
Forever Yours .... Faithfully!


4 am, a light is coming through from a small gap between the floor and Kim’s bedroom door. Her day always start this early starting with her devotional reading.


Lying on the couch, restless all night Gerald is watching the light and wondering why she is up so early. 45 minutes later, door opens and Gerald pretended to be peacefully asleep. Kim leaves a piece of paper on the coffee table making sure he won’t miss it when he wakes up. Then she goes on her track pants and hooded sweat shirt with a long slender duffle bag on her left shoulder that is look like a case of something and a backpack that is hanging on her right shoulder.


Making sure that she is far enough, Gerald abruptly grab the note ….


“Ge, if you wake up and look for me, I’m gone for work. You probably gone when I come back, so I hope you have a good night rest last night. Please remember to ignore me if you see me and I trust you to keep your promise. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and see you around from distance. Talk to you when we see each other back in Manila.” ….. Kim”


Kim, you are killing me with your mysterious ways. Then crumpled the note and put it inside his pocket.  


Hurriedly he put on his pants and sweater, grab his backpack and carefully follow her. She is taking a different path this time, surrounded with long wild grasses walking through the woods she stop on a big old tree, go behind it and dig on file of dry leaves and coconut leaves. She pulls a medium size inflated raft and paddle and walks towards the beach. Knowing he can’t go closer, Gerald position himself in a secluded area but got a clear view of her. He sat down and being patient watching her. As Kim drag the raft to the water, Gerald dig into his backpack remembering Troy’s binocular he put there 2 days ago.


Kim paddle herself into an island standing alone not too far from the shore but sure water is deep as rays of beautiful colors reflected in a very white sandy bottom. Kim secures her raft and went on top of the hill while Gerald is watching her from his binocular. She took off her sweater and track pants to be in her two piece bikini, let go her hair and stand on the edge while holding a saxophone on her right hand. She looks up and raise her hands wide open towards the sky, took her balance and bend her back let her hair float backward and blown by the early morning breeze, she stays in that position for a good five minutes. Gerald was so mesmerized watching her. 


Oh my god Kimmy, you are so beautiful…. Is all the words that comes out from his mouth.


He stays and watches her play the saxophone on top of the hill on her bikini, looking so free and peaceful. Kim plays a wonderful melody, He can’t figure out what song but it is peaceful and so romantic.


Kim is playing “The Moment” as tears flowing on her eyes, makes Gerald heart wants to explode watching her tears.


What is it Kim? Bakit ang longkot longkot mo?


Few minutes later, Kim ready herself. Snapping tight on her thigh a set of diving knives with her diving shoes, she pencil dive off from the cliff to the water, Gerald jaw drop watching, watching a dare devil Kimmy. Few minutes later she comeback to the surface and start swimming towards the raft, grab the rope and tie it to her waist, and put on the tank and she immerse under. She’s been doing that a few times, going back and under which make Gerald wonder what she is doing.


Goodness Kim, when did you decide to be a gardener of the sea? What makes you think you can clean the sea by doing it that way. Then he smiled shaking his head.


Ready to walk back to his hotel, Gerald gets up and start his walk as fast as he can to avoid being caught as Kim paddle back to shore.


Shaking off his head few times, hoping he can get rid of the picture… bikini, shapely hips and legs, healthy chest and beautiful innocent face, are keeping coming back like a slide show on his head until he bump to Troy.


Ge, saan ka galling? Bakit hindi ka natulog sa hotel room mo?


Went to see a friend, Gerald reply.


Sinong friend? Pare naman daya mo hindi ka nag share, nag party ka mag isa? Cute babe ba bro? while giving him a naughty smile.


Fred and Rayver heard their conversation and they knew right away that Gerald went and spend his night with Kim. Gerald did not answer Troy’s question.

Gosh I’m so sleepy hindi ako naka tulog ng maayos, need to sleep Bro. Give me 4 hours and I’m good.


At 11 , Troy rush to see Gerald, he is inside the shower.


Ge, bro let’s go. We are scheduled for diving at 1 pm.


Okay give me 10 minutes.


All set and ready, 4 friends walking straight to the diving school when they heard someone is calling Gerald’s name.


Bro, si Ashley. Fred told Gerald.


Oh pag minamalas ka nga naman.


Ge, hindi ka puwede mag tago ma late tayo hayaan muna nandito naman kami. Rayver assured him.


Hey Ashley, what are you doing here?


Oh my goodness Gerald, I hate this place, my skin is so sunog already.


Troy rolls his eyes looking at Fred and Gerald.


So why are you here?

Why? Are you not happy to see me?  Anyway, I am here now and I am spending my days with you. I talk to Tito Randy and he told me you are here, so I asked my Dad if I can see you. So here I am, you need to spend time with me. So, where are you guys going?


We are going diving. Troy blurted out.


Oh good, I always wanted to do that.


Not sure if you can come, might be full already. Mahirap mag kuha ng schedule kasi this is the busiest time of the year here in Bora.


I don’t care; you guys do something at gusto ko sumama.


Gerald and Rayver didn’t say anything but they are annoyed with Ashley diva’s attitude.


At the register’s office, Ashley make a scene insisting that management should accommodate her because she is a special guest of Mr. Gerald Anderson and Gerald is paying a lot to have this session exclusively for them. As the argument catches everyone’s attention, Kim decided to come out and help.


Hi, I am Sue the instructress for this session, can I help you?


Hi Sue, as Troy greeted her. Kim smiled at Him.


I am Ashley, Gerald Anderson’s girlfriend.

As soon as hearing that, Gerald forehead wrinkled and his eyebrows met, not happy but try to control himself to stay calm.


Yes, Ms. Ashley, how can I help you?


I want to be in this session.


This session is booked as a private session exclusively to Mr. Anderson and company. I don’t see your name on the list as a guest.


Okay, no problem. There my name is on the list now, satisfied? Ashley grabs the list and writes her name.


Kim, smile admittedly surrenders for that one smart move of a desperate woman to tag along with her claimed boyfriend.


It is up to Mr. Anderson if he will consider you to join. Kim bluntly stated.


Oh hello, I’m the girlfriend, why would he say no? Ashley sarcastically gets back to her.


Okay, Mr. Anderson, I need you to sign this please then we can all go. Everyone, please go this way to the change room, get yourself ready and I’ll wait here outside.


Excuse me, can you send someone to carry my stuff.


Miss Ashley, no one else is allowed to board with us, may limit capacity po. As Kim explain.


Eh ikaw na ang mag dala ng gamit ko, here. Ashley handed her 2 hundred pesos.


Kim gives her a questioning look.


Okay fine, here is 5 hundred, sobra naman opportunista. Ashley said and walks away.


Kim not being affected, she laughs instead.


Gerald feels bad, and angry about Ashley’s attitude, he is about to get Ashley stuff when Kim grab it and walk.


The whole session, Ashley tries to get into Kim’s nerve by insulting her in every opportunity she got. Fred, Rayver and Troy got annoyed with Ashley’s attitude and Gerald is totally under Ashley spill. The whole time, Troy was totally into Kim which makes Gerald blood boils while Fred and Rayver are friendly towards Kim. Gerald is not enjoying at all, while His three other friends are having a wonderful time with Kim under water he got stock with Ashley complaining all the way.


Putting away their tank, Kim and Troy has this conversation which catches Fred and Rayver’s attention. A conversation they haven’t heard before from Kim.


Sue, how long have you been doing this?


Diving?...I start learning how to dive at the age of 10. Simula noon I feel the connection between me and the ocean.


Maganda nga talaga sa ilalim ng dagat. Troy’s agree. ..How does it attract you? Mas marami naman iba pang puwedeng gawin beside sa diving di ba.


Iba kasi pag sa ilalim ng dagat, iba ang freedom, doon you can be as free as you can be. Walang may nag sasalita, no one is judging you and has this unspoken love and respect between living things. Kim explains.


Troy enjoyed the chat with Kim; he got himself into more deep trouble of liking her. He found out not only she is beautiful inside out but also a very intelligent and a good conversationalist. He show and honestly told Kim his admiration and intention to her that he wants to know her better.  He asks her for a date and Kim agree for a one dinner before his group goes back to Manila. Gerald was not happy and confronted Troy and told him to stay away and forget his intention towards Kim. Confused and doesn’t understand, Troy disagree and ignore Gerald’s request which brought them into a fight. Gerald is so frustrated for not being able to explain the honest reason why he needs Troy to stay away. Resenting Gerald, Troy walks out…….come back later and welcome by Gerald’s fist.


Troy can’t understand Gerald’s action, he decided to find out what is it with Sue Yap and Gerald Anderson that he missed. Went to Net Café and search all the possible connection.


Holy ! …… Sue Yap .. is Kimberly Sue Yap Chiu? … I don’t understand! While shaking his head…. Troy is reading the article about the Ribbon cutting at the opening of St. Ignacio Medical Centre – Pediatric Wing 3 years ago where Kim and Gerald was standing beside each other. And the writer was talking about the possible union of the two being the biggest wish of business world, the union of Business Tycoon not just money but in marriage.


So this is the big reason of Gerald’s behavior, Troy thinking. Kimberly Sue Yap Chiu, you are richer than I think.


Left his chair and rushing towards the Diving School, not too far from where, Gerald, Fred and Rayver is lounging on a bar for some cold drinks while Ashley having a massage at  the shore just right across. Seeing Troy walking in a hurry, the 3 gets up and wondering what he got in his mind.


Troy excitedly marching towards Kim who is with some Japanese and Korean vacationer, he screams her name. Kimberly Sue Yap Chiu! Kimberly Chiu! Kim Chiu! Yes! You are Kim Chiu!


People start to look at Kim’s direction and start whispering.


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you are being thought by the famous child wonder, the underworld wonder of the sea and of the society, one of the most riches young business entrepreneurs of the world, Kimberly Sue Yap Chiu, Troy excitedly proclaim.   


Media rushing towards Kim and start asking question, Gerald, Rayver and Fred running to rescue her from the media, Gerald wrap a towel on her head to cover her face and instruct Fred to call His Dad.


Gerald got his arm wrap around Kimmy’s shoulder guiding her towards His hotel; reporters are following them and start throwing question at them.


Miss Chiu, are you here in Boracay with Gerald Anderson?

Are you two dating?

Gerald, is Kim Chiu your new conquest?

Miss Chiu what make you decides to disguise and work as scuba diving instructor?


As soon as they got to Gerald’s suite, Gerald locked the door and face Kim.


Kim, are you okay?


Kim looks up and face Him… what happened Ge? Why did you tell Troy about me?


Kim, I didn’t say anything, the guy are so determined to know you. He must find out who you are from the internet, he must have Google you.


Not saying anything, she just gives a big sigh.


Hour later, Gerald receive a call instructing Him to go to the roof top. He told Fred and Rayver and Ashley tag along.


Few men help them out of the room safe and away from the media; they are now safely transported by Anderson’s private helicopter back to Manila. Ashley is so embarrass sitting 2 people away from Kim.


Kim, I am so sorry about my action towards you earlier, I didn’t recognize you. I hope you’ll forgive me and will not judge me, I am not a bad person, really, As Ashley pleaded.


Don’t worry about it. I don’t judge people.

Fred give out a loud smirk, he is having fun watching this moment. How Ashley ask sorry to Kim. It turns out that Ashley’s dad is working at Chiu Anderson Enterprise as International Marketing Manager and Ashley is one of the recipients of Employee’s Children Scholarship Fund.


The ride home is quiet for Kim and Gerald.  Gerald is just watching her in the corner of his eyes while Kim is looking down got her hands together, rubbing the few blisters and cuts on her hand that she got from pulling the boats.

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pink_sapphire #1
Chapter 17: yehey! ur back!!..pls update as soon as you can!
TheArvie99 #2
Update ka na please...
kimmy03 #3
Chapter 17: don't worry. take ur time....
jcbel6523 #4
update please???
TheArvie99 #5
When are you going to update? Update na please ....
philhaus115 #6
update n po keep waiting....thanks!!!
TheArvie99 #7
Update na ikaw please ... thanks
jcbel6523 #8
can't wait for your updates!
keeegeee #9
Chapter 17: Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Ur sooo back!!
Thanks in advance!! Lolz
Ginawang TELESERYE kc ang Showbiz life ng KIMERALD!boom Hahaha
TheArvie99 #10
Chapter 17: Thank you .. you have a very nice story