Castle Dream of Yoona 1

Castle Dream of Yoona
"Omma! Who is this handsome guy" Young Yoona asks her mother about the chubby handsome guy in the picture. "Baby Yoong, he is going to be your Prince. Someday the two of you will get married and both of you will live happily ever after." Her Mother told her while cupping her beautiful face. Since then Yoona.have always thought that she should reserve her heart for that Prince. Since she was young, she dreamed of him that someday they will be together. That time her Omma doesn't tell what her princes' name. Everytime she asked, her Omma always tell that in right time she will meet and know her prince. She just tell me that my Prince will be nice to me and will always loves me. Yoona smiled widely as I remember how her Omma tell something about her prince. He is so NICE, KIND and he will love her. AND NOW! SHE WILL FINALLY MEET HER PRINCE!! The sad part is her Omma cant no longer see how will she meet my Prince. Yes, you're right she died last year. But then she know that her Omma will be happy wherever she is because. She'll finally meeting him. Choi family will visit Yoona's house. She so nervous and excited about it!! :)) (she blushes) "Miss Yoona, your father is calling you now. The visitors are now here" the maid said after knocking a few times. This ahjumma was taking care of her since her Omma died. She was dear to her. "Ahjumma. Come in. Do I look alright?" , Yoona asks the.old lady. She was wearing a neon color violet dress, a floral one with matching her very thick glass. Her eyelashes was thick also her eyebrows. She puts a heavy make up and a super red lipstick. And she wears a rubber shoes. She wants to be a beautiful Princess for his Prince. The ahjumma shocks her head "Aigoo. What did you do Young Lady?" Ahjumma brush the face of Yoona with wet towel. "You doesn't need to put make up. You are too young. Besides you look beautiful already" she said as she applies powder in her face. She looks herself in the mirror and she admits that she looks better without makeup. But she wonder how her father, Omma and Ahjumma always tell her that she was pretty. She remembered one time..... *** "You do have a prince? Are you kidding me? With that face? Hah! I bet no one will go on with you" the girl named Hyuna said to me. "Yah! You're right!" Said the other one. They laughed at me. They always laugh at me at school because of the way I dresssed and my thick eyeglass. *** But who cares, she has her prince. She smiled. And she alk out on her room and go down stairs slowly.. slowly.. as she takes every step..slowly...taking the moments...slowly... Yoona felt that everyone is staring at her and she feel like she's a Princess at the moment. Everyone is looking at her....then she slipped at she takes the last.step of the stairs.OMO!OMO! Arrrrrrrggggh! Yoona felt that her back hurts. Everyone in the living room shouted in their surprised. A beautiful old woman help her," take it slowly baby okay" . Yoona's face turns to red because of embarrassment. "Are you okay sweetheart" , Yoona's ever dear appa asks her. Yoona just nodded. She saw a familiar face. He was HER prince. He was the kid in the picture that Omma always showed to her. Yoona looked at him but he just give me a what-a-fool look. Yoona was really embarassed of her carelessness. "This is my daughter Yoona" Yoona's father introduce her to the visitors. "Yoona this is your Auntie Siya and Uncle Jiyo. And this is Seunghyun". "Hello Yoona. You are pretty. You look like your late mother", Yoona bowed to them and she tried give them her best smile. Her father and his parents talk something important that father told Ahjumma to take them to the kichen, of course with Seunghyun. She's so happy that she already know his name. YOONA'S PRINCE SEUNGHYUN. Yoona smiled. "Why are you smiling? You looked lika a dumb.". He said with his so ever cold eyes. That was the first thing she heard he talked. Yoona's smile erased as she look at Seunghyun intently. He was so perfect and his eyes was something. "I never thought that my prince will be so rude to me", she said as she looked straight in his eyes. There is something weird because she felt something in her stomach just staring at him. She thought there were butterflies in her stomach. At that time, she was so very happy. Happy that she finally with his Prince even though he seems not to like her because of his cold treatment.:) She is very very happy. Finally, she can be with him and they will build their castle to together. ^^^^ "Eomeoni, Abeoji! You can't leave me here." Seunghyun demanded to his parents. "Jagiya, you will be good here. You will be together with Yoona. And besides your uncle Yoo will be here with you", his mother told him. He remembered when his mother talked about Yoona when he was young. His mother told him that Yoona is his Princess. Seunghyun don't like the idea that he'll be with that annoying girl. He barely meet Yoona their house when they visited them. Yoona was not his type. NEVER. Her mother wanted him to stay at Yoona's house while they are fixing their busines. He sighs. He couldn't do something about it. Their decision was final. He's the one and only Choi Seunghyun. The perfect handsome with a piercing cold eyes. No one dare him. In their school , he was respected and feared by all. He was a tough guy with intimidating personality. Yoona was opposite of him. She weak as he remembered how she slipped off. She wears a very thick eyeglasses. Her mother tries to matchmake him to Yoona. He never wanted to be inlove. And never believe with love. NEVER. *** "Whuuuut? Are you sure Abeoji?? He's really staying with us?" Yoona can't believe tha she will living with her Prince. Her father told her when she drinking her juice. She coughs. Yoo laughed because of her daughter reactions. He knows that her late wife build a story that his daughter Prince was Seunghyun. He was worried because as Yoona grow up she never forget about her prince. He sighs. *** At Im's residence. Seunghyun was welcomed by Yoona and her father. Yoona instructed where his room. "This is going to be your room, Prince." She said as twisted the doorknob. Seunghyun was.irritated ," Can you please cut that Prince-Prince? I'm not your prince okay." He put his luggage in his bed-to-be. She sweetly smile," Aniyo. I want to call you "Prince"." "Whatever!" He don't know why he was easily irritated by her. "If you don't mind, i want to take a rest now." He said with expressionless face. "Okay. Sleeptight Prince. By the way, my room is just next door of your room. If you need something, just call me. Jal ja Gunju!", she was happy despite of the cold treatment. ^^^KAKAO TALK^^^^ Yoona search for her phone. And dial his bestfriends using kakao talk"FREE". She dialed Yuri and Jessica, the Ice Princess. "Hey! Yuri and Sica! My prince is staying here in our house!" She told them. "That's good thing. Is he handsome?Describe him!", jessice got excited for her very happy friend. "Yah! So handsome. I dont want to describe him. You will meet him soom. But Whats so markable about him is his piercing cold eyes that looked at your soul. "Oow! I want to meet him badly!" Yuri said. "I thought that prince will just remain.your illusion?" They laughed. They chatted for more minutes and they hang up. Yuri and Sica is her friends since then. They were beautiful and fashionable. Unlike her, her fashion was left behind. But then they remain to be her side. They agree to meet at school by tomorrow. ^^^GUNJU(PRINCE)^^^ "Goodmorning Uncle & Ahjumma", Yoona's father just smiled at Seunhyun and Ahjumma just nodded. "Seunghyun, feel at home okay. We are family", Yoo said."Also you must called me Abeoji". Seunghyun showed his charming smile,"komupsumnida abeoji". He was so overwhelm how he was treated by Yoo. "Also, can I ask you a favor? I have suddenly a seminar to attend at Spain. And to arrange some merger there. Can you please look after Yoona? I promised to back as soon as I finished." Yoo said to Seunghyun. "Its okay Abeoji. I can look look after her". Seunghyun was closed to Yoo when he was a child. They aparted just because Seunghyun's parents decided to stay at the Japan for years. "Abeoji!!! Goodmorning", she kissed her father."Goodmorning Gunju! Did you have a good sleep?" She asks her smiling. He just ignored her and continue to eat. "Baby Yoong, i'll be going to Spain in this afternoon. I asks your Oppa to take care of you. Behave darling. You have the same school to your Oppa because he was transfered to your school." "Abeoji, i'll behave. But abeoji he is not my oppa. He is my gunju, my prince".she said to her father. Yoo and Seunghyun stared to each other. Yoo gave you an apolegic look. ^^^At School^^^ Before they get out from the limo, Seunghyun warned her about calling him gunju also she should not stuck with him in the school. "Dont ever stick around me. If you see me, just pretend that you dont me. And dont you ever dare to call me gunju!" He told he before he got off from the car. "But Gunju--." She protested. He just told my father that he will take good care of me. But why? "Haysss. How can I introduce him to Yuri and Sica?" She silently whisper. She was surprised when someone clap in her ears. She smiled when she saw her Jessica and Yuri. They hugged together. "I missed you girls", they chorus together and giggles after. Afterwards, they go to their room together. *** It was their break, Yoona decided to go cafeteria to look something to eat. Her two friends will have to take their snacks with their boyfriend. Yuri has Seungri and Jessica has Junsu. She was very closed with her bestfriend's boyfriends. She was always teased by the two boys. She remembered their group conversation. "Woah! I cant believe that you really believe on that tale of you Prince to be? Haha You are so traditional" , she was not even offended because she knows Junsu. "What if you will meet him and he doesnt liked you? Seungri said. He received a sword-stared from Yuri. "Dont get me wrong Yoong. You are a great chick! You are pretty when you get off of that pitty eyeglasses. You are beautiful inside and out. It is just your fashion is outdated". She get what Seungri was telling her. She also agree but she still refuses. "Omma told me that he is nice and he will love me despite what I looked". "Yeah. You are right Yoong". Said Junsu. "Yoong is beautiful. Despite of her fashion statement there is so many pretty guys was admiring and wanting her. But she always refuse because of her Prince" Sica said. They loved her. They wanted her to be happy. She was to lucky for having a friend like them. BACK TO REALITY She saw his Gunju. She wondered if he ate already. But then she bought spicy fish cake. Then she sit in the front of Seungri. "Gunju! I bought fish cake for you." She whispered so that nobody won't hear. "Did I make clear to you that dont stick around me?,"he said straight to her face. "You are so annoying." Seunghyun stand up and left her. "Why are he was so mean to me? I'll teach him a listen how to be good and kind", Yoona said as she bite the fish cake.
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