Prompt #1 from gitonk - Coffee Date

Prompt #1 from gitonk


“So Donghae,” Hyukjae begins, stirring his coffee with a thin spoon. He’s resting on his elbows, leaning forward with his chin propped in his unoccupied hand. He smiles. “How did you get into teaching?”


Across from him, Donghae is playing absently with his napkin. His coffee mug sitting in a saucer is empty and forgotten. Lifting his eyes to meet the latter’s, he returns Hyukjae’s warm smile. “I always loved kids. Always wanted one or two. Never really had a big family. I was the youngest. But I volunteered at a nearby library where I tutored elementary school kids after my classes. I graduated and followed the girl of my dreams to Seoul and pursued a degree in education.” Donghae’s face softens.


“Thought I was going to marry her.” He laughs. “I’m a bit of a hopeless romantic.” He’s back to fidgeting with his napkin. “We hadn’t really done anything together other than hug and hold hands. We were just a couple of kids ourselves. When I finally worked up the courage to kiss her, I realized that maybe I had been wrong all along.”


Donghae blushes and starts tapping his fingers against table. Hyukjae reaches over and covers the brunette’s nervous hand with his own. He squeezes lightly. Donghae relaxes.


“When it occurred to me that I would probably never have a family of my own, I steeled my resolve to work with kids. I finished my degree and job-searched until I found the position at Youngjae’s kindergarten about two years ago. I really love it there.”


Hearing Donghae talk so fondly about his past—both the good and bad—makes Hyukjae only adore him more.


“How about you and Youngjae, Hyukjae?” Donghae pipes. “If you don’t mind me asking,” he adds quietly. He intertwines their fingers on the table, the corners of his lips twitch in a shy smile.


Hyukjae squeezes Donghae’s hand and nods. “It’s fine. There’s not much to tell. Almost six years ago, Hyeri and I were dating, and we didn’t use protection. Nine months later, I’m standing alone in a hospital with this little bundle of joy in my arms. He’s…Youngjae is my everything. With my job the way it is, it’s hard finding time to be ‘daddy.’”


Now it’s Donghae’s turn to reassure. He covers their already connected hand with his other one and leans forward, getting Hyukjae to look at him. “Youngjae talks about you non-stop. He really loves you. You’re doing just fine with him. And you’ve even been picking him up and dropping him off more often lately.”


Hyukjae chuckles and finally finishes their hand pile by blanketing his right hand on top of Donghae’s and starts tracing circles over the brunette’s knuckles. “Does it make me a bad father to admit that part of the reason why I’ve been coming by the kindergarten recently is to see you?”


Both men feel their hands sweating and their cheeks flush with color.


Donghae swallows hesitantly before answering in a small voice. “No.”


Hyukjae grins and tugs Donghae close enough to kiss him. 


Expanded a little bit just for you guys! :)

Make sure to leave some more prompts on this post.

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Chapter 2: so cute ??
Chapter 2: So cuteeee but too short hahaha thank you so much
Chapter 2: This is so cute!!
pillow4hyukjae #4
Chapter 2: I wish it ws longer.... Too short. Its too good!!!
eunhaekaisooftw #5
Chapter 2: ohmygodddd this is just too cute ! and umm sorry for not participating for your prompts . honestly I don't have anything specific in my mind but hey I'll be supporting u along the way !

and thanks for coming back <333
Chapter 2: Ohmygoshhh.... cut3eeeeee >_< why dont make it a little longer...
caramelswirls #7
Chapter 1: this is so sweet ;;;;; brought a smile to my face when I was reading it ;;;
cloudye0705 #8
Chapter 2: Ahhhhh,,,dying!!!!

Would u like to make a sequel???
Chapter 2: aawww this is so sweeetttt