Fallen Princess
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[CONTENTID3]“Now will you tell us why are we going there?” Luhan asked once they were inside the forest of Aredian.

Forest of Aredian acts as the boundary that separate the Vampires and the Werewolves Kingdom.

“You will find out once we get there,” Suho answered.

“You will find out once we get there,” Tao mimicked in a sarcastic tone. “You promised you’d tell us after we packed our things!” he complained.

The rest of the pack agreed.

Amidst the rather loud bickers, only one member remained silent. Being in the Aredian forest had triggered back an unpleasant memory that Chanyeol tried to forget. Baekhyun, whom he’s the closest with, was able to sense his uneasiness.

“Are you alright?” he asked Chanyeol, wariness shown across his face.

“I’m fine,” Chanyeol lied, not wanting to trouble his peer.

Baekhyun just nodded and gave him a supportive pat on the back. Chanyeol took a deep breath and tried wash away all the haunting thoughts away as he continued following the pack.

“Just a few miles left and we'll be out of here,” he reassured himself.


After miles and miles of riding, finally they reached their destination.

Vampires Kingdom

After getting through the official gates of the kingdom, they finally arrived.

The sky was tainted in purple, adorned with grey clouds with the absence of sunlight.

“This place is so dark,” Sehun muttered. 

“Thus the reason they are known as the creatures of the dark,” Kyungsoo stated.

“If this is daytime, how dark would it be when night falls?” Baekhyun added.

“Before this gets any further, can you boys stop uttering unreasonable

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melissa4eversone #1
Chapter 7: Nice story
Update soon
bap_fluffyzelo #2
Chapter 7: Still curious on the main reason why Exo went over there~~
Hahaha, this is getting interesting :DD
Chapter 6: EXO (excluding Kris & Suho) will died XD - Yuki
Chapter 2: Wow ~ Princess Aria have cool & unknown power - Yuki
Chapter 1: Cool prologue - Yuki
Nice story & teaser! - Yuki
Chapter 6: I wonder what are they going to do there?
bap_fluffyzelo #8
Chapter 6: Oww.. what are they going to do in Vampire Kingdom?!
Im anticipating for the next update ;)
bap_fluffyzelo #9
Chapter 5: Aww.. I like this story soo much~ Cuz....
There is also my bias here, VIXX ♥ Oh My King Hakyeon xD
Please update soon authornim ^~^
Chapter 5: Good job update soon please