table, resting his chin on his palm as he glanced around. Everyone talked in various tones that all he could hear in his ears was buzzing. The office was noisy, but then again, police stations were always noisy.


Instead of feeling irritated, Yifan curved his lips into a small smile.


It was only a week until his official resignation; he might as well enjoy the environment of what has been his workplace for the last five years. Yifan had filed his resignation letter last month. His boss had offered him an opportunity to transfer to another branch, but he had declined politely.


Yifan was still young. This November, he would turn twenty-nine. His career in the police department as a homicide detective was bright. The male’s sense of justice was strong, and everyone thought it must have been something he inherited from his father, who was also a police officer. Unfortunately, his father died two years ago and his mother soon moved back to Canada. Ever since then, Yifan had been living all by himself in Seoul.


“Earth to Detective Wu!”


A cheerful voice jolted Yifan out of his reverie. He turned his head and spotted a cheeky grin on his partner’s face. Yifan had to prevent himself from rolling his eyes. “You should stop calling me that, Kyungsoo-yah.”


“You’re not allowed to protest,” Kyungsoo pouted childishly. “Besides, I only have a week left to be able to call you that.” The doe-eyed male fell silent momentarily. “’re really going back to China?”


Yifan pursed his lips. “Yeah. I haven’t really decided yet, but I think I want to go to China first before heading back to Canada.”


“Is your mother all right with that? It’s been a long time since you last met her, right?”


Even though they were partners at work, it didn’t stop Kyungsoo to be all nagging and motherly towards Yifan. It was a habit that Yifan had come to accept since Kyungsoo was assigned to be his partner four years ago.


Yifan nodded. “Yeah. She’s okay with that.”


Kyungsoo pressed his lips into a thin line. He stared at Yifan thoughtfully, trying to read the other male’s expression, but he couldn’t read anything. Yifan was famous for his cold face; his expression was grumpy most of the time, and smiling was a rare thing he did. Kyungsoo wondered if Yifan was actually happy about his resignation or not. He never really found out. They had been partners for four years, and yet he never really knew Yifan.




Yifan stared at him. “Yeah?”


“Keep in touch?” Kyungsoo offered with a kind smile. It was the least he could do, and it was the only thing he wanted Yifan to promise.


Yifan’s eyes focused on the bridge of Kyungsoo’s nose before he nodded.


“If you want me to.”


Kyungsoo snorted. Cold people will always be cold.












Kyungsoo was thinking of throwing a surprise party for Yifan when Luhan walked to his desk. He knew Yifan hated parties, but this one needed to be done. It wasn’t exactly a celebration of him resigning, more like a celebration for the loss of a good partner and all their four years’ worth of memories they had been through together.


“Hyung, can I ask you a question?” Kyungsoo asked before Luhan even got the chance to open his mouth. “Do you think we should throw Yifan-hyung a farewell party?”


“Well, you know how much Yifan hates parties,” Luhan retorted with a nonchalant shrug. “If you want, I guess?”


“I want to, but I’m not sure if Yifan-hyung would like it...but this is our last week together. He’ll be going to China, and then to Canada, and we probably will never see him again,” Kyungsoo said sadly. “But if I throw him one, you’ll definitely go, right?”


“Yeah sure, why not?”


Kyungsoo grinned at Luhan. His smile faltered upon seeing the folder Luhan was holding. “What is that in your hands?”


“Ah, I have a case for you,” Luhan handed him the folder. “Missing person.”


“Missing person? Are you sure it’s for me?” Kyungsoo blinked in confusion. “Aren’t you supposed to deliver it to Minseok-hyung?”


“Well, the missing person was found dead, so I’m talking to the right person, right?”




Yifan’s sudden voice surprised both of them. Kyungsoo glanced over his shoulder to see Yifan eyeing the folder curiously.


“I can take care of this myself,” Kyungsoo said as he clutched the folder to his chest. “Why don’t you just relax and enjoy your last week?”


“I want to have my last case with my partner,” Yifan stated firmly as he managed to snatch the folder, and Kyungsoo let out a yelp. “Consider this as our last date.”


Luhan faked a gag and rolled his eyes. “Fortunately I know Kyungsoo is dating Jongin, or else I would think that you two are a very disgusting couple.” With that, Luhan waved a hand and turned around to go back to his desk. “Oh, and keep me posted on the surprise party!”


Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and he felt like throwing Luhan something. Fortunately, Yifan didn’t seem to notice anything since his eyes were fixed on the files before him, his lips moving quickly as he read the reports. His expression changed, and Kyungsoo noticed it was the same expression Yifan wore when he became interested in a case.


“Choi Siwon,” Yifan read quietly. “Cause of death: Drowning.”


“Huh?” Kyungsoo frowned as he stood up, trying to read the same sentence Yifan read on the report. “Could it be an accident...?”


Yifan was quiet for a few more seconds before tapping the report with a finger. “His body was found floating offshore. They assumed he was drowned, but here’s the real deal: blunt force trauma to the head. It’s our case, all right.”


“Hmm. Then let’s go and see the body.”


“The body is still in the morgue. They’re calling the only family member of his to make a statement,” Luhan piped up from his desk when he saw Kyungsoo and Yifan grab their jackets. “You can call Chanyeol if you want to ask the family member a few questions.”












Yifan had always hated the morgue.


The place was filled with dead bodies, and he had no idea why someone with a bright smile like Chanyeol would want to work in such a place. But then again, the male had an obsession toward organs and observing corpses in the first place. They had been friends since high school, and Yifan had always thought Chanyeol a bit creepy.


Chanyeol was standing by the doorway when Yifan and Kyungsoo arrived. He acknowledged their presences, but unlike the usual, Chanyeol only gave them a slight nod before shifting his gaze back to whatever it was he stared at earlier. It was a bit weird because Chanyeol was always ecstatic whenever living people, other than his colleagues, came to his work because most of his guests were usually the dead ones. Curious, both Yifan and Kyungsoo leaned closer to Chanyeol to find out what had gotten him so interested.


Kyungsoo’s throat went dry.


There was a beautiful male—so beautiful that Kyungsoo thought an angel had descended to earth. The male was standing beside the dead body—Choi Siwon, apparently—with a blank expression and a hand placed on his chest. For a moment, all he did was stare at the figure. But then Kyungsoo noticed the other male’s eyes becoming teary and the next second, he burst out crying.


Kyungsoo was used to this. He was used to see people crying for the loss of their loved ones. He had seen mothers mourn for their sons. He had seen children lose their parents. It was a common view he saw as a detective. But the very view before him caused Kyungsoo so much pain, so unbearable that he himself felt like crying. The beautiful male didn’t wail, he didn’t whine, he didn’t scream. He sobbed silently into his hands, doing his best not to make a sound, but Kyungsoo could see from his shaking shoulders that he was in deep pain.


The male finally lost his strength as he dropped to his knees on the cold floor, and Kyungsoo rushed to him by instinct.


“Are you part of his family?”


The male looked up with tears still streaming down his face. He stared at Kyungsoo wordlessly. It didn’t seem like the crying male was going to say something soon, but when Kyungsoo offered his hand to help him stand, he took it and feebly gave Kyungsoo a nod.


“My name is Detective Do,” Kyungsoo said softly as they stood up. They probably had the same height. “And I’m here with my partner, Detective Wu,” he pointed at Yifan, who was standing behind them, with a thumb. “We’re here to ask you a few questions about your you mind if I ask your name?”


The male sniffled as he glanced at his brother’s lifeless body. It was clear that he was sad, and yet his eyes couldn’t hide the fact that he was also scared. His name came out as a whisper.


“I’m Choi Junmyeon...”












It was inappropriate to talk in the autopsy room, so they moved to Chanyeol’s office.


Choi Siwon was the last body Chanyeol had to autopsy for the day. After signing the report, he gave it to Yifan, who wordlessly secluded himself in the corner of the room. Junmyeon sat on the couch while Kyungsoo sat on an empty seat across Junmyeon. Yifan had been extremely silent ever since they arrived at the morgue, but it was nothing new. Chanyeol served Kyungsoo and Yifan two cups of coffee and a glass of water for Junmyeon before excusing himself to get ready to go home.


None of them touched their drinks.


“So,” Kyungsoo cleared his throat as he started talking. It’s the 12th of September, he mentally noted. “You reported your brother missing on September 10th.” Kyungsoo got a mute nod as a reply. “What made you think he was missing?”


Junmyeon hesitated. “He didn’t come home the day before...”


Kyungsoo made a few notes on a piece of paper as he nodded. “He didn’t come home on September 9th?”




“Did you notice anything unusual on the last day he was home?”


Junmyeon looked thoughtful. “I... I wasn’t sure. He went to work as usual that morning and when he didn’t come home that night, I thought he must’ve overslept at a friend’s place...he did it all the time...”


“Your brother was found offshore.”


“Y—yes, so I heard...”


“At first we thought he drowned, but then Chanyeol—the guy whom you’ve met earlier—did the autopsy and your brother...” Kyungsoo paused, wishing that there was a better way to tell him. “...he was bludgeoned to death.”


Junmyeon turned pale and he started to tear up again.


“I know this is hard for you,” Kyungsoo said as softly as he could, like Junmyeon was some kind of an angel and Kyungsoo was scared to hurt him. “But do you have any idea who might want to hurt your brother...?”


Junmyeon shut his eyes and tears fell down his cheeks when he did. “I...” he whispered. “I don’t know... My brother didn’t have a lot of friends, and we don’t talk much... I mean, he was working all the time...”


“I see.”


Junmyeon shifted slightly on his seat and visibly bit his bottom lip. “I’m sorry, we really have to do this here...? Aren’t we supposed to go to the station or something...?”


“That is if you’re a suspect. Which you’re not,” Kyungsoo added quickly when Junmyeon’s face turned even paler. “Like I said, it’s just a few questions.”


“Then...can we move someplace else?” Junmyeon’s expression dimmed as he wiped his tears away and stared at the door. “This place is terrifying...”


Kyungsoo put his pen down and turned his head to his partner. At times like these, Yifan would usually say something as a win-win solution. Kyungsoo waited for any kind of reaction from the Chinese-Canadian male, but the latter did nothing but to keep his eyes on Junmyeon. It was weird, because for the first time in their four years working together, Kyungsoo had a hunch Yifan was caught speechless. It brought a smile to his face as Kyungsoo turned his head back to Junmyeon. “You may go. Thank you very much for your time.”


Junmyeon blinked in disbelief. “R—really? That’s all?”


“Yes. We’ll contact you if we need anything else.”


Junmyeon bloomed with a relieved smile and Kyungsoo was slightly amazed at how beautiful he had become with such a simple gesture. “Thank you. I need to make arrangements of the funeral for my brother...” He was waiting in his seat for a few seconds, looking at Kyungsoo and Yifan in case they changed their minds. After seeing that it was alright for him to go, the male slowly stood up and bowed deeply to Kyungsoo. When Junmyeon was about to reach the door, Yifan spoke in a deep voice.




Junmyeon halted in surprise and peered over his shoulder. “Yes...?”


“On the night of your brother’s death...where were you?”


Junmyeon’s eyes widened slightly at the question, like Junmyeon hadn’t expected anyone to ask him that. His surprise was genuine, and it wasn’t laced with nervousness or anything. It was pure shock. Junmyeon seemed to be thinking for a moment before answering, “I was with a friend...” He waited if there was going to be another question from Yifan, but the blond male said nothing after that. After several minutes that seemed like forever, Junmyeon turned around to exit the place.


Kyungsoo gaped. “What the hell was that—“


Yifan narrowed his eyes. “He’s lying.”




“He killed his brother. He’s the killer.”


“How—how can you be so sure? Do you have any proof?”


Yifan stared. “I don’t. I’m just sure of it.”


Kyungsoo stared back at the older male before squinting his eyes into a glare. “We don’t arrest people because of hunch, Hyung. Of all people, I believe you to understand that the most.”


“This one is different.”


“He’s not. Now let’s go home. Junmyeon was right, this place is terrifying.”


“And you just found out about that? We have a friend who likes to work here, you know.”


Kyungsoo went blank. “You’re right. Chanyeol is much more terrifying.”


Yifan smirked.












Kyungsoo wished the case stopped there.


He hoped Yifan would just take everything lightly since it was his last week. The Chinese male had taken a day off after the day that he and Kyungsoo talked to Junmyeon. Kyungsoo really hoped that Yifan was actually home, packing for his stuffs and definitely not investigating something.


But when a manila folder with Choi Junmyeon written on top of it was placed on his desk the next morning, Kyungsoo sighed in defeat. Yifan was definitely not doing what Kyungsoo was hoping he would do. Beside his desk, Yifan was staring at his computer screen in a serious manner. The taller male was wearing earphones. Yifan acknowledged his partner’s presence and he only raised his eyebrows as a replacement for ‘hello’. Kyungsoo leaned on Yifan’s desk with a heavy sigh as he pulled one of the earphones deliberately and gave his detective partner a sideways glance.




“Don’t you ‘what’ me, Detective Wu. Tell me what you’ve been doing all day, yesterday. Now.


“I went to Junmyeon’s apartment.”


“Why am I not surprised...” Kyungsoo muttered under his breath. He gave Yifan a bemused look, demanding for more answers. “And did you find anything interesting?”


“Quite a few, actually. Glad you asked,” Yifan finally directed his gaze at Kyungsoo after several times of clicking on his mouse. “First of all, Junmyeon lied about his brother.”


“What did he lie about...?”


“He said he had no idea who would hurt his brother. It’s a bit impossible, considering the fact that a lot of people hated his brother. Here, read this. I stumbled upon an old article last night while searching for Choi Siwon.”


Yifan handed Kyungsoo a piece of paper. It was printed from the internet, and the date went back a few years. Kyungsoo pressed his lips together as he read the headlines and his eyes widened in realization. 24-year-old male went missing, boyfriend was accused to have killed him.


“I remember this case,” Kyungsoo said. “I had just graduated at that moment. Kim Kibum went missing and they suspected his boyfriend to be involved because all the leads went to him, but they couldn’t prove it because the body was never found...wait, so the boyfriend was Choi Siwon?”


Yifan nodded. “Apparently so. Since Kibum’s body was never found, they didn’t have any proof, and they couldn’t link him to it. Siwon was released, but it seemed like a lot of people weren’t happy with that. It seemed like Junmyeon and his late brother received undeniably huge amount of threatening letters that Siwon decided to move away, to their new apartment.”


“Then the ones that would most likely hurt Siwon...” Kyungsoo pondered. “It could be anyone from Kibum’s past. It could be Kibum’s ex-boyfriend—or girlfriend?—who happened to seek revenge. It could also be Kibum’s family—parents? Siblings?”


“Kibum only had a father and he died a year after his son went missing. I think he was depressed...but the father had never filed a lawsuit against Siwon. And Kibum was the only child.”


“I see...” Kyungsoo frowned. “But...does this have anything to do with Junmyeon?”


“That’s what I’m trying to find here,” Yifan sighed as he ruffled his hair in frustration. “What if Junmyeon found out about Kibum? What if he snapped and accidentally killed his brother?”


“That’s a good thought. Now, Yifan-hyung, what if he has nothing to do with it?”


Yifan stared coldly at Kyungsoo. “You think he has nothing to do with it.”


“His alibi checked out, remember?” Kyungsoo raised a brow to counter the older male’s statement. “He said he was with a friend the night of Siwon’s death. Unless the time of death was faked, there was no way—“ He fell silent at his own words. “Did I just say something that doesn’t make sense? Is that even possible...?”


“No,” Yifan grimaced. “It is definitely harder to estimate the time of death if one died because of drowning, but the autopsy told us everything.”


Kyungsoo shrugged. “Isn’t it enough proof? Or if you’re still unhappy, we could confirm with Junmyeon’s friend.”


“There’s no need,” Yifan grimaced and jerked his head toward the computer screen. Kyungsoo squinted his eyes and he realized Yifan was pausing a video. “I’ve asked for the CCTV in the hallway of the apartment, and on September 10th, he really went out with a friend.”


Kyungsoo pressed replay and he watched intently. The video wasn’t edited, he was sure about that. Judging from the autopsy report, Siwon’s time of death was on the same date around 7 in the evening, and the clock on the screen showed that it was 7:20 PM when Junmyeon walked out of his apartment with a friend. Their faces weren’t clear, but Kyungsoo could tell right away that it was Junmyeon in the video. They were walking together with their arms linking.




Yifan pursed his lips in thought. “Perhaps.”












Yifan spent the rest of his day watching the video.


Kyungsoo felt like smacking Yifan’s head to make him realize and admit that there was nothing wrong with the video, but then he sighed in defeat. Once Yifan got stubborn, he would hold on to his opinion forever until the end of the world. Kyungsoo absently glanced at the clock. Nothing significant really happened today and progress on their investigation was slow. Kyungsoo didn’t think there was anything else he needed, because Junmyeon wasn’t guilty, he was sure of it (no, Kyungsoo didn’t think he was being biased because Junmyeon had an alibi). The doe-eyed male planned to go home sooner to meet Jongin, when all of a sudden, Yifan straightened his back quickly in his seat as if something had struck him.


“What’s wrong?” Kyungsoo asked.


“We should go,” Yifan shortly said before he grabbed Kyungsoo’s hand, dragging him to the car.


The doe-eyed male inwardly sobbed and said goodbye to his plan to go home.


Kyungsoo stayed quiet the whole trip. Yifan was taking him downtown, that was for sure. At first, they were passing familiar streets, but as the older of the two took three turns to the streets Kyungsoo had never really been before, he was starting to feel curious.


“Where are you taking me, Hyung...?”


Yifan remained quiet the whole way until they reached an apartment building. The blond male pulled over the car within minutes and got out of the vehicle quickly. Kyungsoo looked at the apartment blankly, and somehow he had a feeling he knew one of the residents who lived there.


Kyungsoo went to the receptionist to ask for Junmyeon’s apartment number, but Yifan had already stepped into the elevator. He blinked in confusion—oh yes, that was right, Yifan-hyung went here yesterday—and hastily followed his partner up to the eighth floor. Yifan walked out of the elevator first and turned right without hesitation. Kyungsoo wondered if his partner had been spending his night here, judging from the way he knew this place too well.


“There.” Yifan pointed to a door with a number 808 carved on it.


Kyungsoo obliged and he raised his hand to knock on the door reluctantly. “Wait, what am I supposed to—Hyung?” Yifan was knocking on the other door at the end of the hallway and Kyungsoo’s eyes threatened to pop out. “What the—Hyung!!” Kyungsoo was about to hiss more when suddenly, the door swung open.


The male froze in his tracks, trying hard to make up a reason, two or even five for showing up so suddenly, but then it dissipated into a doubt when he realized that the male who opened the door wasn’t Junmyeon. Did Yifan show him the wrong apartment?


“Can I help you?” The male asked.


“Um, I’m sorry, I think I got the wrong—“


“Who is it, Jongdae-yah?”


Junmyeon appeared behind the male named Jongdae and he blinked momentarily upon seeing Kyungsoo. “Oh. You are...”


“Detective Do,” Kyungsoo quickly said with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, is this not an appropriate time...?”


Jongdae turned his head to Junmyeon questioningly, but the latter didn’t stare back at him.


“It’s all right,” Junmyeon smiled kindly. “We’re having tea anyway. Would you like some...?”


“Ah, if it’s not a bother...” Kyungsoo trailed off as he stole a glance to where Yifan was a few minutes ago before walking into Junmyeon’s apartment, but the taller male was nowhere to be found. Jongdae closed the door behind them and Kyungsoo swallowed thickly. Jongdae motioned him to sit on the couch and Kyungsoo nodded nervously. What the heck was Yifan-hyung’s intention to come here? “So, did the burial go?”


Junmyeon poured the tea to an empty cup. “Ah, it went all right... I didn’t really know who my brother’s friends it was just me and Jongdae yesterday...”


“Oh,” Kyungsoo replied awkwardly as he deliberately sat on an empty seat. “I would’ve come if you had told me. I’m sorry. It must’ve been hard for you...”


Junmyeon forced himself to smile. “Things have been real hard since our parents passed away. He was the only thing I have left...” The beautiful male took a deep breath as he placed the cup of tea in front of Kyungsoo. “Are you here to ask me something?”


Kyungsoo was caught off guard. “Sort of,” he admitted sheepishly. It was really different without Yifan’s intimidating gaze. Usually the taller male would be somewhere in the room even though all he did was observe without a single word. But Yifan was going to resign soon, and Kyungsoo was going to have to get used to it. “So...was Jongdae the one with you on the night of the...unfortunate event?”


Because murder sounded so cruel.


Junmyeon’s shoulders flinched slightly. “He was. Why?”


“Just confirming,” Kyungsoo shook his head. So Jongdae must be the other male in the video. “Is he your boyfriend...?”


“Boyf...” Junmyeon trailed off and he turned his head to stare at Jongdae, who was in the kitchen at the moment. The kitchen’s door was ajar and Jongdae had his back facing them. Junmyeon looked confused for a second, before his expression morphed into amusement. “He’s not. Jongdae’s my best friend since high school...”


“Ah, I see,” Kyungsoo nodded in understanding. It’s good that you have your best friend to go through the hard times. “One more thing... You forgot to mention Kim Kibum the other day.” Kyungsoo didn’t miss the way Junmyeon’s lips quivering at the name. “If someone really did hurt your brother, wouldn’t anyone that had anything to do with Kibum become suspects?”


Junmyeon went pale. “You dug into our past,” he whispered in disbelief.


“I’m sorry, but it’s my job as a detective.”


“What is?” Jongdae appeared by the doorway with a frown. The male sent Kyungsoo a curious yet doubtful look before settling down beside Junmyeon. Jongdae placed an arm protectively on Junmyeon’s shoulder, and Kyungsoo absently thought if Junmyeon was lying about being lovers.


“It was true that my brother got a lot of hate letters ever since Kibum-hyung went missing,” Junmyeon said bitterly. “But Uncle Kim, Kibum-hyung’s father, was really nice to me—to us... He believed that Siwon-hyung was innocent. I still feel guilty even now, whenever I thought about it. And until he passed away, he still couldn’t find his son...” Junmyeon’s eyes became teary and he looked down to his hands on his lap. “I had no idea where he went. I really, really liked Kibum-hyung... He was really kind to me and Siwon-hyung...”


Jongdae shushed Junmyeon softly.


“I’m sorry,” Kyungsoo apologized earnestly. “I’m sorry for everything. For your past. And for your current condition...”


Junmyeon wiped his tears with the back of his hand. He gave Kyungsoo a small nod and a forced smile. “Detective Do,” he said softly. “I didn’t kill my brother...”


Kyungsoo’s eyes softened. “I know.”


Right at that moment when Junmyeon opened his mouth to say something else, the front door was kicked open and Yifan showed up with his badge. Kyungsoo almost cracked his neck as he looked over his shoulder at the loud thump, with one hand automatically reaching for the gun in his jacket.


“Choi Junmyeon,” Yifan said coolly. “You’re under arrest for the murder of Choi Siwon.”












“Do you have proof???”


Kyungsoo snapped indignantly at Yifan the moment they arrived back at the station. He was so angry that he couldn’t say anything when Yifan had shuffled into the room earlier and dragged Junmyeon to the car with them. Junmyeon looked helpless and desperate. Jongdae tried to pull him back, but the latter shook his head and told him it was okay, even though his tears betrayed his steady voice.


It wasn’t even a proper arrest.


Yifan didn’t stare at Kyungsoo. “I’ll find one while we hold him here.”


“Wh—what the hell, Hyung??”


“I went to ask the neighbors while you were having a nice cup of tea and a lovely chitchat with him—“


“Excuse me??” Kyungsoo sputtered angrily. “You dragged me there, and then you went to God-knows-where, I had no ing idea that you were intending to question the neighbors—dammit, Hyung, just what the hell is on your mind??”


“He has a boyfriend.”




“What if his boyfriend dragged the body away while he and that Jongdae went out to the movie—“


“Then the boyfriend did it, and not him!!!” Kyungsoo screamed loudly as he banged his hands on the table. He let out a groan of frustration before turning away from Yifan to calm down. Kyungsoo took a deep breath before closing his eyes, opening them again only to find that he was really angry. He almost couldn’t calm down.


After a few moments, Kyungsoo exhaled deeply before braving himself to face Yifan again. “Look,” he started. “What is this sudden fact about his boyfriend?”


“The neighbors said Siwon didn’t seem to like Junmyeon’s boyfriend. They said the male came a lot when Siwon wasn’t at home.”


“It could be Jongdae.”


“They said he was tall.”


Kyungsoo facepalmed. “Did they even have proof...?”


“What if the boyfriend came when Junmyeon wasn’t at home, and Siwon was there, and it happened—“


“You saw the video, Hyung, there was no one walking in and out of Junmyeon’s ing apartment!” Kyungsoo wanted to pull his hair out in exasperation. How did his partner, his senior that he respected so much, become like this? Where was his sense of justice? It was outrageous! Yifan looked like he was about to argue again but Kyungsoo interrupted him first. “Listen to me, Hyung!!!!”


Yifan stared at Kyungsoo in disbelief.


“You’re going to resign this week,” Kyungsoo said desperately. “If you want to come up with a hideous fact about a boyfriend, go on, find the proof. But I’m discontinuing this case. He’s innocent, full stop.”


“No, I believe he did it!” Yifan said coldly. “You cannot let your personal feelings get to you, Kyungsoo-yah—“


“Me?” Kyungsoo cried in disbelief. “Me? My personal feelings? Aren’t you the one who’s making this personal, Hyung?” Yifan’s expression hardened. Before Yifan even managed to open his mouth, Kyungsoo continued. “We have no proof that he’s the killer! His alibi checked out! I’m telling you, he didn’t do it!!!”


Yifan’s eyes narrowed. “He didn’t?”


“He didn’t. ing. Do it,” Kyungsoo growled. Tired of arguing, the doe-eyed male dashed into the interrogation room where they held Junmyeon. Yifan could hear his voice floating out from the speaker. “You’re free to go, Junmyeon-sshi.”


Junmyeon lifted up his face in a mixture of relief and shock. “I—I’m allowed to go...? B—but your partner—”


“Of course,” Kyungsoo said softly. “You’ve done nothing wrong. And don’t mind my partner. You’re allowed to go.”


Junmyeon’s lips were trembling and his eyes became teary as he pulled himself to stand up. “Thank you,” he whispered gratefully to Kyungsoo. He took slow steps to walk toward the door—probably because everything that happened was too much for him—and Kyungsoo noticed Yifan standing outside the door, gritting his teeth as Junmyeon got closer and closer.


It happened in milliseconds that Kyungsoo wasn’t sure if it was real. An unreadable emotion was formed within Yifan’s black orbs, but it was too quick that it was gone by the time Kyungsoo blinked his eyes. However, the gaze was familiar. Kyungsoo found himself wondering when he had ever seen something like that, but then he cleared his throat, his mind focused on Junmyeon’s freedom. All of a sudden, Yifan called out Junmyeon’s name and Kyungsoo looked at the Chinese male in surprise.


“Hey, Choi Junmyeon?”


Junmyeon stopped and glanced over his shoulder. He looked terribly exhausted. “Yes...?”


“You’re getting a lot of money from your brother’s death, right? What are you gonna do with it?”


Kyungsoo almost snapped out in anger at Yifan’s questions, especially because the latter was talking with a mocking tone laced underneath them. However, he bit his anger back when he saw that Junmyeon didn’t even flinch, and there were no emotions in his eyes when he replied.


“You can have them if you want. I’m donating them to the orphanage...”


Junmyeon took a moment to examine Yifan. Strangely, Kyungsoo noticed a hint of forgiveness in his eyes.


“You can hate me all you want,” Junmyeon said weakly. “But I didn’t kill him...”


With that, he left the station for good.












Kyungsoo helped Yifan pack the things around his desk on the next day.


Yifan still glared at Kyungsoo for several times whenever the doe-eyed male was near, like an act of protest, but it morphed into a longing expression when Kyungsoo brought an empty box to help him pack.


Funny how their last case had lasted only three days, but it felt like forever. It was the first time where Yifan was being freaking stubborn. However, it was probably because of Yifan’s hunch that he acted that way. Kyungsoo had a hunch too about Junmyeon, but it was a good one; Junmyeon was not a bad person.


Kyungsoo decided to stop thinking about it and focused his mind on Yifan’s farewell party instead. The Chinese male had gone home after bidding goodbye to everyone and Kyungsoo had invited a few close colleagues to throw the surprise party at Yifan’s apartment.


Yifan’s genuinely shocked expression was one of the precious things Kyungsoo wanted to savor. The Chinese male looked like he was about to cry, and Luhan went into a series of coughing fit when Yifan smiled a bit, thanking everyone for holding a party for him (“Dragon does not smile, okay!” Luhan cried). Everyone had fun, including Kyungsoo. He noticed Yifan was smiling quite often that night and it was a good thing.


One by one, the guests went home.


Kyungsoo stayed behind as he picked up the empty glasses and plates. He was the one who suggested the party, so he needed to take responsibility. Kyungsoo heard Luhan’s obnoxious laugh that somehow faded when his boyfriend—Sehun, if he wasn’t mistaken—showed up by the door and told Luhan that he had too much to drink already. Kyungsoo snickered to himself as he picked another empty can of beer. He was shuffling toward the kitchen when a document on the table caught his eye.


It was the file of their last case.


Kyungsoo didn’t know how it got there, to Yifan’s apartment, and he didn’t know how he was able to spot it—because the folder was almost hidden underneath the bills and newspapers—but he did. He paused momentarily and stepped closer to make sure.


It really was the file.


The sound of the door closing didn’t snap Kyungsoo back to reality. Instead, he placed the empty cans and glasses that were in his hands onto the table and reached for the folder. Kyungsoo absently flipped the pages, musing if Yifan was obsessed with the case so much that he just had to take the file home.


Nothing seemed changed, but then Kyungsoo noticed that there was an additional paper on the last page. It was a picture of Jongdae with his full profile. Wow, Yifan-hyung must be really obsessed...? Kyungsoo tilted his head sideways to read the written sentences. There was nothing wrong, really. The male seemed to live a normal life and he never even ran a red light. It turned out that Jongdae was a few years older than him, around the same age as Yifan and Chanyeol. Kyungsoo nodded to himself in amazement. Some people were lucky enough to have baby faces. He was about to close the folder when his eyes caught something.


Exo High.


Kyungsoo frowned slightly. Jongdae had studied in Exo High School... Who else studied there? Junmyeon? Well, it made sense, they have been friends for a long time... Kyungsoo’s frown deepened. Who else did he know that also studied there?




The folder slipped out of his hands and Kyungsoo gasped to himself. He watched as the file fell onto the carpeted floor and he did nothing to take it back. Kyungsoo swallowed thickly and shook his head. They’re of the same age... No, it was just a coincidence. Besides, if Chanyeol knew Junmyeon, why didn’t he say something about it...?


Kyungsoo let out a long sigh before finally snatching the poor file. He planned to just shrug it off, he really did, if only a memory didn’t come across his mind.


Yifan was Chanyeol’s high school friend.


Kyungsoo froze.


“Need help?”


Kyungsoo gasped loudly as he spun around, the folder clutched dearly to his chest. Yifan furrowed his brows together as he stared at Kyungsoo. The taller male was a few steps away from him at a safe distance. However, when Yifan took a step, Kyungsoo took two steps backward. Yifan didn’t seem pleased.


“Hand me the file.”


Kyungsoo was terrified of Yifan’s tone, but his grip on the folder tightened. He took another two steps backward when Yifan stepped closer and the latter grimaced. Kyungsoo tried to steady his own voice before replying calmly.


“Why do you have the file...?”


“Why can’t I? The case was solved, right?”


Kyungsoo hesitated. “I’m not... I’m not gonna let you do anything bad to Junmyeon-sshi...”


Yifan stopped moving. His face was blank for a few seconds before he burst out laughing. Kyungsoo was dazzled at the sudden outburst the other male showed, because this was the first time he had ever seen Yifan laughing. He was supposed to be happy, because they were partners, and finding out new things about your partner was amazing.


But not this time.


Kyungsoo felt his fear increasing at Yifan’s laugh and his hand instinctively reached for the small gun on the table. He pointed the metal item at the taller male without warning. Yifan stopped laughing completely and his eyes were glowing with resentment.


“So now we’re suddenly enemies?”


“Don’t move,” Kyungsoo warned, but his voice was wavering. “Please, don’t—“ He almost begged because Yifan took another step closer. “Hyung, don’t—“


“Pull the trigger, Kyungsoo-yah,” Yifan coolly retorted. “Pull the trigger.”


“Hyung, I’m begging you, please stop—“ Kyungsoo was unable to finish his sentence because in a blink of an eye, Yifan was already in front of him, pressing his chest against the tip of the gun. Kyungsoo almost screamed, but it all turned into silent gasps and the next thing he knew, the gun was out of his hands and his back was pressed flat against the wall. The male shut his eyes close, preparing himself for a punch or a kick coming his way, but there was nothing.


“Now tell me,” Yifan said softly, but the coldness was still there. “Why would I hurt...Junmyeon?”


Kyungsoo didn’t miss the way Yifan mentioned Junmyeon’s name. There was something different about the beautiful male’s name that glided out of Yifan’s lips. The way Yifan said it, it was...smooth. There was an emotion. No, it was even deeper than that. Kyungsoo braved himself to flutter his eyes open and their eyes met in the straightest stare. Somehow, he knew.


“Oh God,” he whispered in fear. “You’re the boyfriend the neighbors were talking about...”


Yifan raised a brow and clicked his tongue in response. “Now now, don’t go accusing people without proof. They’re your words, remember? You’re a bright person, Kyungsoo-yah. You really are. But just for this time, you were wrong from the start.”


Kyungsoo in his breath.


“It was Junmyeon who killed Siwon.”


Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. “Wh—what...?”


“Chanyeol only faked his time of death. Jongdae, I have to admit, he was a great actor.”


Kyungsoo felt his whole world shattering. It was like all of his beliefs, everything that he stood for was breaking and he wasn’t able to glue them back to whole. Tears were starting to form in the rims of his eyes, and with a trembling hand, Kyungsoo reached for his own lips.




“Do you really want to find out? Huh. You deserve the truth anyway.”


Kyungsoo gnawed on his lower lip and a tear fell down his cheek. His thoughts flew to Jongin, and the possibilities of him of not returning to the tan male’s arms tonight.


“What would you feel, Kyungsoo-yah...” Yifan started softly as he rested a hand on Kyungsoo’s shoulder. “...when you cannot expose your relationship to the world just because your boyfriend’s brother is a possessive bastard...?” His grip on Kyungsoo’s shoulder tightened and Kyungsoo whimpered in fear. “What would you feel, when you find out that your boyfriend’s brother has been touching him, just because he felt jealous that his little brother has been kissed by someone else, someone that is not him, and he’s been torturing him for days...?”


Yifan’s tone had gotten darker and he pulled his hand away from Kyungsoo.


“He touched your boyfriend, roughly, not as a human, but as an animal, so painful that your boyfriend couldn’t stop crying. Do you have any idea, Kyungsoo-yah, to strip your boyfriend out of his clothes, just to find out that his beautiful skin has been marred, and his manhood bruised, and his —ed, dammit—but he kept on smiling, he kept on ing smiling and told you that he was okay, that he was all right...?”


Yifan paused and his eyes darkened.


“That day...on the 9th... He hadn’t called me for days prior to that. I tried to contact him, of course, but his phone was turned off, and you have no idea how much it scared me, Kyungsoo-yah. I was so damn scared, what if something had gone wrong? What if—what if he was badly hurt this time and he was unable to cry for help? I prayed, and oh god, I prayed so hard. I don’t think I’ve ever prayed so hard in my life before. And then my phone rang, and when he whispered my name weakly, I swore I snapped.”


Kyungsoo palmed his mouth.


“He was on the bathroom floor, and he was bleeding. His hands were trembling and tears couldn’t stop streaming down his face. He couldn’t even react properly when I came, and when I saw Siwon lying there, bleeding internally... He was crying,” Yifan paused. “But at the same time, I knew he was relieved.”


“He—he  got helped,” Kyungsoo stuttered weakly. “That was why...Jongdae...and Ch—Chanyeol faked the time of death...? So—so Siwon was really dead on the 9th...? And—and you—oh my God, now it’s clear—you’ve been insisting on watching the video that was only on September wonder Junmyeon had a solid alibi...because the killing didn’t take place on that date...”


Yifan slowly pulled away from Kyungsoo and the doe-eyed male weakly dropped to his knees. Everything was too much to take at the moment. He was just holding a farewell party for Yifan, how did it come to this...? Kyungsoo sobbed into his hands, helpless and unsure of what to do. Yifan was silent for a few more moments before he spoke.


“Are you going to arrest me?”


Kyungsoo looked up in tears. He took a long moment to stare at his senior and bit his lower lip in uncertainty. He should, shouldn’t he...?


“You’ve seen the amount of tears he shed, Kyungsoo-yah,” Yifan said calmly. “You wanted him to smile. You wanted him to be happy. You see, I’m the only one who can make him happy.”


“What are you saying?” Kyungsoo whispered.


“Let me go,” Yifan said seriously. “No, let all of us go, including Chanyeol and Jongdae.”


“If...if I don’t...?”


Yifan narrowed his eyes and there was a deep hatred yet seriousness within his black orbs.


“I’ll hunt Jongin down.”












Kyungsoo jolted awake and he threw his arms frantically. Fear hit him like a tsunami wave and tears streamed down his cheeks uncontrollably, and Kyungsoo felt extremely helpless and scared—


—when someone caught his hands.


“Let me go!” Kyungsoo cried. “Let me go!”


“Baby, baby, it’s me!”


Kyungsoo cracked his eyes open the second he heard Jongin’s voice and he was greeted with familiar orbs and tanned skin. Jongin wasted no time but to claim his lips, kissing Kyungsoo in attempt to calm him down. Slowly, but surely, it worked, and Kyungsoo found himself melting into the kiss.


Jongin managed to soothe him.


Kyungsoo choked for air in Jongin’s lips and his boyfriend broke away. Their lips were still close, and Jongin captured Kyungsoo’s mouth for one more kiss before caressing his hair.


“It was just a nightmare, babe,” Jongin murmured against Kyungsoo’s hair. “It was just a nightmare...”


Kyungsoo let Jongin pull him into an embrace, and he sighed as he leaned into the touch. After a while, Kyungsoo finally calmed down and both of them laid back on the bed. Jongin gingerly pulled Kyungsoo to face him.


It was just a dream, Kyungsoo absently thought. It probably was just a dream...I’ll wake up in the morning and everything will be okay... He had already felt content and warm beside Jongin when his boyfriend said softly,


“Yifan took you home, saying that you had too many drinks tonight.”


Kyungsoo’s eyes widened in horror and Jongin was confused with his reaction. Kyungsoo’s lips trembled slightly and Jongin leaned closer with a hand pressing against the other male’s cheek. “Yi—Yifan-hyung...?”


“Don’t be scared,” Jongin instantly replied, but it was clear that he was still confused. “I’m right here, babe. Just go to sleep. Nothing’s gonna harm you, okay...?”


Jongin gave him such an intense stare that it got Kyungsoo to realize, that it was the same emotion that Yifan gave Junmyeon the other day. The emotion that slipped out for merely seconds before Yifan hid it back.


The emotion that showed that Yifan was madly in love with Junmyeon.


Kyungsoo buried his face deeper in Jongin’s chest.












Junmyeon was waiting at the airport with two tickets in his hands. He kept on glancing down to his watch, sometimes looking around in anxiety, wishing that a certain blond-haired male came sooner.


All of a sudden, someone pulled him into a hug and Junmyeon felt someone claiming his lips softly. A soft whimper escaped Junmyeon’s lips and he smelled Yifan’s familiar cologne. The fair-skinned male sighed into the kiss and even when Yifan pulled away, he refused for the kiss to stop. Junmyeon looked up and Yifan smiled before kissing him once again.


“I’m so sorry...” Junmyeon sniffed sadly. “If only I didn’t find out about Kibum-hyung...”


“Hey, we’ve talked about this,” Yifan murmured against Junmyeon’s hair, his own hands wrapped protectively around the shorter male’s waist. “It’s nothing to be sorry about. It was an accident. Your brother was drowned in the same place where he drowned Kibum-hyung, right? If only we could search for his body, but the sea’s too big... Besides, it served him right for touching you...”


“He was so angry when he found out about the tickets,” Junmyeon mumbled softly against Yifan’s chest. “He wasn’t fond of the idea of me having a boyfriend...and when he found out that we were going to leave, he... Ugh, I should’ve kept them in a safer place...”


“You should’ve gone first. I told you I had a friend who could stay with you until I was done with the resignation.”


“I don’t want to be alone, Yifan... I don’t want to be with someone that is not you...”


“I know. But you know I’ll never leave you,” Yifan tilted Junmyeon’s chin with one finger to meet their lips once again. “Don’t be scared. I’m not gonna let anyone else touch you anymore. It’s over.”


The speaker above their heads announced the number of their flight, informing the passengers to be present in the waiting room immediately.


“Let’s go,” Yifan said softly as he took Junmyeon’s hand in his.






“Do you...still want to be with me...? After all the things we’ve been through...? Yifan, I’m—I’m a beast for killing my own brother. I’m a horrible beast... I just... When Siwon-hyung hurt me, and he told me that he had killed Kibum for trying to run away from him, I—“


“Hey,” Yifan sternly said as he gave Junmyeon’s hand a squeeze. “I want to be with you even after all the things we’ve been through. You snapped because you liked Kibum-hyung so much and I understand that. Please don’t ever think like that ever again. I will never leave you.”


The taller male felt something clashing between their fingers, and Yifan couldn’t describe the pride he felt when he found out that Junmyeon wore the ring he gave him.






Junmyeon instinctively shut his eyes when Yifan leaned down to kiss him again.


“If anyone tries to hurt you ever again, I will be your beast.”
































A year had passed since then.


Kyungsoo had the chance to reveal everything, but instead, he kept everything to himself. Chanyeol had filed his resignation letter the same day Yifan departed for China, and Jongdae mysteriously disappeared. Kyungsoo checked Junmyeon’s bank account and it turned out that the beautiful male was a man of his words. He really didn’t take the money and they were donated to an orphanage. Kyungsoo didn’t even try to track these people down. Somehow, he just wanted them to be safe.


A month later after that, Kyungsoo also resigned from being a detective and he chose to continue his education. Jongin had become a doctor several months after that, and they got married. Their marriage life was perfect, and slowly, Kyungsoo was able to forget his past, he was able to forget about Yifan and the others.


One day, a mail came in.


There was no return address, but the stamp indicated that it was from overseas. Kyungsoo squinted his eyes, but he was unable to find out which country it was from. Curious, he tore the end of the envelope and pulled out the content.


It was a photo of Junmyeon and Yifan.


Kyungsoo was too shocked to even react. It had been a long time that he thought he had forgotten everything. Jongin, who happened to be nearby peered over his glasses and his voice snapped Kyungsoo out of his thoughts.


“Ah, Yifan-hyung! Glad to know he’s alive!” Jongin grinned as he rested his chin on Kyungsoo’s shoulder from behind, hands wrapping around the shorter male’s waist. “Hm? Is that...his boyfriend?”


Kyungsoo caught the couple rings on their fingers on the picture. It could mean nothing, but knowing Yifan, Kyungsoo shook his head. “No, his spouse...”


“Ah, they’re married? That’s good,” Jongin smiled. “They look so happy, babe.”


Kyungsoo followed his husband’s line of sight. Jongin was right. Junmyeon was smiling so beautifully that it might make anyone’s heart beating unusually fast. His smile looked sincere. The way Junmyeon leaned closer to Yifan, and how perfect they looked together... Kyungsoo’s chest tightened. A small smile graced his lips as he reached for Jongin’s cheek, and he turned his head toward the tan male’s face so that their lips met.


“They’re happy, Jongin-ah. Just like us.”


Jongin kissed back.


“Just like us...”


It was then that Kyungsoo realized, that he had made the right decision.






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2440 streak #1
Chapter 1: reading again in 2021!!!
a well thought out play by people with power and intelligence to do so... sure, they covered up a grave sin, but just like Soo, i don't feel guilty at the fact that Yifan, Jun, Yeol and Jongdae are all free up to that day coz in the end, everything was justified... and Jun wasn't the evil one, for sure they'll have to pay for their sins in the future... but until then, let them have their freedom and happiness




Waa! what a suspense thriller!! deserves an upvote from me :)
Chapter 1: I thought the tall boyfriend was chanyeol! Hhahaha
Chapter 1: WOW!!!
Chapter 1: This is amazing! All your stories are really good!!!
Chapter 1: Oh my God this was amazing!!! The plot twist was urgh!! This was so epic!! Gotta upvote!
Chapter 1: Mind blowing story with unexpected twist..half way I thought Chanyeol would be the boyfriend but all my theories got busted at the revelation...but honestly at some point I thought what if Yifan hurt baby Soo and prayed internally for a happy ending..and the ending was totally awesome..!!!This is really a piece of art!!!! With that I smack the upvote button!!! XD
Chapter 1: Whatever expectation I thought in this are thrown away. This is one masterpiece. The plot twist is superb. And its so nice to hv lovely Jongin there
Chapter 1: I'm shocked, I mean I knew something was off and I kind of expected it but when it came, gosh it hit me like ing Thomas the tank engine!
Btw I loved the way it ed me up, it was a delightful story