She's Alive Oppa

She's Alive Oppa
"Oppa, I'm home!", HyunAh called out. "It's really fun to be a college student...", as she continue like there's somebody listening to her but when she's walking into the kitchen, she noticed there's a girl in their living room. Sitting on a chair facing the view of the city of the apartment while reading a physics book upside down. She walked into her direction as she thought, "Who the heck is his boyfriend in this house? My brother? Mir? No. Thunder? tsk tsk. G.O?... *gasps* Don't tell me, it's Lee Joon!?"
"Excuse me, may I know who are you and what are...", the girl interrupted HyunAh's.
"You don't remember me?", as she put down the book, but before she stand up to turn around to face her... 
"WHOA ~!" HyunAh jumped out of her dream!
"Are you awake already?", his big brother, SeungHo, asking so drowsy in his sleepiness while hugging her little sister.
"Ani~. You sleep little more, oppa", pats his shoulder and also went to bed again, trying to sleep.
After a couple of minutes, "I guess I can't go to my dreamland.” So she opened her laptop and went to her Facebook account. As the pages goes down, she was shocked with the article she found.
'Mblaq's Lee Joon is in relationship ?'
Now, joining the list of idol couples, a new rumor, Mblaq's Lee Joon is dating a non-idol named, Ryianne .
The girl recently tweeted,
"Are you watching? You're no longer a midget! Even though you're no longer a nobody, I will always be by your side and as I'm not going to change, I will demand an explanation, if you, playboy as usual , go to one of those clubs or parties and I will be jealous if you hang out with another friend. However, we will always be together until the end of our lives because I’m now here after a year of my absence. I love you."
While there seems to be no obvious connection to Jun but surprisingly, netizens have discovered pictures to support the possibility that they may be involved in a relationship, such as one picture of them wearing the same T-shirt and brand name wristwatch. Also, in the boy groups' album 'Only One,' he included the name 'Ryianne' in his list of people whom he wishes to thank. Of course this is all speculation and the connections between the two could be merely coincidence. Also the singer's tweets and Ryianne's is said to have relation with each other.
However, it appears the netizens are doing their research and won't stop until they figure out what's going on! Make sure to stay tuned for any updates on this latest dating rumor.
"WHAT THE-!? Just a year without me , he's already dating someone!?!?", she exclaimed. HyunAh, in curiosity what's going on, she searched the girl's profile on web, and found her tweeter account, "What's with these!? Joon!! I'm really disappointed, you're going out with a ? Her profile picture says it all!". With her uncontentment, she wanted to find the tweets if it's really related and if the dates are correct, but her laptop suddenly turned off! 
"THIS IS REALLY WHAT THE- !!!", as she screamed on top of her lungs silently.  But she noticed her brother's movement like he's going to wake up. Time check. "It's already 3:41 am. Time to pretend to sleep!", she fixed her laptop and went to bed and hugged her big brother. "I really missed you HyunAh.", SeungHo suddenly spoke and hugged her back. "I miss you too oppa.", and kissed him at his cheeks.
It's already morning but HyunAh is still snoring when a man's voice started screaming everywhere! 
"Joonn! Tell me what's going on. I trust you. But what's with the rumor!?", the manager of the boy group went to their apartment for some confirmation of the issue.
HyunAh walked out of the room and was in shocked! First time seeing her brother and other kids head down, being scolded.
"Morning Uncle Manager.", she greeted.
"Wait! Your nickname was Ryianne when your in America, right? Is 'that' you?", Mir asked her.
"Hey! Even her name is Ryianne, I really won't let Joon date my sister!!", SeungHo replied on defense.
"OPPA!!", she whined, stompping her feet
"But it's true that I thanked her and I named her Ryianne in 'Only One' album. But I really don't know her, I mean the tweeter girl! Really!", Joon spit the truth. 
"Really? So you love me now?", HyunAh clung into Joon's arms, smiling widely.
"Hey! Stop it!,", the manager demanded. "Oh! Here's the book you asked.", as he dug down into his bag and handed it to Joon. As soon as the other four saw the book, their eyes gone crazy! Jun is really a stupid person! Thunder immediately unclung HyunAh's arms and dragged her into his room before she sees it. 
“Why did you…?”, 
Thunder answered her in no time saying, “ Magazine. No questions!” 
Everyone outside is in chaotic state. 
Uncle manager was puzzled,“Whatever!” then he reminded everyone, "Boys, I'll call you later when Mr.CEO called you regarding the issue. Settle all your words! I'll go now!", then left the scene.
"You don't remember, don't you!?", G.O. asked in shouting manner while SeungHo was so worried is his sister saw the book.
"Remember what?", in his dumfounded expression. "Ah! Yes. I'm really handsome that time and of course, still now!", Joonn in his narcissism image.
Together with HyunAh, the five boys went to the company building and told what was their side. So the agency released a statement, 
"The 'Ryianne' Lee Joon was talking about in their recent album was Yang SeungHo's little sister. But Lee Joon doesn't know the Ryianne who tweets related with his. So in summary, Lee Joon doesn't date anyone."
"Oppa! Is Joon okay? Will the issue stop now?", HyunAh sitting on the bench of the hallway, grabbed his shirt, asked with the word worried all over in her face.
"I hope. You go to your tweeter and keep me updated if that Ryianne will still tweet. And... don't worry too much.", he smiled in assurance and she replied also her sweet and innocent smile.
“Hey Joon! I guess this fan is really into you. Why don’t you date her? She’s cute… *tilts head* but not that pretty.”, Mir joked over the issue. 
“That wasn’t funny, dude! I only like HyunAh but Kyu is just stubborn brother to her little sister.”, Joon replied with his true feelings.
“Who’s stubborn here? Why don’t you care to fix your mess and not dragging my sister’s name in this issue?”, SeungHo in the conversation of the two, being mad.
“I’m sorry. But how?”, Joon asked.
“SeungHo, relax. Our fans are also trying their best to help us. The truth will come out.”, Mir as he calmed his friend down.
"Thunder! Did you already saw her tweet? She's really obsess with my Joon!” 
"Yeah, Kinda. But... you have your performance today, right?", Thunder asked.
"Oh! NO!! Okay. I need to go!! Please inform the others, especially my brother! Thank you!", and left Thunder alone sitting on the bench.
The rumored girlfriend of Lee Joon already is dead.
The rumored girlfriend of Mblaq's Lee Jun was reported to be dead the day before she posted those tweets and that was last month. Her dead body begun missing after her body was found on the seashore. This is creepy. Then who is using her tweeter account? Is her tweeter was hacked by an obsessed fan or a troublemaker? 
But the story continues. One of the computer shops near Busan area claimed that this girl is their regular customer. The owner said that she isn't suspicious because she looks innocent.
The tweeter girl tweeted again,
"I can feel your love but I don't like cowards." right after the J.Tune Agency commented on the spreading rumors.
Can you still conclude what's the truth behind this dating especially the girl's identity?
So stay tuned for more updates!
 “This is insane, right!?”, SeungHo was so puzzled, shocked, cannot think of anything when he read the article. “I still can accept if HyunAh is the one who’s doing this non sense stuffs. But what? A dead girl? Are you kidding me? I don’t believe it!”
“I know, right? Is this some kind of joke!?”, Thunder agreed. “Hey! Wait! 1New Tweet. Check it out!”.
“We have play today. But I want you to see my performance. And I’m going to return your physics book. Can you see me today? Don’t forget that I love you more than you do!”
SeungHo in deep thought suddenly begun to speak, “She’s really Ryianne, dude! Let’s go to school!”
And then they found the dead body named Ryianne and HyunAh was having their conversation already! Lee Joon went to crying HyunA’s side but the other three just watched them from afar, trying not to distract.
“HyunA, why are you crying?”, Joon asked as he patted her back and wiped her tears.
“Joon. I’m HyunJa, HyunAh’s twin sister. Remember me? And here’s your physics book. I just borrowed this girl’s body to talk to you and made ruckus for my lovely sister who stole my position in the play and you from me!”, Jun was so confused and shock at the same time. This is really happening in front of his eyes.  
"But it's Ryianne, right ?" , Joon asked consfusingly
"Yeah, uri omma calls me Ryianne but appa don't want to name me that because his favorite is ... HyunAh unnie!! Why is it ALWAYS UNNIE COMES FIRST BEFORE ME !?", HyunJa cried out loud ,“BUT You REALLY don’t remember ME, OPPA!?", HyunJa shouted in frustration trying to explain,
"When we’re still in high school, you always praise her instead of me! Let her borrow first books but why not me!? WHY!?  And because of this book…”, as she threw it to the ground, “caused HyunJa dead on the spot!”, she begun crying.
HyunAh continued explaining, sobbing, rubbing her eyes, “On our way home, my sister was trying to catch me so she can have the book and so she can return it you instead of me but a car bumped her. I AM THE ONE WHO CAUSED HER TO DIE!”, and cried all over again in sorrow and regret. “I really didn’t know that it will happen… I’m REALLY SORRY HyunJA!”, HyunAh tried to hug her but she stepped back so Jun hugged HyunAh instead. He felt sorry for the two that made him into tears also.
“I’m sorry HyunJa. I know it’s too late. But I want you to know that there’s no misunderstanding even when we’re young, I like HyunAh and still. Because the HyunJa you used to was so attention-seeker, became arrogant when you passed the audition for the J.Tune Artist Center (training center for future artists) and HyunAh is opposite. Yes, I’m so proud that the two of you passed the audition and can make yourselves into idols in no time like us, but at the same time, I’m so disappointed. But HyunJa, please stop this harassing thing. What do you want from us? You miss your family? Your twin and brother is here.", Lee Joon explained his ffelings to HyunJa as SeungHo suddenly went into the scene and hugged HyunJa from her back. Joon told HyunAh to do the same, and the three siblings became complete once again. But the body suddenly became unconscious. 
“She went to heaven, right?”, HyunaH asked while staring at the sky, G.O. helped SeungHo to carry the dead body, Thunder called hospital and police, and Joon faced her and wiped her tears that still left. “She went peacefully there.”, smiling with each other, Joon gave a smack to her lips. She was surprised that made her run into Mir whose doing nothing, but Joon grabbed her wrist and made her arms clung into her. “You like me, right? But why did you run?”, walking towards the van.
Suddenly, the dead body begun to move again! Is HyunJa still here?
“Lee Joon oppa!! Please sign my hand. I’m your number one fan! I love how you dance, sing, stare at the camera and made me die several times!!”
“You’re really famous, eh?”, HyunAh commented.
“But I don’t like this kind of stuffs! RUUUUUUN ~!!!”
And the six of them, G.O., Mir, Thunder, SeungHo, HyunA, and Joon run for their lives hand in hand.
“Lee Joon! I swear! How can I entrust my little sister to you if your fans are like this!?”, SeungHo shouted and everybody laughed while running crazy!!!
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Ryianne #1
Chapter 1: Hyuna is alive. Mianheyo if it's confusing for you. But try reading it again :)
Chapter 1: i'm confused!One moment hyunJA is talking then the next hyunAH is crying,then you make joon apologize to hyunJA and say he loves hyunAH and so on.So which one's alive hyunAH or hyunJA?
ignore that I admit it's good~!