Eighteen - 2
Ever since she saw Yifan again after 19 years at the bubble tea store, Joonmyun can't get the thought of him out of her head. The thought of him makes her stomach get butterflies and it's as if she's 15 again, seeing him for the first time when he stood in front of the class and introduced himself in awkward Korean. His smile. His hair. His laugh. His voice. She missed all those things about him.
It's been a week since their encounter and honestly, she wishes she could see him again. She wants to find out what happened to him after he left Korea and she wants to know more about his wife. She’s jealous of Tao because she’s so perfect and the perfect person for Yifan. Joonmyun has so many questions for him but she doesn’t know if she’ll ever get the answers for them.
On the plus side, Sehun started talking to her again after ignoring her for 2 days. Joonmyun started sobbing when Sehun came up to her to give her a hug and told her that he was sorry about what he said. She started to argue that it wasn't his fault and she was sorry that she wasn't a good enough mother for him all while crying into his shirt. He shushed her by telling her that he knew she only wanted the best for him and that she was the best mother he could ever ask for. 
They ended up spending the rest of the day cuddling on the couch and watching reruns of Running Man just like they did when he was 5.
Sehun frowns again as his stomach starts to rumble inside his body. Today was lab day for his chemistry class which resulted in him skipping lunch and he forgot to eat breakfast so he was starving. The only thing he ate today was some pieces of kimbap that Luhan had saved for him from her lunch. He loves his girlfriend so much because she knows him better than he knows himself.
"Sehun!" Luhan happily cries out as she flies into his arms. He was standing outside her last class, waiting for her to finish her test. Usually they would meet up at their lockers, which happen to be next to each other but today her class had a test so he had to wait for her outside her last class.
"Hey. How was your test?" Sehun asks after giving his girlfriend a quick kiss. Around them, students are at their lockers getting their things so they can rush to their after-school programs. He doesn't have hagwon class today but usually he does on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Today was Tuesday and he really wanted some spicy rice cakes from his favorite ddeoboki place.
"Good. I think I passed. I hope I did because I have such a high grade in that class and I don't want to lower it." Luhan pouts cutely as they walk to their lockers, hands locked together.
"I'm sure you did. You always pass even when you say you failed." They arrive at their lockers but only Luhan has to get her things because Sehun already had his things ready. 
"Are you hungry? We could go eat some food." Luhan says as she slides on her jacket. The weather outside was warm but it was still chilly enough for a jacket.
"Yeah, let's go." Sehun holds his open hand out and Luhan takes it without hesistation before the duo head towards the nearest exit.
"Sehun! Luhan! Wait up!" They hear a voice behind them and turn around to see Jongin running up to them.
"What's up?" Sehun asks and Jongin falls in step with the couple.
"Can I hang with you until like dinnertime?" Jongin asks desperately and the trio head towards the sidewalk after heading out of one the school's many exits.
"Why?" Sehun questions and Luhan stares, waiting for the other boy to answer.
"Jongdae is home from college for break and he brought Minseok noona over. He texted me and told me not to go home until dinner." Jongin says with a disgusted look on his face. He’s glad his older brother texted him as a warning because the last thing he wants to do is walk in on the couple. It happened once when Sehun and Luhan were over and the memory still is traumatizing. 
" for you man but this a date so maybe you could find someone else to hang out with." Sehun earns himself a slap from Luhan and pouts because that kind of hurt. 
"Of course you can hang with us. We all know how vocal Jongdae and Minseok are." They all shudder at the memory.
"Thanks Luhan noona." Jongin smirks at Sehun who kicks him in return but the older boy dodges. They turn the corner to head towards the ddeoboki restaurant that they like to hang out at. They go there so often, the owners even know them.
Joonmyun sighs as she takes a sip of her coffee. Today was particularly busy and she couldn't get a break at all until Baekhyun came over to office and ordered her to leave before she went insane.
Bless you, Byun Baekhyun.
So Joonmyun decided to stop by her favorite coffee shop to grab a nice, cold cup of iced coffee. The place was run by her ex-boyfriend but he wasn't working today so she didn't get to see him.
A few stores down from the coffee shop was a ddeoboki restaurant which happened to be Sehun's favorite place to eat. He and his girlfriend, Luhan, always went on dates there and were regulars. 
Joonmyun felt so much more satisfied when she took a sip of her chilled coffee. The cold coffee was like rain hitting dry desert. had felt like a drought in a desert all day. Punching numbers in a calculator all day was no fun. 
She frowns again when she hears her stomach grumble, indicating and reminding herself that she didn't eat lunch yet. Again, bless you Byun Baekhyun for this break.
Joonmyun decides to get some ddeoboki a few doors down because it's cheap and quick to make. She gets up from her seat, slips on her jacket, grabs her purse, and heads out the door with her iced coffee in her hand. 
Just as she's about to push the door open, the door magically opens by itself. She stops her advancing arm and looks up to see someone she didn't expect to see again.
Wu Yifan is standing in front of her, an amused smile of his face when he sees his ex-girlfriend. He's in a business suit that makes him look extra attractive and still looks as handsome as ever. The sight of her ex-boyfriend makes Joonmyun's heart start racing again.
"Hey." He says casually, acting cool as ever. Joonmyun isn’t sure if she should stay or go so she decides that she really wants some food so she leaves
"Hey." She says before smiling and walking out the door. 
"Wait, Joonmyun!" Yifan grabs her free wrist and Joonmyun's eyes fly open. Her heart's racing at an all-time high now and her face turns as a red as her blood.
"We should catch up. You know, since it's been almost 20 years. How have you been?" Yifan asks sincerely and Joonmyun almost feels bad for wanting to escape from his hold.
"Uh, yeah I've been good. How about you?" Joonmyun isn't sure what to say because it's still awkward between the two since their relationship was left on bad terms.
"Good. Are you on break or are you done for the day?" Yifan pulls them aside to a table, since the coffee shop had tables outside. 
"I'm on break for who knows how long. Baekhyun never gives me a certain time limit. She just told me to leave before I went crazy." Joonmyun says and Yifan chuckles because Joonmyun has always been a person who overworks.
"How is Baekhyun? It's been so long since I've last seen her. I ran into Chanyeol a couple years back but it was only a brief conversation." Yifan tells and Joonmyun smiles because she missed Chanyeol. It's been two years since she last saw him. After he and Baekhyun broke up, he moved down south to Ulsan since he didn't want to stay in Seoul anymore since it had so many memories of Baekhyun.
"I haven't seen him since he and Baekhyun broke up. He moved south to Ulsan." Joonmyun reveals and Yifan's face is twisted into an expression full of surprise. 
"Ulsan? I thought he loved Seoul. Why would he move south?" Yifan questioned and Joonmyun's smile falters. 
"I guess he loved Baekhyun more. When they broke up, it was bad. Their offices were nearby so they always ran into each other and I guess Chanyeol couldn't handle seeing her everywhere so he transferred to his company's southern branch moved." Joonmyun informs and Yifan nods.
"Why did they break up? Weren't they destined to be together for like ever?" Yifan asked and Joonmyun wishes that was the case.
"Chanyeol apparently had with some girl in high school while they were dating but it happened when he was drunk at a party so he didn't really remember. I guess Baekhyun somehow found out and they had a huge argument over that and they decided to broke up." 
"Was that party the graduation one Jonghyun threw during the summer after I graduated?” Yifan hesitantly asks because after that party, Joonmyun started acting weird around him.
“Yeah.” Joonmyun whispers because that party led to her life changing forever.
A lot of things happened at that party. Joonmyun drank for the first time ever and the excitement of feeling tipsy took her as she lost her ity that night to Yifan. They didn’t use a because Yifan said he’d pull out but clearly that didn’t work because that was the night that his genes joined with hers. Sehun was conceived on that hot summer night.
“Hey Joon, can I ask you something?” Joonmyun flinches on the inside at the sound of her nickname that Yifan used to always call her. It’s been 19 years since he had last called her that. Joonmyun looks at him and nods.
“After that party and after we had , why did you avoid me so much?” Yifan’s eyes are on her and Joonmyun wants nothing more right now than to just run away because if she tells him, he’ll find out the truth. A truth that he was never meant to find out about.
“Oh my god, I am so full. I feel so fat. I'm going to have to dance even more next practice to burn it off. ” Jongin stretches himself out as the trio walk out of the ddeoboki restaurant, stomachs full from all the food they ate.
“You are fat.” Sehun replies and earns a glare from the older boy. He laughs as they walk down the street, headed for the coffee shop since Luhan wanted a caramel latte.
The air outside is actually turning from cold to warm since it is April now. Sehun’s birthday is coming up and he hopes that it doesn’t rain like it did last year because he’s suppose to go down south for his birthday to visit his Uncle Chanyeol in Ulsan. Luhan smiles at him and grips his hand tighter. She’s so perfect that Sehun wonders how in the world did he do to deserve someone so amazing.
“Hey isn’t that your mom over there, Sehun?” Jongin asks all of a sudden as they near the coffee shop and points to a table. Sehun spots his mom sitting down talking to someone he’s never seen before. The mystery man looks handsome and Sehun frowns because he hopes that this man isn’t another one of his mom’s dates.
“Yeah it is. But who’s she talking to? Do you know him, honey?” Luhan looks at him but he shakes his head no.
“You know, he kind of looks like you. Like he's your dad or something.” Jongin put a hand on his chin, his imaginary beard as he stares at the two adults talking.
Sehun watches as his mother turns away when the other man says something. He can see that the man is waiting for her answer but his mom isn’t even looking at him. She bites her lip in a motion that Sehun recognizes as nervousness and anxiety since he’s seen that expression so many times.
“I’m going to go over there and find out.” Sehun announces and right before he’s about to take another step, Luhan grabs his arm and makes him stay in his place.
“Wait, they’re talking. You can’t just go over and interrupt. Unless your mom starts getting upset, then you can intervene.” Luhan says and the trio silently move to sit down at a table far away from Joonmyun so that she can’t see them.
Fifteen minutes pass before Jongin’s phone beeps and vibrates, signaling a text message. Jongin puts in his passcode before smiling at his phone and typing back a respond.
“Well, I’m off. Kyungsoo’s done with her singing lessons and she wants to know if I want to hang out.” Jongin tells them excitedly before leaving the table.
“Ugh, those two should just date already. It’s so obvious that they like each other more than just friends.” Sehun sticks his tongue out in disgust because he's always been the one that has to listen to Jongin blabber about his crush, Do Kyungsoo. Sehun wonders if he was like that before he started dating Luhan. He hopes not.
“I know but let them be. Who knows? Maybe they’ll start dating today or somethig.” Luhan whips out her own phone from her bag to check the time. When she sees the actual time, her eyes go so wide that she sort of looks like Kyungsoo.
“Oh my god! I have dance practice in 20 minutes and I totally forgot. If I’m late again, Hyoyeon unnie’s going to kill me.” Luhan frantically rushes to gather her stuff and stands up. Sehun stands up too and helps her put on her backpack.
“I’m sorry, honey. I wanted to spend the rest of the day with you but I totally forgot we had practice today.” Luhan pouts apologetically and wraps her arms around her boyfriend. Sehun pulls her into a hug and kisses her forehead.
“It’s okay, Lulu. We can hang out another time. Now, go to practice before Hyoyeon noona gets really mad. I love you.” Sehun whispers against her lips as he kisses her softly. He gets an “I love you too” back before Luhan runs off. She stops, turns around because she knows Sehun’s watching, and blows him a kiss with a wink. He chuckles and smiles before turning back to watching his mom talk with the handsome stranger. He decides that sitting around isn’t going to do anything so he gets up and walks over to the table where his mom is sitting.
Wooo! Chapter 2! This chapter is more of a filler chapter but omg Sehun and kris confrontation next chapter. 
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2443 streak #1
Chapter 2: now this is one i really really wished was continued! HUHUHU genderbent + family KrisHo! is a perfect combination!
Chapter 2: omg i miss this story.. it sound sad.. joon deserves better with yifan.. huhuhuhu
sokmogini #3
Chapter 2: OMG please continue the story it's really great I want to know how the rest of the story ended up
baekyeolmaniac #4
Chapter 2: Awww.. hunhan is cutie! But then why baekyeol broke up ㅠㅠ . Hoping for a update soon! Fighting!
channiechanchan #5
Chapter 2: omg i hope u will update this soon bcos i love krisho so much ><
are you not updating this story anymore??? ;____; please update this story because i love your plot ><
Chapter 2: oh my gooosshh!!! Update please!! I want to know the continuation!! XD

oh, foolish junmyeon. She should've told yifan that she was expecting back then.. :(

sooooo update, please?? :3
2443 streak #8
Chapter 2: please please please update soon :)
Chapter 2: asdfghjkl I love this so much <3
I can't wait to read more! ^-^
hanies #10
Chapter 2: Please update soon....