Chapter 1

Between your arms
You were coming late, how of custom. Your mobile was not stopping dreaming, your friend was to repeat yourself that you had to come to its holiday, there were many nice boys to whom to present you. You in this moment were not very wanting to think about it because in the past you had suffered very much … they had broken the heart to you. You could only think in as to pay the invoices and the rent of your apartment.
 Finally you were ready and were going out running of way to the house of your friend. You called to the stamp and there it was she who was, with face of angered:
- How do you come so late? I have left a heap of messages to you, he believed that you had forgotten my holiday. – He said to You with a sad tone.
- To forget? Since you believe …. the fact is that I amused myself accidentally.
       You entered and took the jacket from yourself and looked around you and you were not meeting most of the guests. Then your friend took you of the arm and began presenting you to all its friends. You were slightly oppressed and you went away to turn and noticed that someone had collided with you spilling its drink on your garment.
- he excuses it had not seen you, I am sorry about it have spoiled your clothes. Leave to me that it helps you to clean yourself. – It took a kitchen rag.
- not, it matters, leave it, already the dry thing I. – you said to him without raising the head of the soil.
You raised it and saw the boy more nice that you had never seen.
- certainly my name is pleased Suho: And you?
- My name is  ___________, been delighted.
- _____________? You are not Korean but you can speak very well the language.
- No, I am not from Korea. I learned the girl language since I have Korean family.
- Then …: do not you want that it helps you to clean yourself? I see you slightly oppressed trying to clean yourself.
- No, do not leave it, seriously, be already almost – you said a little angry.
Suddenly oíste as your friend began speaking for the whole world:
- very well boys and girls the moment has come that you all were waiting …. for a game for the one that more of one likes very much. You know already, it is as always. I will distribute a role to you with a number and will say two at random and this two will get into the closet for its 7 minutes in the paradise: understood?
     On having heard your friend, you remained a little scared, it might touch you you and a stranger in a room in the dark. You prayed so that it was not touching you but your requests were in vain since for bad luck of the life it touched you with a stranger. You got into the closet and only you were looking at the soil, you had not even seen the face of the boy.
- hello my name is Kai: and you?
- … … - you did not answer.
- Are you mute?.... waste time has touched me the most dumb. Do not you speak?
You raised the sight with killer look, which up to itself scared.
- My name is  ____________, and not, I am not mute and much less dumb.
- it costs excuses, the fact is that as you neither were looking at me you were not even speaking to me since I thought that you were mute or a little.
- since not, I it am not.
- very well: How do you want to do this? I go and kiss you, it is you who come and you kiss me ….: what do we do?
- Queeeeé? I am not going to kiss a boy that I do not meet of anything and much less for a game.
- you have said it, it is a game, it is not necessary to take it seriously. Also I have already said my name to you, I am not any stranger. Come it goes ….que we do not have the whole night ….aunque if you want …. it is a prank. – He said between laughs.
- Not of prank, we will be like that until the time passes.
- Buf since small aburrmiento. - He said with boredom.
It dresses that Kai was begun bringing you over and you were beginning backwards up to shocking your back with the wall. It put its hand in the wall leaving you without being able to move. The only thing that you saw was the Kai face.
- Do not you like not a little? to give me only a kiss?
- N - I have not said that I should not like – You said stuttering.
- Then ….: because you do not give me a kiss?
- … ….-No you could answer.
     Kai was approaching more and more towards your mouth, leaving scarce millimeters of distance. You closed the eyes waiting for its kiss, Kai of that time separated and said to you:
 - you die why it gives you a kiss, do not deny it.
You opened the eyes and saw Kai already separated from you.
- What do you say? I? But if you had me without being able to move me, I closed the eyes for reflex action, in fact I do not want to kiss you.
Ah not? Are you sure?
Kai turned to bring you over but this time was arranged to kiss you. You shocked your back again against the wall and it started by rubbing your lips gently during a few seconds and later with a hand it took you of the waist and brought you over more to him up to giving you a much deeper kiss. Suddenly the door of the closet was opened and your friend was, but just nearby there was Suho that looked at you very astonished and simultaneously disappointed.


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