smile :)

smile :)

'you know what? i think you really should smile sometimes.' ia showed her gummy smile to Tiffany.

'oh really? i'll think about it' Tiffany didnt seems to care since she is looking through the paper that she have on her hand.

'Are you even listening to me?'ia questioned.

'Seriously, no. I'm not.' Tiffany looked up from the paper.

'hey,it doesn't mean you can ignore me since your a senior student and i'm a junior student.' ia crossed her arms.

'i dont care.'Tiffany stared at ia with icy eyes.

'YOU HAVE TO!!'ia nearly shouted.

'no,as long as I can keep up my school work and play basketball well at the same time, i dont care if I smile or not.'

'but you ca-' she was cut of by Tiffany putting a finger in front .

'i had enough of your voice today, now,leave.'Tiffany directed her to the stairs.

ia opened to say something, but nothing came out. She just ran down the stairs. She was nervous, she was scared, she was scared that Tiffany will hate her. She ran to her classroom and shut the door with a loud 'bang' sound. Other students are looking at her with a strange look. She went back to her sit. She sits at the back of the classroom beside the window. She never change her seat, everyone knows she dont like paying any attention in class but she always gets good marks and results. She like to be along, she only have a few friends. Real friends. She looked out of the window, seeing people playing basketball happily.    why cant Tiffany just smile like them?     She sight, shook her head for a few times, its such a happy things to smile. 


Tiffany finally finished the paper she got and handed in to the teacher. She looked at her watch, 1:12. Still have almost twenty minuets to spear. Great what can i do? Play basketball? She looked down at her teammates, they are all waving at her but packing up the things that they used. No, it's too late for basketball.Go back to classroom? No, too early. She walk aimlessly through classrooms. She stoped at looking at ia's back since she is staring at the window. What a sad image of her, I never seen her like that, she is always smiling..........       she sight, shooked her head, she stood up and met Tiffany's eyes. she tilted her head to a side but having no expression on her face. Tiffany was worried, she dont like her always ing around herself but she cant take it when ia has no smile on her face. Tiffany wanted to enter the classroom but bell went off, it was the end of the lunch. ia sat down took out her books and started to stair out the window again, she didnt even look at Tiffany once.


Tiffany wasn't paying much attention to the class .She was thinking about ia. Her smile has disappeared,is that even posible for a smile disappeare on her face? She started thinking.

'Tiffany? Tiffany? Tiffany!'

'Yes!?' Tiffany stood up instantly, cutting off what she is thinking about.

'Tiffany,sit down, you are paying much attention to class little before, is something wrong?' the teacher questioned.

'no, just tired, thats all.' Tiffany slowly sit down, staring at her book.

The teacher just nodded, knowing she is obviously lying, but she dont want to waste time on only one student.

The bell went off, everyone rushed to packed their bags. Its always like this when its time to go home. Tiffany is always slow at packing her bag, she have no reason for rushing, no one is at home, and not much homework.

'Tiffany,' the teacher called out.

'Yes?' she slowly look up to the teacher's desk.

'Tell the truth, what's happening? I know your not tired or something, can i help?' the teacher stood up and walk towards Tiffany. 

'Um.......' Tiffany looked around, everyone was gone so stood up and sit down on her own sit staring at her desk. The teacher sat down beside her.

'what is happening?' the teacher spoke softly Tiffany's hair a bit.

'Is it posible that a smile would didappeare on............ a person that who loves to smile?' she is still staring at her desk.

'Yes, but only when they are hurt, extremely sad and worried.' the teacher explained.

'I see.' Tiffany stood up from her chair,took her bag, bowed and ran out of the classroom. She must find ia and ask her what's happening.

Tiffany ran to the first floor since ia is a first year student. She stop at where she stop today, outside the classroom. She saw some other student but not ia.

'Have anyone seen ia?'Tiffany ask the students remaining in the classroom.

'ia? Why would you wanna see her? She so annoying. I'm not one of her friend, how should I know?' One of the student shouted out of the classroom, not very happy about what she was asked.

'Don't think she has much friend, she doesn't,almost none. She is always smiling because she is thinking about music.' Another student shouted out of the classroom.

'And someone.' another student said. And some 'woo~~~' sound was heard.

Tiffany tured to her heels and walk through the coridor and down the stairs. She has basketball training today, hope ia is there too.

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