What If...?


What if you decided to sleep in today? 

What if you decided not to help that little lady cross the street? 

What if you hadn't lied to that one person? 

A simple question like that can go a long way and for B.A.P's maknae, it turned out to be the most important question in his life.... 


What if....? 


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Chapter 8: Wahhhh! You know how to make a girl cry, don't you? This was a sad ending to a beautiful story. Thank you for posting it. I loved it=).
Chapter 7: No...Now he thinks she is cheating=(. Poor Mimi='(. I'm enjoying this. Please update soon=).
Chapter 6: Great job, and I look forward to the next chapter. Update soon=).
Chapter 5: Yeah...just a joke, for now;). Great chapter.
Chapter 4: It that she had to find out that he is leaving through an interview, but at least, he saved her from the crazy anti-fan. So, she has a condition that weakens her, and she can't stay awake? That worries me...=(
Chapter 3: Oh, no! She's trying to tell him she's dying...=( No!!!
Chapter 2: Cute chapter. Zelo is such a gentleman, and Mimi is sweet=).