



          You walked down the street mindlessly passing pedestrians and little shops while listening to Ayo by SHINee. You saw a silhouette leaning against a concrete pillar. He was wearing black converse, dark jeans, a maroon sweater and a hat covering most of his shiny black hair. His long figure slumped over while he fiddled with his phone and his right foot was propped up on the wall. You smiled, excited to see him again. As you got closer you let out a quiet, "It's good to see that you're back, Jongin."


         He lifted his head slowly, clearly not knowing whos mouth had just uttered his name. As he recognized you his face brightened into the smile you had missed so dearly. "HaNi-yah!" He pushed himself off of the pillar and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer into his embrace. As you wrapped your arms around his neck you took note that the top of your head only reached the bottom of his chin.


"You've gotten taller" you said into his shoulder. He let out a light giggle, sending hot air down the back of your neck.


"I ate well while I was gone."


"I'm glad" You lowered out of the embrace and smiled up at his tan skin and dark eyes. "Shall we go to our usual spot?" He nodded and the two of you walked off to the park.




         The park is where the two of you had first met. You were reading a book and listening to music while sitting on the bench. He had approached you asking where the nearest coffee shop was. He was new in town so you decided to walk him to your favourite cafe. As the two of you were walking you admired his dark skin and lean figure. When you arrived he invited you to stay with him and the two of you had become good friends. Ever since then, the park bench had been your meeting spot whenever you wanted to see each other.



          As the two of you walked towards the park, you noticed how the streets had gotten busier. There were people crowding the sidewalk, in a rush to get to where ever they needed to be. You and Jongin walked close to each other, careful not to bump into one another. This closeness caused his hand to brush up against yours several times. You pretended not to notice but had to bite your lip to keep yourself from smiling. You never exactly thought of Jongin as more than just a friend, but when he left you realized how much his absence had affected you. 


      You had finally made it to the bench and sat down, taking in the scenery around you. "I love the way the leaves change colour in the fall." You said, half to yourself. 


       "Yeah, me too." Jongin said, taking off his hat and ruffling his silky dark hair. You loved the way the light reflected off of it and how perfectly it lay across his forehead. 


        "So, I want to hear all about your trip! What did you do?" You asked eagerly as you turned sideways on the bench, making it easier to talk to him. 


         He let out an airy laugh while he fiddled with his hat that was now in his hand, "Actually, before I get to that, I need to tell you something."


        He turned to you giving you an expression that you couldn't quite read. "Yeah? Alright... Is everything okay?" You began to get a bit nervous. What could he possible want to say?


       "It's just that... when I was gone, It was really hard to get you out of my mind." He gave you a sincere look and you weren't quite sure on how to react.


        You let out a nervous giggle, "Yeah, I felt the same way. It was weird not having you around." 


        "No, I mean like... I really like you." You took a moment to register what he had just said. Before you could respond he leaned in and gently caressed your lips with his. 


        They felt warm and soft against yours and you loved the way you could feel his breath on your cheek.


        When he broke away it all had hit you so fast. You had no idea what to do or say. You panicked and as a result you connected your lips with his once again. He smiled against your lips which made you go crazy.


         This was almost like a dream, having your first kiss with Kim Jongin on the bench where the two of you had first met. 


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Chapter 1: fluffy kkk
Chapter 1: need a sequeeellll... kkkk,it need more fluffy sequel >_<
Chapter 1: Woah~ Nice. I like it. >.<