
Her Best Gift




3, 4, 5, 6—I counted the cans of beer lying on the floor of my unit


How many more should I drink tonight? 5? 10? 15 or more?


You get drunk so you can feel the euphoria that being intoxicated gives. No ty feeling and sadness alike. High, high that is all there is to it


Alcohol is the temporary solution to everything that you want to forget and it releases you from your inhibitions. Even just for one night, you get rid of all of your problems and sadness.


This had been my routine every time I feel like a truckload of problems was delivered to me. It had always been effective and I would get by the other day. Minus the hangover of course


But why isn’t it working on me now?


I stared at the can on my hand and my forehead creased. this brand of beer! Is this even legit?!


I angrily drunk the remaining contents of my beer and threw the can elsewhere causing a loud thud


There should have been no--


Her words replayed inside my mind again. I grabbed the next can of beer and opened it roughly. I drunk like a mad man and I felt the burning sensation on my throat.


But it is not enough.


The pain in my heart was too much not to be noticed


The biggest mistake in my life…


Stop, stop stop! Make it stop!


I slumped down on my couch and pressed my fist on my chest and my other hand on my head.


Go away, go away!


I kicked the can that stumbled on my foot and when I did, a small box fell from my pocket. I stared at it for a while before I shakily grabbed it.


I opened it slowly and inside lies the rings that were the symbol of our union


My Sandara and I


A bitter smile crept my lips as I felt something pooling on the corner of my eyes


I’m sorry Kris…


I’m sorry Kris…


And for the first time after 4 years


I cried, hard and loud




FLASHBACK (2 Hours ago)


My lips tugged a smile as I saw Dara enter the restaurant. However, it was short-lived as I saw her worried expression. She looked pale instantly making me worry. What could have happened?


My eyes followed her as she took a seat and heaved a deep sigh. “Kris…”


“Did something happened Dara? You look so uneasy…”


“I need to go” she suddenly said making me flinch


“What? W—why?” I asked, baffled by her declaration. We have been here for only less than an hour and I still have a lot of things to say.


She released a frustrated sigh. “Kris, please. I really need to go home now” She was about to grab her purse but I quickly grabbed her hand to stop her. “Tell me what’s wrong Dara. I might be able to help you…” I tried to remain calm as much as possible. Although I’m itching to know why she has to leave


Her face showed total reluctance. She did not want me to know


But I need to


“Dara can’t you just tell me what’s going on? “ I asked with more urgency but she chose to remain silent. She stood up and was about to turn around that made me immediately stand and grab her arm. I heaved a deep sigh before I spoke. “Dara, it is fine if you do not want to tell me about it… Just please, let me take you home okay? It’s late and I don’t want anything to happen to you…” I tried to bargain. Even if she wouldn’t tell me what her problem was, I need to make sure that she arrives home safely


Her eyes widened making me a bit startled by her reaction. However, she quickly masked it by shaking her head. “Look Kris” she uttered with a heavy sigh. “This talk is over… We’re over. And there is no need for you to fake concern…”


Damn it!


I grabbed her hand and lead her out, ignoring the protests that she was voicing out


“Kris, let me go! Kris!”


When we were finally outside, I drag her and stopped by where my car was parked. My hand still tightly holding hers. “I’m letting you go home for tonight Dara, but we are not yet done with this talk” I muttered, my voice stern. I’m really trying hard not to lash out. I need to control my feelings because I do not want to hurt her ever again


“What more do you want us to talk about Kris? We were both wrong and I accept it. You don’t have to feel guilty or what not. We’re done” her voice rose up every word she said


I heaved a deep sigh and blew a few breaths. This talk is not what I expected it to be. I wanted us to start over, and not to talk about guilt and !


“Look Dara, you are wrong. We have a lot to talk about…” I tried my best to sound as calm as possible




“Dara, I want us to start over again” I blurted out that I, myself got surprised


“W—what…?” disbelief was written all over her face as she yanked her hand from my grasp


I ignored the little sting in my heart with what she did. I have to be patient. Be very patient and understanding because I can’t up once again


“Kris, what are you saying?! You’re being absurd!” she cried out. “Starting over? Why? So you could hurt me all over again? Please Kris… just stop saying things that would confuse me…” the hurt in her eyes and voice were enough to say that she had not yet gotten over our past


She looks so fragile now that I want to lock her in my arms and comfort her until forever


Dara, if you only knew what I felt the past four years…


“Dara—“I was about to envelope her in my arms when a voice instantly made me frozen on my spot




I turned back and saw the person I wanted to see the least


“Seunghyun-oppa you’re here already…” her voice faltered and she looked surprised as I was.


What in the world is the meaning of this?


I stared at her disbelief. How could she call him when she’s with me?


She turned her eyes away from me, obviously uncomfortable with my stare. “Kris Wu” Seunghyun’s voice made me broke off my reverie


“Choi Seunghyun” I responded with a lethal tone


“If it isn’t a surprise! Why would Mr bas— ex-husband be with his ex-wife?” he spat sarcastically as he encircled his arm over Dara’s shoulder


I clenched my fist in anger. He’s touching her so carelessly and this girl doesn’t seem to mind!


The tension grew as no one spoke


“Oppa… please… We need to leave…” she muttered suddenly, still not sparing me a glance


“Dara. We are not yet done here” I replied with a warning tone


“Oppa…” she tugged on his shirt with urgency increasing the intensity of my anger


 “Dara, damn it! Stop touching him!” I was about to grab her when Seunghyun suddenly slapped my hand


“No, it’s you who shouldn’t touch her! I don’t know what you want from her, but I’m telling you this, don’t you ever touch her or hurt her or else, I would beat you to death!” he placed Dara behind him. He held her protectively and possessively making my hand itch


I wanted to punch him


“Don’t you meddle with our business Choi Seunghyun! This is between Dara and me so stop acting like you’re her guardian!”


“Well too bad since I am very much involved! She is under my protection and I will do anything to keep her safe, especially from you!”


“What did you say?!” I charge at his direction when Dara suddenly came in between the two of us


“Kris! Just please…” she placed both her hands on my chest, stopping me from advancing further. “Kris, I’m sorry…” I flinched when I saw her eyes. They were filled with a lot of emotions…


Sadness… Weariness


“Dara… What do you…” my voice softened immediately. Why is she apologizing?


“Kris, I need to go with Seunghyun-oppa… I’m sorry if I ruined this dinner…” she muttered while she clenched my polo slightly. Our eyes met. I wanted to read what she was thinking but I can’t figure her out


Instead, I reached for both of her hands and clenched it with mine



“Dara…” My voice broke uncontrollably. I can’t let her go. I can’t



“I’m sorry… Kris… I really am… I’m sorry for everything… and” she said before she let go of my hold and turned around. “I’m sorry but I can’t be with you again…”


My heart constricted painfully as I saw her grab Seunghyun’s forearm. “Oppa, let’s go…” she mumbled softly but enough for me to hear


Seunghyun nodded his head and his hand rested on her back as they walked off. Seunghyun looked back and his eyes communicated with me before he went inside his car. Don’t bother her again, is what his eyes said before he finally entered and drove away leaving me alone and broken



End of flash back





Dara… Dara…


My mind screamed for me a while ago to run after them and claim what’s mine


But I am tired, and so was she


But I don’t think I can settle with what she wanted


I can’t let her go. I don’t think I can ever stop going after her especially now that she would be closely working with me for 6 months


I don’t care if she has Seunghyun or if they were in a relationship. I will break them off with all my power


She is mine and she will forever belong to me, I glanced back at the rings


I haven’t told her anything yet. And that would be the final key to get her back and live with me for the rest of our lives


All I have to do now is to focus on how I could win her back.


I will make her fall in love with me once again


And this time, I’m going to make sure that I would love her and care for her more than how she could ever do


I’m sorry Dara, but you are mine and I’m going to make you realize that in every possible way there is...








I keep on apologizing but I must

I'm sorry for this late update! And for hurting Kris... huhu let's hope that things would be better soon!

And what could be Kris' secret weapon? hohoho

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Lalalicetae #1
Chapter 9: Plss continue this ????
Chapter 9: my heart hurts for the both of them. krisdara fighting!
Chapter 9: oooh...this is why communication is important in relationships.
piper8702 #4
Chapter 9: Hello authornim???? Where are you???? Pls updateeeee....
LadyNomi #5


Chapter 9: It's not just the story that hurts a lot but it's also author-nim who's not updating the fic anymore. Huhuhu ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 9: no updates.... please ^_^>
chyler25 #9
For the love of krisdara & darahae shippers author pretty please update your 2 story ^_^
Chapter 9: Unnie, please update. I'm begging you. Huehue