
Just One Of Those Days




Suho jolted up from his peaceful slumber on the sofa, his eyes wide and alert. A repugnant smell lingered in the air. Something was wrong! Getting up off the sofa (totally ignoring the pristine white cat that was napping comfortably on his lap) he rushed towards a pair of large mahogany doors (currently having smoke creep out through the cracks). He shoved the pair of doors open, coughing as smoke poured out of the room. His eyes burned and his throat felt like it was going to close at any moment but he pushed through the thick clouds of smoke, coughing and wheezing as he got further into the room.

“Yixing!” he called out, coughing into his hand, “Yixing-God damnit-Yixing! Where are you?”

Coughing, he made it to a wall where he flicked on a switch, a powerful fan turning on. Almost instantly the smoke in the room was cleared, Suho mentally thanking his boss/lover for creating the Smoke-er 9000 (he certainly didn’t thank him for naming it though). Now that the room was clear, he was able to see (and breathe) clearly.

“Yixing?” His eyes scanned the lab (because it wasn't a regular bedroom) hoping to spot his lovers blond hair. “Yixing?”


Suho shrieked, jumping out of his skin before whirling around to see his lover/boss standing behind him holding a small purple box.

“Yixing!” Suho exclaimed, his hands flying over his heart in an attempt to calm it down, “Where were you? And what happened in here? Are you alright?”

Yixing, with his blond hair sticking up everywhere, ignored Suho’s questions, sticking the box out towards Suho. “I did it Suho!”

Suho sighed, “What did you do now, Lay?” he only ever called him Lay when he was upset (sometimes when he was just bored).

Lay grinned, his eyes gleaming brightly (not that Suho could see since he had goggles covering his eyes). “I’ve created something mankind has never seen before.”

Suho eyed the box, “And…that has it?”

Lay nodded, his grin turning just a shade insane. “Do you want to know what it is?”

Suho shook his head slightly. He really didn’t want to know what was in the box. The last time Lay created ‘something mankind had never seen before’ he was transported into an alternate dimension. One that involved singing, fame and crazy groupies that nearly molested him. He shuddered; never again.

“Oh come on Suho! I swear it won’t send you hurdling into space again!”

There was also the time that Suho was sent into space because Lay forgot to turn off his anti-gravity ray. Suho had seen Earth (and many other planets) in a whole new way and he wasn't really up for another trip.

Suho took a step back, “N-No, that’s alright. I’ll just go clean up Sehunnie’s tank.”

Sehun was one of Lay’s more…creative inventions. He was made with the intent to be Lay’s pet, but there was a tiny problem. He was part fish. He didn’t look like he was part fish, but yeah, he was. And Mr. Fluffy (Lay’s white cat) liked fish. A lot. Not much more to explain.

Lay pouted; something that Suho could never resist (even if he wanted to). “No one likes my inventions.” He sulked, “I’m a failure as a scientist.”

Suho sighed; he didn’t like seeing Lay so upset.

“I should just go and crawl in a hole so no one can see my failure. Or sit with Sehun in his tank.”

Even though his mind (and body) screamed at him to not give in to Lay, he just couldn’t let Lay be depressed. So if that meant getting thrown across space or turning into glitter (because yes, he was turned into glitter before) he agreed to see what Lay had invented.

Lay beamed at him, “Great! Oh you might want to sit down for this.”

Suho reluctantly sat down in a nearby stool, eyes never leaving the box in Lay’s hands. “S-So what is this great invention you made?”

Lay held the box out to Suho. “Open it.”

Suho leaned back, “Why don’t you just tell me what’s in it?”

Lay shook his head, “There’s no fun in that. Now go on, open it. I’m sure you'll love it.” His smile was growing wider.

Suho hesitantly took the box from Lay’s hands and swallowed. He really hoped there was nothing dangerous in the small box. He peeked at Lay, who was bouncing a little on his feet, before sighing. Well, he thought, here goes nothing. He slowly opened the box, a light nearly blinding him when he took the top off. He blinked a few times, letting his eyes readjust before looking inside the box.

He gasped, eyes wide, looking at Lay whose grin grew. “Y-Yixing, this is-”

“Do you like it?” Lay asked.

Suho looked back at the object in the box. “It’s beautiful, Xing.”

Sitting in the box was a ring. It had a small diamond heart in the center of a star, the band wrapping around in a swirl.

Lay stepped closer to Suho, “So?”

Suho blinked away the tears in his eyes and looked at Lay (who still had his ridiculous goggles on). “So what?”

Lay placed one hand over Suho’s. “Will you be mine?”

Suho’s eyes widened. Was Lay saying what he thought he was saying?

Lay had a serene smile on his face. “Will you?”

Images of all their past experiments flashed in Suho’s mind. All the times they spent the night working on a project, all the times Lay forgot certain important dates, all the times they loved one another in that very lab. Suho smiled, tears rolling down his cheeks as he nodded. “Yes.” He spoke, his voice cracking. “Yes Yixing.”

Yixing pulled him into a kiss, Suho’s tears falling even more. Pulling away, Lay took the ring and slipped it onto Suho’s finger, pressing a gentle kiss to it. “You can’t give it back.” He stated.

Suho looked lovingly at the ring, “I wouldn’t want to.”

“Good, because you really can’t.” Lay hummed, wrapping his arms around Suho.

Suho blinked and looked up at his official fiancé (Zhang Joonmyeon sounded really good). “What do you mean?”

“The ring’s attached with your finger. If you want to take it off you’re gonna have to cut your finger off.” Lay explained easily, humming to himself.

“W-What? It’s attached to my finger?!”

Lay nodded, “Mm-hm.”

Suho shook his head, “Why would you have it do that?”

Lay looked down at him, a serious expression on his face. “Because you’re mine and only mine. That’s why.”

Suho sighed, burying his face into Lay’s chest. “This is something mankind has never seen before.”

So what do you think? Good? Bad? Alright? I like it. It's...different.  (Plus Lay's like really cute in this, so...) Let me know what you think! (Should I make a little spin off or something that explains the whole groupie thing with Suho or no?) Thanks for reading!

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OlliysiumX #1
Chapter 1: I really like the idea, it would be amazing if you ever made a whole story out of it.
Chapter 1: omg, this is soooo sweet. I can´t Lay is sooo cute
Chapter 1: lol yixing
but u're genius, joonmyun can never wear any other ring :)
Chapter 1: Afreakindorable. So cute and fluffy
Chapter 1: LMAO sooo great!!!
Loves these too !!!
Chapter 1: Poor Suho.. suffering all this while xp
but lay is utterly cute here.. hehe
ChubbyChoco17 #7
Chapter 1: Pff this was really funny and cute!I was giggling through the whole oneshot uvu
Chapter 1: Awwww, this is too cute to be true >< I love it, great job!
SuLay 4evaaaa!
(it's attached to his finger, LOOOOL XD)