Heaven's Tears (drabble)

Heaven's Tears (drabble)

They say the last thing people lose before they die is their hearing. 

The soft sound of raindrops falling onto the ground, splashing one after the other in rapid succession of on another. Sometimes getting lighter and heavier in a somewhat random beat, an impossibly possible rhythm to keep up with. Some of the drops landed on foreign objects, the sounds it made were unknown. Maybe the tickling of it against metal, or the deep thumps it made echoing against an empty bucket. 

Leeteuk’s hearing came back first.

Then the sensation rushed over him. The wet spray of rain water rushing over his body, effectively soaking his clothes and hair. It trailed over his skin softly, only to be rushed by other rain drops mixing; in a hurry to meet to ground under him. Heaven’s tears were cool to touch, but not enough to make him shiver. It felt refreshing over his cracked lips and made his eyelids twitch when the drops made contact and rolled down his cheek bones or toward his ears. 

Sense of touch was the second thing Leeteuk gained.

Third was the smell.

The rain washed out every smell, only could the scent of the clean water falling entered his mind, so strong he could almost taste it. Musky waves rush around in the still air, broken trough by the pure stream falling from the heavens, leaving it with holes in the blanket over the world. It could hardly be described as anything else, for rain smells like rain.

Sight is the first sense most people lose before they pass on. It was the last thing Leeteuk acquired.

The rain that made his eyelids twitch and stutter, the drops that fell on his face and slid down, the senses that all rushed over his mind. Sounds, touch, smell, all of it lead up to sight. His eyes fluttering open, blinking swiftly against the oncoming never ending water. His arm felt heavy as he lifted it and brought it up to protect his gaze. As if he was covered in a thick layer and hadn’t moved in years. Opening his eyes, he took in the pale arm over him and the white fabric sopping and attached to the limb. Only a few drops trickled down to his face, but he could now see. The sky, the heavens above him. The rain falling down from the light gray clouds hovering above the earth around him. 

His mind took in all of these senses. He could place it all; rain, clouds, sky, ground. He knew what it all was.

But then he wondered.

Why was he here?
Why was he lying under the sky?

Why was he sleeping under rain?

Memories, people say, stay with a person forever.

Leeteuk had none.

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thederpchanyeol #1
Like it!!! Keep writing!!!
WOAHH...man, I don't usually read one-shots, but that.was.AMAZING! The description, details and everything else was just mesmerizing. Are you going to write anymore about this? Because as much as I like cliffhangers, I really would love to know what will happen to Teukie next... and the last line. "Leeteuk had none." *gasps* JUST.BEAUTIFUL <3