Chapter 12

Trainee Life : SNSD's Tenth Member

Watched: Bakery Boss

June 8th, 2004

June 8th, 2004


Allison softly smiled as she walked down the school hallway, Jungah was by her side happily chatting about whatever new gossip she recently heard. It was rather uncomfortable how much her new friend gossiped but it made Jungah happy so Allison pretended to listen. She always thought about how Jungah talked enough for the both of them so she doubted the shorter had noticed. The two waved each other off after getting their food and went to their separate lunch tables.

"You guys are getting closer, huh?" Stella asked immediately when Alli sat at the table.

She just nodded in answer and started to pay all her attention to the food in front of her. Allison cares for Stella, she really does, but she gets under the youngers skin when it comes to her intense paranoia when befriending non-trainees. Alli knows she is just looking out for her but it is getting rather annoying…

"Stella lay off the girl," Jessica rolled her eyes. "They've been friends for a few months now if anything was going to happen something would have already."

Stella ended up giving her fellow trainee a stern look before reluctantly going back to her own lunch.

Stacey immediately took initiative to change the subject and bring up a random subject they all joined in on. The rest of lunch was filled with laughter and mindless chatter.

Unexpectedly, Allisons phone buzzed and she took it out of her uniform coat pocket. She was confused since the only people that contact her via phone was either her mother or her aunt; and it was by talking, not texting.

Her confusion only continued to grow when brown eyes looked at the text on the phone from an unknown number,

How much for fifteen minutes?

Allison ended up staring at her phone a good few minutes before reacting; what the heck? She shook her head and was about to put the phone away before it buzzed again,

Behind the bleachers after last period?

How are these people getting her number? The rest of lunch was filled with similar text messages, all from unknown numbers. After multiple messages Allison decided to send one back to one of the senders,

How did you get my number?

She never received an answer and decided to simply turn her phone off. Her face was bright red after reading some rather… inappropriate messages.

Before the girls knew it lunch was over, Alli would usually walk with her fellow trainees back to the classroom but she took a detour to the girls restroom. When she walked in she was meet with whispers by the few girls mingling by the sinks, Allison resisted giving them an odd look and continued on to one of the stalls.

Even though she was out of their sight it didn't stop them from whispering about the trainee;

"Omigod I can't believe she did that."

"What's there to expect? Probably doesn't make anything as just a trainee."

"Some people are just too desperate for cash."

Out of fear Allison refused to come out of the stall until the girls left and she was alone in the girls restroom. When she finally did exit, she realized that her hands were lightly shaking. After continuously washing her hands, long after the bell rung, she made her way into the empty hallway.

Alli dragged her small feet behind her, she was too deep in thought to pick her feet up, as she slowly walked back to the classroom. She was more than a little confused and hurt by what those girls said, Even though Allison could be oblivious at times she knew it had something to do with the anonymous text messages she had been receiving and she thinks she knows exactly what the senders were implying however… she was hoping that she was wrong. Not only is it embarrassing but then the girl would have no idea what to do!

She was jolted out of her long thoughts when Alli noticed someone standing in front of her, she cocked an eyebrow when she realized it was Hyun. The same boy who helped her back in gym class around a month ago.

"Is something wrong?" Allison softly asked the nervous looking boy.

He looked uncomfortable, and he shifted his feet. "Alli-ssi… have you gone in the boys bathroom at all?"

She knitted her dark eyebrows in confusion. "What? Why would I go in there?"

Hyun released a deep breath Allison didn't realize he was holding and he shifted closer, his cell phone in hand. "W-well I don't know how to say this but I think someone is playing a prank on you."

"Prank?" Her mind immediately went to Ricky and Sunyeon.

"Look..." his voice softened and he flipped through something in his cell phone before showing her a picture.

Her eyes widened at the words that were written in black sharpie marker on what looked to be one of the bathroom stalls wall in Korean,

Looking for some fun? Call Alli!

Right underneath the words was Allisons cell phone number. Her heart dropped and her previous fears were undeniably confirmed.

"W-who?" was all the trainee was able to choke out, her eyes were beginning to burn with unshed tears.

Hyun just slowly shook his head, not knowing. "I'm sorry I don’t know. I was over hearing some of the guys talking about it before and checked it out for myself… I… I'm really sorry this happened Alli-ssi, I don't know who did this."

She just gave him a nod. "Thank you for telling me."

"If you need someone to talk to I'm here for you," he gave Allison what should have been perceived as a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, I have to go," her voice was low and she quickly brushed by the taller and down the hallway.

She decided that she needed to get to class, the other trainees probably didn’t hear anything about it so she doubted they would already know anything. Besides, it would just make things worse, Allison missing classes.

Before entering she quickly whiped away any stray tears that fell and walked in.

The beginning of my evil plans >:D

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Miney26 #1
Chapter 56: Okay I just now noticed that my name was in the thank you.
Omg I got recognized
eva_llerina #2
Chapter 56: Soooo glad allison continued being a trainee... she's going to debut soon!!! This is a really good fic. I Love You So Much... saw my name there kekekeke... off to read the sequel
Chapter 57: Aw shucks, my name was bold^^
When you said how the original last chap was gonna be steph talkng about her trainee friend, I felt that that ending would be bittersweet.
I'm glad that Alli gets to continue her adventure. And just as Steph put it, things are just beginning :)
TheLoneWolf #4
Chapter 57: can't wait the sequel
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 56: haaah ending already??? so sadd
ILoveYouXox #6
Chapter 57: This was an awesome story! Can't wait for the sequel! I'm definitely subscribing! :D
Chapter 56: It was a pleasure reading the story and thank you for mentoning :-)
Chapter 56: It's really great story author-shii!!! I can't wait for the sequel! Fighting author-shii!!!!!
Chapter 56: I was gonna comment that I was sad this is the last chapter, but they eventually had to debut, right? And the story is titled TRAINEE LIFE, not trainee and then debut life. haha

And whoa, will definitely subscribe to the sequel. Author fighting!