

He is the one who cheer you up in your downs, the one who lend his hand to support you, he is the one who promise to love you, he is the one who make you fall in love with him and yet he is the one to broke your heart...and the first person that take leave from your life.. Leaving you alone..




the crappy poster is made me..


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kyunez #1
Chapter 7: So sad :( but I enjoyed it though. Keep up the good work!
Chapter 7: its unfair actually..
if really u want to make the person happy, then asked them what will make them happy and try to fulfill it..
anyhow, this is good story though it still has a lot to improve, but still of course I like it..
thanks for sharing this story and sorry I cannot support your new story..
I dont know Exo and I only read SuJu's story (and Kyuhyun my ultimate!!) XD
have fun while writing..
just enjoy the story and eventually your readers will enjoy it too~~
lulu88 #3
Chapter 7: Killing yourself to make the one you love happier is crazy thing :(
I mean how can the one you love be happy with out you in his life T_T
But did his uncle saw this note so he hate her and blame her for Kyu's death ???
I hope something like this never happen in real life .
lulu88 #4
Chapter 6: OMG did he kill him self , I can't believe it and what did his friend did , is it that he take his all money so Kyu killed himself , but it can't be :(
Please update soon , I have a lot of questions .
Chapter 6: so, this is the end I guess..
Its still nice..
at least we know what happen after Kyuhyun died...
but its quite sad that we didn't read about her part, as no one could reach her to broke the news about Kyuhyun's death to her..
Chapter 5: aww.. she so shy...
but giuess Kyuhyun was right, he did have special spot in her heart, because now she confessing..
update soon, my dear~
Chapter 6: I hope he com back to life
Chapter 4: consecrate in your exams ,waiting for your update ....fighting
Chapter 3: ha.. this girl is so daring..
what if Kyuhyun just thought she was a friend? ><
anyhow, I like it.
just keep calm, take your time and soon the ideas will flow..
don't push yourself because you might end up not liking your own story..
I'm always here if you want an advise.. and thanks for taking my suggestion... ;)
Chapter 3: in this chapter i feel like it's my real character I can see my name yayyyyyy updat soon fighting