
The Reaper


"Hyung, how long do I have?"



"Don't say that".



"But you heard the doctor..."



"I don't give a what he says! You're going to live dammit!"



"'re only fooling yourself."

Yongguk turned away, unable to meet the younger's gaze.


"You only say such things because you will have nobody else when I go".


Slamming the door, Yongguk left the hospital.


"Hyung...I feel weak.."



"Hush Junhonggie. I told you to never speak like that in front of me".



"But I really do....", the younger started coughing.


"I'll go get you a glass of orange juice."


Yongguk stood up and began walking through the dimly lit hospital. He found the cafeteria and began rummaging through the contents in the refrigerator.

He felt stale cool air brush past his back. Yongguk turned around, startled.

"Who's there?"


"Show yourself!"


An eeire silence greeted Yongguk. He knew for sure that there were no visitors at the hospital at this time, but he couldn't shake off that feeling that there was someone...or something here.

Yongguk shook his head and closed the fridge, juice box in hand.


He started walking back to Junhong's room, his heavy footsteps echoing down the translucent blue lit hallway.

When Yongguk arrived at the room, he froze.


A dark shadow loomed over Junghong's sleeping figure, its hand outstreteched.



What the...



"Hey! Get the hell away from him!" Yongguk roared, running into the room and pushing the figure back.


"Can't you see he's sick? Get out of here this instant!"


The figure turned to Yongguk.

He brushed his spotless black sweater and spoke in a casual voice.



"I'm afraid I can't".


"And why the hell not?"


"I'm here to do my job."



"I'm sure you are, but I don't give a crap whether you're here to do your job or not, but can you just please get out?"



"I can't".


Yongguk fumed. Was this er really trying to get on his nerves?



"I can't leave until I have his soul".



"His what?"



"Soul. I'm here to collect it. That is my job, or rather, it was until you came charging in with that oaf like manner of yours."



"What are you, nuts? Get out!"



"I can't. I have my orders."



"Get out or I'm calling the police!"



"Then I shall reap them too if you are being so difficult"



"Reap? As in the Grim Reaper? Do you think I'm stupid? That kind of stuff isn't real!"



The "grim reaper" went over to a pot of flowers on the window sill and ghosted his hand over the petals.




He took one of the flowers in his hand, and it immediately wilted in his touch, turning into an ugly brown color.



Yongguk's eyes widened. He stumbled back, and waved his hand in front of him.



"W-what are you?"


The stranger straightened his sweater and brushed off his jeans.



"Death" he said simply.

"Though I would prefer it if you would call me Himchan."



Yongguk shook his head, unable to compensate.

"Death?" He eyed "Himchan" and shook his head again.

"You sure don't like like death".



Himchan shrugged.

"I get that alot"



"But isn't Death supposed to be...I don't know....old?"





"Then why do you look so........young?"




"I just choose to look this way. I exist for eternity, might as well exist looking attractive".



"How old are you really?"



"I won't say".

Himchan brushed past Yongguk.


"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to reap him," the reaper said, eyeing the sleeping Junhong.



"No!" Yongguk yelled, blocking the black clad reaper.



"I can't let you have him!"



"Stop being stubborn and let me through".



"No, I won't. You can't take him".



Himchan sighed.

"It's his time. He has to go. I can't let him live. It wouldn't be fair".



Yongguk shook his head, refusing to accept it.

"He's only sixteen. Please...just please let him live."



Himchan sighed.

"I can't".



"Then take me instead".



"You really are stubborn aren't you".



"Godammit why can't you just let this one slide?! Haven't you even had someone worth risking your life for?"



Himchan narrowed his eyes.




"Please...if you really need a soul, then take mine. Just let the boy live. If he dies then I....." Yongguk gulped.

".....he's all that I have....without him I'm....alone".



Himchan didn't say anything for a moment.

"Fine", he said after a while.

"I will let him live".



Yongguk gaped.






" I will let him live. You will spend twenty four hours doing my job before I let the boy live in turn. If you manage to do so, then I will snap my fingers and he will be all better".


Yongguk snorted. What could be so bad about reaping?


"But", Himchan said," if you fail to accomplish this task, then I will reap him, along with you, and be on my merry way".



"Deal," Yongguk said hastefully, extending his hand," I'll do it".



Himchan stared at him blankly and took Yongguk's hand with his cold one.


"Fine. You will".



A young man appeared at Himchan's side.



"Youngjae, how nice to see you".



"You called?"



"I have given my job to this man for the next twenty hours. Make sure he does it right. I will be somewhere at a cafe if you need me."

Himchan turned.

"But please, don't need me" he said before disappearing.



The young man nodded and turned to Yongguk with a blank expression.

"You won't last for more than five hours on this job".



"Maybe I will".



"Whatever. Let's go".



The two sat on a bench at a random park and eyed the people. It was around midday and children were laughing.


"Why can't anyone see us?"


"Because we are not living, nor dead. No one can see us, unless they are dead or are seconds away from dying".


"Then how come I could see you and Himchan last night?"


Youngjae ignored him and stared at what seemed like space.


"What is it?"

Youngjae nodded towards something.


"Your first reap".



Yongguk followed Youngjae's gaze to an obese man carrying a hamburger and french fries.
He came and sat down right next to Yongguk.





The obese man was only halfway into chewing his greasy sandwich before he started convulsing violently, his eyes rolling to the back  of his head as if he were choking.

Yongguk stood up.


Youngjae pulled him down.


"Remember, you're not living. You can't do anything about it. The only thing now is to reap him and put him out of his misery".


"And how the hell do I do that?"



"Just touch him".



Yongguk reached out precariously and poked the fat man's arm, bringing an end to the man's wild convulsing.


"He's dead" Youngjae said, staring at the now still body lying on the ground.


"I'm what?"

The two turned around and saw the fat man standing there with a confused look on his face.



"You died," Youngjae said simply," you had a heart attack".


The fat man furrowed his brow.

"Oh. That ".


"C'mon, I'll take you to where you need to go". Youngjae took the fat man's hand and started walking away.


"Hey! What do I do now?"



"You sit there and wait for me. Don't touch anything". Youngjae hissed.




"Why are we at a bank?"



"Hush. Just watch".



A man came in with a gun and started waving it around.


People started screaming and running around frantically.



"Get on the ground or I'll shoot!"



A loud bang rang throughout the bank and the man fell to the ground at Yongguk's feet, blood pooling around his side.



A police officer started running over to the withering body.



Youngjae nodded at Yongguk.


"Do it. Put him out of his misery".



Yongguk reached down and touched the man's neck, immediately silencing him.


"What happened?" The two turned around to meet the man.


"You're dead. A police officer shot you".


In front of the three, the police checked the dead body for a pulse then pulled out his walkie talkie.

"There seems to be no pulse," the officer said into it.



"I guess that was kind of a bad idea," the dead man said.



Youngjae took the man's arm.

"Let's go".



"Daddy, will I like heaven?"


"Yes sweetheart, you will like heaven very much".



"Will Mommy be there?"



"Yes Sweetheart, Mommy will be there".



"Then are you going to be there too Daddy?"


The father took a moment to take a shaky breath.



"No, I'm afraid Daddy can't be there".



"But then who will play with Daddy?"



"I guess Daddy will have to play by himself".



A doctor came in to the room.


"Excuse me? Visiting hours are over. You need to go home Mr. Kang".



Yongguk watched as the father kissed the girl's forehead and say goodnight to her before leaving hastefully. Yongguk followed the father and saw him sitting on a chair, covering his face with his hands.



"Hey. It's time".


Yongguk turned around and saw Youngjae standing at the doorway to the little girl's room.



Yongguk slowly nodded and went into the room.



The little girl was already fast asleep, the cap on her hairless head slipping off when she shifted.



Yongguk's hand hovered over her sleeping figure.



"Do it".



Yongguk's hand trembled. He couldn't.


"No," he said, turning to Youngjae," I won't."


"You have to, it's time for her to go".



"No. I won't let her."





"Dammit! What did she do to deserve this? What did her father do to deserve this? She lives and that's final!"



Youngjae rolled his eyes.


"Fine, but now our original is messed up thanks to you".


He snapped his fingers and they were now standing on a sidewalk.



"What are we-"






A car screeched and collided into another car.


"What the-"



People started gathering around the collision.



"C'mon" Yongjae grabbed Yongguk's wrist and started walking to one of the cars.


He opened the door and pointed to the driver, who was badly injured. She was wearing a nurse's uniform, her nametag reading "Jieun".


"See what you have done? This is what you get for letting that girl live".



"But....I don't understand"



"This nurse was supposed to be one of the helpers in trying to revive the girl"



"I still don't-"



"But since you let the girl live, there is no point in trying to revive her, so the nurse got to leave early you idiot. "

Youngjae waved his hand in annoyance.

"Just hurry up and reap her".



Yongguk touched her bloody arm.

He wanted to barf.




"If you don't do it, the timeline will get even more messed up. You need to reap that girl. It was her time then, it's her time now".


Yongguk looked at the bright and happy girl sitting upright on her bed, her father talking with the doctor.



"I just don't understand how it happened! It's as if she just magically got better! A true miracle!" the doctor shook his head with a smile.



"If she keeps it up, she should be ready to go home in about two days".



The father started crying and kept hugging his daughter, while all the daughter could do was laugh.




Yongguk had to look away.


"You have an hour left. You have to do it if you want your brother to live".


"So what if I won't?"



Youngjae clenched his teeth.

"I told you, the timeline will be thrown off and chaos will happen. If you don't let her go, you will fail and your soul will be taken."


Yongguk took a deep breath and walked over to the girl, who was playing with her dolls.


He reached for her, but stopped.

The girl looked directly at him, her eyes widened in fear.


She screamed and fell back onto her bed.



Yongguk pulled away and ran out of the room.



Youngjae followed.



"What the hell was that? Go back in there and reap her! She has seen us! She has to go now!"




"I...I can't....I can't do it. Tell some one else to do it! I quit!"



Youngjae stared.

"Very well then," he said casually.



"Bang Yongguk, you have failed to accomplish your task."


Yongguk widened his eyes.


"W-wait! I-"


"We will now go".


Yongguk blinked, and they were back at Junhong's hospital room, Junhong still sleeping.


Himchan was standing there with his arms crossed.


"Well well well. What have we here?" he asked with an amused tone.



Yongguk looked away.


"You can go now Youngjae, there is no use for you here". Youngjae nodded and disappeared.



"You knew I couldn't do it all along".



"Very true."


"And now you will take me and Junhong"


"You're not objecting?"










"I understand why you need to. Without the cycle of death, there would be chaos".



Himchan smiled.

"But where there is death, birth shall replace it".



Yongguk didn't say anything.

Himchan walked over to him.



"Just hurry up and take me already".


Himchan ignored him and went over to Junhong, touching the boy's face.


"Hyung? How come I can see myself?"


Yongguk looked over and saw his little brother standing there, still in the hospital's nightgown.



"What is that?"


The boy started backing up, his eyes wide with fear.

Yongguk stood up and went over to his little brother.

'What is what? Tell me!"



Junhong pointed with a shaky finger at Himchan.


Himchan chuckled.

"It seems as if this boy is for sure going to heaven".



"What the hell do you mean?"


Yongguk went up to Himchan.



"Are you trying to say something?"


Himchan said nothing but nodded behind Yongguk.

He turned around to face his reflection bouncing off of the glass window, but behind him was a tall dark hooded thing, its face as pale as chalk and its eyes hollowed out into nothing but big black gaping holes.


Yongguk turned back and saw Himchan smirking at him.



"Ah, so you finally see me in my true form".



"I don't understand!"



Himchan chuckeld.

"Only the purest of humans can see me in my true form. Why do you think that little girl was so frightened of your presence? "


"Wait, what about me?"



"What about you?"

Himchan asked as he went over to the quivering boy, ready to take him.


"How come I don't see you as a terrifying beast? Does that mean I'm damned to hell or something?"


Himchan shrugged.

"I don't know, and I really don't care."



The hospital door opened and a boy came in.


"Jongup, take Junghong for me would you?"  Himchan pointed at

The boy nodded and took Junhong by the hand and guided him out.



"Hey! Wait! Where are they going? What about me?"

"Aren't you going to reap me?"




Himchan pursed his lips before saying," no".


"Well why not? Didn't you say yourself that without death, the timeline would get thrown off or something?"



"You understand so little for someone who knows so much".


"I was never going to reap you in the first place. That would throw off the timeline. Even if you had completed the task I gave you, I would have reaped that little brother of yours anyways. I just wanted you to understand what I do".




" come I could see you last night? Youngjae said that only people who are dead or close to being dead can see you and your little helpers."



Himchan went over to Yongguk and draped his arms around Yongguk's neck, smirking and placed his lips lightly on Yongguk's. They were surprisingly warm.



"If only I were living," Himchan murmured, his breath hitting Yongguk's lips.


"Please take me," Yongguk whispered," I don't want to be alone in this world".









"Good bye".


Yongguk blinked, and Himchan was gone.


He turned and saw Junghong's lifeless body, still laying on the hospital bed, though it looked as if he were merely sleeping.

Falling to the ground, he felt the first droplet of tears run down his cheeks.


For the first time in his life, Yongguk was alone.





I know some question were left unanswered. Buuutt....


I am currently deciding whether I should write a short (ty banghim xD) sequel to this to clear everything up or not.



Sorry if this story is s long/weird/noobish/depressing


I listend to Hymn For The Missing by RED while writing this sooo.


Anyways, I hope it was worth your time. Please leave a comment below and tell me how you (did not xD) like it! kayy byee







-throws out more live beating hearts-


















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Chapter 1: i.need.a.sequel. right now!
i loved it anyways thanks author-nim ^-^
Chapter 2: Thank you author-shi
I loved this story!!!!!
please do a sequel (^_^)
Chapter 1: That was too great !!!
Will you do a sequel ?!
Chapter 1: OMG please do a SEQUAL to this author-nim! Pleaseeeeee!
-sleepless #7
Chapter 1: Oh god I was hoping it wouldnt be based off THAT Supernatural ep cause its just so sad. But nonetheless this was such a good fic and reall well written! Poor Junhongie...
Chapter 1: I really liked this one! I've never read anything like it on here before, made me think of the Book Thief XD And no you can't be serious, you like RED? Where have you been all my life omfg.
Yosato #9
That was a weird one. A good weird one. Wouldnt mind a squell if you have something in mind.
Nevertheless, poor junhong