Trying to get in

Hey Peeping L.Joe! I Love You!


L.Joe ran as fast as his feet could carry him. He ran through the now deserted streets to Eunji’s house, figuring that she would be there by now.


*Man, I’m sacrificing a lot just for Eunji…* He thought as the wind was furiously blowing past his hair. L.Joe figured that he would look like a total mess once he was on her doorstep.


After ten minutes or so, he reached the neighbourhood where he peeped on Kiwoo, his ex-girlfriend. Running through the streets brought back memories when he set eye on Kiwoo’s sleeping figure.


He brushed them away as he thought of Eunji, when he first peeped her. L.Joe remembered seeing many things that was quite humorous to his eyes.


Finally, L.Joe found Eunji’s house, after loosing his way several times. *I can’t believe I forgot her house!* He stood at the doorway, fixing his hair and his clothes so that he was presentable.


L.Joe, being the kind gentleman he thought he was, rung the doorbell. He waited several seconds before he heard soft thudding noises, belonging to footsteps.


He smiled widely when he saw Eunji’s face appear in a small gap through the door. “Hi! Can you let me in? I need to ask you something…” He asked. Eunji cocked her head slightly to the side, “What do you need to ask? I’m studying!”


“Well, umm…” L.Joe started, scratching his head and trying to think of a good excuse. “I need help for my homework!” He replied.


Eunji smiled and was about to unlock the bolt on the door when a thought crossed her head. “How did you manage to find my house anyway? Was it because you peeped in my house once?” She asked, giving no emotions how she knew his secret.


“W-What? I did no such thing!” He exclaimed while laughing nervously.


“Yes you did, I saw you with my very own two eyes!” She rebutted.


“But… I… Never…” He whispered, cold sweat running down his face.


Eunji closed her eyes, “I saw very blond hair once in my house! The only blondie and the only ert is…” She opened her eyes suddenly and pointed right at him, “YOU!”


With that, she slammed the door shut on his face. He heard the distant footsteps retreating up the stairs. He let out a big sigh, *I have to try… I have to not let her spill my secret!*


He looked down at the floor, L.Joe slowly lifted up his face as an idea came in his head.


Pressing the doorbell millions of times, sure it rung but Eunji never came down to open the door.


So L.Joe walked around the house, trying to find an open window so that he could climb through and take a visit to Eunji’s room to reason with her. No such luck, he couldn’t find a single window open, when he tried to pry them open, they were simply just too secure.


Next, L.Joe collected several pieces of small pebbles and walked to where the only source of bright light could be seen. That was just probably Eunji in her room, studying.


He tried to control his urge to just climb up to the window and knock on it, for it will cause a surprise to Eunji and she will surely put all the pieces together and know his secret once and for all.


L.Joe stood beneath the window and gently threw pebbles at the window, his aim was accurate.


He saw the window slightly open and Eunji’s head peeking out. She looked around with a frown on her face. *Cute.*


L.Joe waved and yelled out her name. “Eunji! I’m down here!” She looked towards his direction and her face turned to a surprised look. “You’re still here? Aren’t you cold?!” He was about to say no but thought twice. *If I say I am, she would probably let me in!*


Fake coughing, he replied, “I’m so cold that I’m s-shaking!” L.Joe wrapped his arm around his body.


“Oh no! That’s bad, you might catch a virus! Hold  on, I will open the window so you can climb through.”


L.Joe smiled and started jumping and climbing up to her window. He stood outside it and saw Eunji slightly open the window. As L.Joe was about to climb through into her haven, she suddenly slammed the window shut and locked it.


Eunji brought up a piece of paper with something written on it in a black sharpie. It read, ‘I knew it was you who climbed up to my window and peeped!’ L.Joe cursed under his breath.


She threw that piece of paper away to reveal another one, ‘This just proves it, I’m not the type of girl to fall down at your feet.’ Eunji smiled sadly as she threw that one away as well to reveal another. ‘I thought you were different. I guess playboys never change.’


With that, Eunji closed the curtains. Somehow, L.Joe’s heart was beating rapidly. *Oh Eunji, I’m so sorry… I hurt you…*


L.Joe was still persistent. He softly knocked on the window pane, desperately wishing that she would at least with draw the curtains so he could at least look at her.


Luck was on his side as Eunji slightly opened the curtain, probably to check if he was still there. Her eyes met his and she quickly gasped. Eunji opened the window and said, “You should get going, the weather is going to rain soon…”


As Eunji was about to close the window, L.Joe’s hand reached it and opened it as far as it would go and quickly hopped inside her room.


Eunji’s eyes widened in fear as L.Joe shut the window. He turned around and smirked at her, “Now, it’s just you and me.”




Hey everyone! Here’s an update ^^

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Chapter 7: Ahahahahaa omg lol XD
Chapter 1: Omg L.joe XD
Chapter 33: I liked it. a little different. good.
ljoebaby_xoxo #4
Chapter 33: this story is quite confusing... but i still love it tho!
its so cute and funny!!:D
L.Joe is just.. unf a cutiepie!! i love him hereee <3
gonna read the sequel now! yayy
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 13: okay...1stly im confuse about key and eunji relationship...erm can you tell me about it or have you write next chappie...and dongwoo is his brother huh...
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 11: waahhh...youngmin so cute...poor him and eunji also...i feeling like wanna crying....uwaaaaa....
Chapter 8: Ahaha! ! "Taemin? Yoseob? Jiyong? -but of course im still the hottest " xD