Settling In

The New Kids

Edit: I added pictures of each of their animals for a better visual. These are also based solely on my opinion, this is the animal that popped into my head when I thought of the characters, the felines are actually very rare in actuality so they took a while, i tried to choose based on which one represented them better.

 There was a short pause, the only sound that could be heard was the song of the birds in the trees above.

Both groups stared at each other, neither one knowing what to say, until Luhan's ears perked up on alert as his eyes darted around the space.

 He turned to the closest of his friends, which happened to be Xiumin, and looked at him with worry in his sparkly eyes.

"It isn't safe here." He said lowly, "we have to go, they're close by." He continued.

  All six of the catboys looked at each other, some with worry and others with fear. The group of five saw their exchanged glances, but instead of asking questions, they decided to help.

"Well there really isn't any time to introduce ourselves or prove that we're trustworthy but we want to help you."  one of the five said.

"Please come with us, we won't hurt you." another said, "we promise." 

The six feline boys shared skeptical glances, none of them knew what to do until one spoke up,

"Its ok guys, we can trust them." 

All of them turned to the owner of the voice, surprised, then he spoke again.

"I can see it in their eyes that they mean no harm." Kyungsoo stated, all the while never breaking eye contact with a member of the other group.

Xiumin, Luhan, Lay, Baekhyun, and Tao looked at one another, then at Kyungsoo, and then back while nodding slightly. They trusted him because they knew Kyungsoo was the absolute best judge of character. 

They looked at the other group and nodded their agreement, then began retracting their ears and tails, a skill that they managed to master during their constant training.

The others looked on, amazed and curious of these strangers that they just met and their capability of performing a skill that no one they knew had managed to perfect.

"Umm, well ok then follow us." the five turned and started walking back the way they came with the other six in tow.

It was a pretty slow walk until Lay suggested they walk faster because it was urgent and they need to get as far away as possible.

 Then they were practically running out of the woods, the felines spraying themselves with cologne brought by the other group to mask their scent, at least until they made it far enough into the city where their scents could blend with all the others.

 They had also learned in their training how to control their scent, meaning they could repress it and make it weaker so it would be harder to sniff out and they wouldn't be found.

As they approached the end of the path leading to the city they paused for a few minutes to catch their breathes and continued walking until they could see the sun clearly and hear the cars zooming throughout the streets of the city.

"We're almost home" a member from the city group called over his shoulder.

 They continued their walk in silence for a couple minutes until the city group stopped in front of a gated house, well actually the proper term would be a gated mansion because it was enormous.

This mansion could probably rival a castle with its size and intricate structure. The six boys stood outside the gate gaping at this so called "house" practically drooling from how far their jaws had fallen to the ground. Well at least until they were startled out of their daydream by the other five.

"Come along kittens, we have much to learn about each other" said one with a cheeky grin.

They stood frozen until Lay began walking towards the door and the others gradually followed suit, "oohs" and "ahhs" echoing throughout the inside of the mansion.

After wandering for a couple of minutes, the six boys found what was considered the living room, currently occupied by their five saviors, and made their way to the biggest couch, that could fit them all, while holding onto each other. 

They sat in awkward silence for a while before one of them broke it,

"Sooo... How about we start by introducing ourselves?" one of the city boys asked.

"Here I'll start, my name is Kim Heechul." " I'm the owner of this fine establishment,and also the oldest." he stated with a playful wink and a cheeky grin.

"I come from the clan of the canines and I am a Fennec Fox." he continued. 

He gave off a friendly vibe and his playfulness eased the awkward tension in the air, which helped the catboys relax. He turned to the boy next to him, 

"Your turn" he declared.

The boy looked up and smiled, he also seemed very friendly, but looked a bit insecure.

"Oh um, my name is Lee Gikwang,the second oldest, and I'm from the Bear clan, I'm an Andean Bear." he said softly.

The six boys gave him reassuring smiles and Gikwang visibly relaxed, turning towards the boy next to him and gave him a nudge with his elbow.

The other boy snapped out of his daydream and proceeded to introduce himself,

"Hi, my name is Kim Byungjoo, I'm the third oldest and I'm a Golden Retriever from the canine clan." he gave a friendly smile and tapped the boy next to him.

"Hello my name is Park Jimin,I'm fourth oldest and I'm a Dwarf Hotot from the rabbit clan." he smiled happily.

After he had finished, the last boy wasted no time in continuing the introductions. 

"Hi I'm Bambam!" he said, this kid sure was energetic too.

"I'm an Eastern Chipmunk from the squirrel clan and I'm the maknae in this house." he smiled. 

These people seemed very friendly, so the six weren't worried for their safety, they knew they would be safe in this household. 

After the city hybrids had introduced themselves, their ears and tails began sprouting from their bodies. The six cat hybrids stared in curiosity, they have never seen or met anyone else able to control their animal anatomy.

"Oh we know you must be wondering how we're able to do this, but it's actually the work of some pills." stated Heechul.

The felines looked confused, so he continued, "people here in the city are able to buy pills that will suppress their inner animals, we take the pills every time we go into the woods because they help hide our scent so others won't be alerted."

"Depending on how many you take, the pills wear off in a certain amount of time, we only took one this morning and it only lasted about an hour or so, so it's a good thing we found you before the effects wore off." he smiled.

"Heechul hyung, I think it's time for them to introduce themselves!" exclaimed Bambam, this kid is super energetic.

"Yea ok then, go on kitties." he turned to face them.

 The six boys shared perplexed glances, none of them wanting to go first until a certain chubby checked male stood up.

"My name is Kim Minseok,but you can call me Xiumin, I'm the oldest of our group, and I am a Snow Leopard." he smiled and bowed.

"We appreciate you helping us, especially since you had no idea who we were."

"Oh it's no problem at all, this house always seemed pretty empty, so with you guys staying here now it should be fine, it has plenty of room anyways." Heechul laughed.

Six catboys looked at him with wide eyes, "you want us to live here, with you guys?" luhan asked.

"Of course!" Heechul excliamed, "there's no point in arguing, I've already decided, besides it's not like you can go back into the woods can you?" he looked at Luhan.

"Well no, I guess not." Luhan looked down.

"So then it's settled, you'll stay here with us, and we can even enroll you six into the school we go to!" 

"We'll discuss this later though, right now continue your introductions." Heechul said.

 Luhan stood up next, "hello my name is Luhan, just Luhan." he paused, eyes filled with sorrow.

He shook it off and continued, "I'm the second oldest, and I'm a Golden Tiger." he bowed then sat back down.

Lay stood up next,"hello my name is Zhang Yixing, but I go by Lay, I'm third oldest and I'm a Margay." he smiled showing off his cute dimples.

 Lay took his seat and motioned for the next member of the group, "hi there my name is Baekhyun, I'm fourth oldest, and I'm an Iberian Lynx." he gave one of his mischievous smiles, to which Heechul responded with a raised eyebrow. 

"I hope we get along well." Baekhyun continued, He bowed then, took his seat. He turned towards Kyungsoo, "your up!" he said.

Kyungsoo stood up, bowed, and kept his eyes cast downwards, all the while mumbling incoherently.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Heechul asked.

Kyungsoo's head shot up, his eyes held nothing but fear, and he froze. He didn't know what to do, what if he was hit like the last time? Many tragic memories buzzed in his head until he felt something touch his fingers.

 He cowered away from the touch, then arms wrapped around his waist causing him to jump a bit in surprise, only to slightly turn his head and realize that Baekhyun was giving him a side hug.

Baekhyun's breath fanned over his neck, which caused a slight blush to appear on his already rosy cheeks.

Kyungsoo looked around the room, the city boys looked on with confusion and worry in their eyes while, the rest watched him with sympathy.

Tears began to pool in his eyes but he refused to let them fall, he gave Baekhyun a slight push, to show him that his scare had passed, and Baekhyun slowly removed his arms. He gave Kyungsoo a questioning gaze, with which Kyungsoo responded to with a small smile.

Kyungsoo turned to the rest of the boys and bowed a few times, all while muttering apologies. He stopped when a hand placed itself on his shoulder, his eyes traveled upwards to meet a pair of concerned chocolate orbs.

"There's no need to apologize, we won't hurt you, we just wanna know if you're ok." Gikwang stated.

"Yes I'm ok, thank you." "they were just some suppressed memories, but I think that's a story for a different day." Kyungsoo said.

"Anyways, I'm Do Kyungsoo I'm the second youngest of our group, and I'm a White Lion." he flashed them one of his heart shaped smiles and everyone cooed at his cuteness.

He turned to face Tao, "your turn taozi!" Kyungsoo exclaimed as he sat next to Baekhyun.

"Oh um, my name is Huang Zitao, but you can call me Tao if you'd like, I'm technically the youngest and I am a Clouded Leopard." He stated.

"Wait a minute." "aren't you guys some of the rarest felines to ever exist?" asked Jimin.

 "Well actually, that we know of, we are the only rare felines as of now." responded Lay.

 "Yea we only have vague memories of our families, and most of them are of their deaths, and the complete destruction of our homes." added Baekhyun.

"We really didn't have the best childhood." Xiumin quietly said, "we managed to run away from our past, it's only been a couple of days actually, but we have a feeling the past will catch up to us."

 The city hybrids could only watch with concern in their eyes, knowing absolutely nothing about these cats was nerve wracking.

"We know that it would be best to tell you what we've been through so you may understand, but I believe the time will come when all will be revealed." stated Luhan.

"That's fine, we don't want to pressure you or make you feel obligated to tell us just because we saved you, we feel curious, yes, but of course it can wait until your more comfortable." Heechul said.

The other four gave reassuring nods in response to Heechul's word, " yea we agree!" they said.

"Thank you for understanding, I can't remember the last time we were treated so kindly." Kyungsoo sadly smiled. 

His response pulled at everyone's heartstrings, even for the other five cats, his pained smiles were always heart wrenching. 

"Oh my baby Kyungsoo is so adorable!" squealed Baekhyun while throwing his arms around the shorter male. 

Said male blushed a rosy pink while pushing at Baekhyun, " yah let go, I can't breathe!" Kyungsoo exclaimed.

The other males in the room just laughed at their endearing bickering until one spoke up.

"Oh are you all hungry?" Gikwang asked. "I'm sure you haven't eaten in a while, I'll go start on dinner, who wants to help?" he questioned.

"I'll help you hyung!" Bambam jumped excitedly, "I just love food so much!" he laughed.

Kyungsoo and Lay also raised their hands,"we would like to help as well." they said.

"Ok then follow me" Gikwang stated as he made his way towards the kitchen.

"Good while dinner is being prepared, I'll call the headmaster at the academy and ask about enrolling you six into the school." Heechul stated. 

"The rest of you, make yourselves at home, see what you can do to entertain each other. " he instructed.

"Sir yes sir!" everyone yelled. They all scattered in different directions, with the exception of the Six felines, who looked at each other and gave relived smiles.

This definitely was the beginning of a new life for them.

 Heechul   Gikwang  Byungjoo   Jimin   Bambam 

 Minseok   Luhan   Yixing   Baekhyun   Kyungsoo   Tao


A/N: I'm finally done! Yehet! I apologize for the wait, but I was suffering from severe writers block, and school cause me way too much stress. The good news is that in just two weeks I'll be out for summer vacation and I'll have more time for updates! I wanna thank all of my subscribers who are still reading my story, though I pretty sure a lot of y'all forgot about it huh? Lol it's cool everyone stay strong! Fighting!

Comments? Yes? No? Maybe so? ;) lol thanks to those who do, you know who you are hehehe. Oh one more thing, do you guys think the story is going too slow?




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Hello everyone!! I'm back and I missed y'all.


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Chapter 3: I really can't wait to see how this will play out.
_-Maimai-_ #2
Chapter 3: Ahh can't wait to read the next chapter :3
I really like the story ^^
Chapter 3: I love this already!!!!! XD
I've been looking for a story like this for so long ^^
Now I cant wait until they start school and meet the wolves or kingkas.. hehehe. Anyways I love your story authornim <3
I cant wait until you update ^_^
hotarunza #4
Chapter 3: aaaw.. feline boys
can't wait their encounter with the wolves
goojayhee #5
Chapter 3: I just found this and I love it!!!
Update soon please^^
duplexious #6
Chapter 3: Ahhh i love this story so much already!
Update soon pleaseee ❤️
Asianstufflover #7
Chapter 2: Update soon, love this fic! :)
nenixne #8
Chapter 2: lovely cant wait for more.. please update soon
Yellowexotic #9
Chapter 1: I LOVE ITTTT!!! Please updatee soon ><
Chapter 2: omg... I love this story
Thanks for the great update Author-nim :3