The confession


“You go first!” Both Xiumin and Chen said at the same time.

Chen felt his cheeks heat up and instinctively tried to hide his face from Xiumin.

“oh my gosh.... I hope he didn’t see that....stop blushing already.....stop it...” Chen mentally thought and slapped himself wondering why his body is disobeying himself.

Sensing that there was something was wrong with Chen, he decided to lead themselves in a more private area to talk which were their rooms. “let’s go” Xiumin cut to the chase and took Chen’s hand as he lead them to their room.

When they finally got to their room, Xiumin immediately asked “ Are you ok? Is there anything wrong? how are you doing?”

‘Im fine....wait you know what im actually not not fine...I just need to tell you something and if you don’t like what i say next please don’t hate me...please don’t.... i could never live if i don’t have you by my side” Chen spluttered as he tried to speak his mind.

“It’s okay Chen whatever you say, I could NEVER hate you understand? Never...”Xiumin said as he reached to wipe the tears off Chen’s face.

Chen was taken aback. He did not know he was even crying, he had to do this! he told himself mentally..... so he took a deep breath “there is no turning back now....”he thought.

“Xiumin.... I love you” Chen said as he confessed to Xiumin.

Xiumin was shocked at the sudden confession...... his mind registered it but his body remained still.


Noticing that he took the wrong step Chen excused himself and ran out of the room tears rolling down his cheeks.Chen’s worst nightmare has come true. He ran out of the building and went as far as his legs would take him. He stopped at the training facility, that was when his legs gave out and he started to sob some more. Thunder and lightning started to appear, even when the weather forecast was sunny on that day but Chen couldn’t care less about the weather as he let out an anguished scream. “He hates me now. Why did I say that? I could have been his friend, I could have still stayed by his side... well not after this...” Chen thought as he drifted off to sleep due to his exhaustion from all the crying and running.


A/N:  hi guys, sorry it took so long. BUT IM NOT GIVING UP ON THIS YET!

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Chapter 4: Beep beep~
<3 this is really awesome... can I ask is chen uke?
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