Chapter 10

Trainee Life : SNSD's Tenth Member

Watched: Modern Family

May 27th, 2004

May 27th, 2004


You know how adults tell children who are being bullied that they should just ignore the bullies and they'll go away? Yeah, that's a load of bull on a bull platter. Allison had never spoken a single word to either Ricky or Sunyeon but, both have figured out multiple ways to try and mess with her mentally. Nothing else since the gym fiasco has gotten physical, much to Allis relief, but it would be a lie to say their taunts weren't starting to get to young trainee. Allison constantly wondered if it makes her a weak person since she's slowly starting to believe their taunts, the more they say them.


Said girl jumped up in surprise, only to be met with Jungah's smiling face. Out of everyone in her homeroom Jungah is the only classmate that actually treats her like she's here. Her other classmates just throw baseless taunts, and the majority just ignore her as if she didn't exist. Which always makes Allison wonder… is it better to be forgotten? Or have others acknowledge you even if what they have to say about your existence is negative?

"What's up?" Alli gave her a small smile, but it came out as more of a grimace.

"Wanna go to the mall this weekend? We can stop by the movie theatre! There's this movie I really wanna see! And I would love if we could go together."

Allison visibly hesitated, "I don't know if I'm allowed to…"

"Allowed? You're still your own person even if you're a trainee, besides you've just been training non-stop haven't you? A little fun won't hurt!" She urged on.

"But I have training…"

"So you'll miss one day, what's the big deal?" Jungah shrugged, not understanding the consequences of missing one small day of practice.

"I don't want to get in trouble or anything."

Jungah waved it off, "You won't they can't stop you from having a little fun! Besides shouldn’t you know more about the fun things to do in this country with friends if you're going to debut in a girl group here?"

"I… I guess so."

"Great! We can meet at 7 PM!" Jungah happily bounced back to her seat.


"No, you can't!" Stella wildly waved her arms after Alli told her about her and Jungahs plans for the weekend.

Alli scrunched up her eyebrows, "Why not?"

"You're a trainee Alli, you're not here to have fun. You're here to train! And SM expects you to only train!"

"But trainees go out all the time…"

"Not the ones that live in the dorms," Jessica added in. "You're an international trainee and new at that, you have to be more careful than anyone. When you're here for a few years you get more freedom for obvious reasons. Plus you're still rather young, you can get lost easily."

"….So what would happen if I decided to go anyway?"

"Well if you're caught you'd get a strike," Stacey smirked. "You're thinking of sneaking out aren’t you? Wow Allison, I didn't take you for a bad girl."

Allison immediately blushed and turned her face away from the other girls giggles.

"You're not gonna do it are you?" Stephanie whispered when the other girls began talking about something else.

Her dormmate just gave her a blank stare, neither nodding nor shaking her head.


"You made it!" Jungah smiled, literally bouncing up to Alli when she finally made it to the extremely large movie theatre.

Allisons sure that she looked rather terrified… especially since she had to sneak out. She didn't know what would happen when she got back to her dorm, since it's obvious to her teachers that she didn't go to her classes. It seemed luck was on her side this day though since the trainee's had to take the bus back to the SM building - since their usual van broke down on its way to get them. All Allison did was 'accidently' miss the bus when the other trainees boarded and simply took another… that went to the mall. Where she had been waiting for Jungah… in the cold... for four hours. But who's counting? And some people enjoy their hands and feet turning purple!

"I'm so happy you made it! Especially since I already bought our tickets," Jungah giggled, happily showing the two small ticket stubs in her gloved hand.

"What movie are we seeing?"

"New York Minute! The one with the Olsen twins!" She quickly took hold of the trainees hand and dragged her further into the theatre, towards the snacks. Allison decided since she already did one bad thing today that she was going to strongly stick to her trainee diet and refused to eat anything; even though Jungahs pout almost made her cave.

"So any good gossip?" Jungah slyly smiled as she waited for her own snacks to be prepared.

Alli pursed her lips, thinking, before shaking her head, "No not really."

Once again the shorter pouted, "You sure? There has to be something!"

"Well… okay there's this cute guy-"

She was was cut off by Jungahs girlish squeal.

"-who is in my gym class and in our homeroom. He's just… nice. I mean we barely talk but he doesn't ignore me."

"Aw I think he has a crush! What's his name?"

"Song Hyun."

"Hmmm Hyun Hyun Hyun…" Jungah mumbled, scratching her chin before snapping her fingers. "Oh! The really cute one! I remember him, he's rather quiet, really good at sports though, not so good at actual classes. He's a nice kid, what are you going to do?"

Alli gave her a look, knowing exactly what the other was implying. "I'm not going to try and go out with him or anything; that'd be a bad idea. I have to focus on my training, not boys."

Jungah huffed, grabbing her snacks from the polite vendor, "Just because you're a trainee doesn’t mean you can't have some fun every now and then! I'm not telling you to marry him but, just get closer to him. Who knows he might like you back and I can be your guys' cupid!" She finished with a happy squeal.

The girl seemed pretty proud of her cupid-self since she let out a dreamy sigh as the two friends entered the dark movie theater.

"Enough yapping, let's watch the movie," Alli laughed as they arrived at their numbered seats.

A few hours later Allison found herself sneaking back into her apartment building… She cursed at the locks loud click, and swung the door open.

The lights flicked on.

Allison wasn't anywhere near the light switch.

"Where were you?" Stephanie angrily questioned, her arms crossed and her foot impatiently tapping underneath her.


"You went to the theater with Jungah didn't you?"


Stephanie fixed the younger with a heavy look, Alli didn't even know this sweet girl could ever give someone that strong of a negative look, "I'm sorry! I just wanted to have some fun! What's so wrong about that?"

"Nothing," she held her hands up in a defensive position, "just that you're going to get into huge trouble tomorrow. All the teachers know you skipped out. Hope you had fun."

Allis heart dropped when she saw Stephanie turn her back on her, and walk away.

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Miney26 #1
Chapter 56: Okay I just now noticed that my name was in the thank you.
Omg I got recognized
eva_llerina #2
Chapter 56: Soooo glad allison continued being a trainee... she's going to debut soon!!! This is a really good fic. I Love You So Much... saw my name there kekekeke... off to read the sequel
Chapter 57: Aw shucks, my name was bold^^
When you said how the original last chap was gonna be steph talkng about her trainee friend, I felt that that ending would be bittersweet.
I'm glad that Alli gets to continue her adventure. And just as Steph put it, things are just beginning :)
TheLoneWolf #4
Chapter 57: can't wait the sequel
TheLoneWolf #5
Chapter 56: haaah ending already??? so sadd
ILoveYouXox #6
Chapter 57: This was an awesome story! Can't wait for the sequel! I'm definitely subscribing! :D
Chapter 56: It was a pleasure reading the story and thank you for mentoning :-)
Chapter 56: It's really great story author-shii!!! I can't wait for the sequel! Fighting author-shii!!!!!
Chapter 56: I was gonna comment that I was sad this is the last chapter, but they eventually had to debut, right? And the story is titled TRAINEE LIFE, not trainee and then debut life. haha

And whoa, will definitely subscribe to the sequel. Author fighting!