
Give Me Love

Sehun has been going out every chance he could get at the few hours before sunrise. Just to see if he still got his affinity. So far so good.


A few times he managed to used the wind to blow the dead leaves in one place, then he kicked things up a notch by placing his jacket on the ground, and tried to move it to him the same way, so far, it’s impossible.


That night was the same, he sneaked out of the dorm and went deep in the forest to practice. He kept trying and trying but the amount of wind couldn’t move the jacket even an inch. He groaned in frustration.


Just then he heard a crack of a branch near him and he whipped around. He was a bit far from the school buildings so it was unlikely someone would be there. “Who’s there?” He called out.


Silence, he was about to go look for it himself when a squirrel barreled past him, surprising him.


“Just a squirrel…?” Sehun muttered.


He looked back up and saw a shadow moved.


“What the…?” He was really suspicious by now so he went after it.


The person seemed to noticed Sehun following him so he broke into a run. Sehun, surprised by the sudden sprint, tried to catch up.


It was then that the wind picked up and Sehun grinned. Apparently it finally decided to cooperate.


Sehun managed to catch up to the person and got a hold of his arm. “Hey, wait.”


The boy twisted around to snarl at him but he was normal, not a zombie but then Sehun’s gaze travelled upwards. The boy’s mark was red.


“The hell…?” Red? But Vampyres and fledglings have a blue moon, not red… so how?


He was soon caught of guard when the red fledgling jumped at him and pinned him down. He grabbed Sehun’s hair and twisted it making Sehun cried out.


“Let go of me!” Sehun yelled as he grabbed the boy’s wrist on his hair and his other hand pushing the boy the shoulder.


Still snarling, the boy bared his mouth and bit Sehun’s shoulder. The pain was excruciating that Sehun screamed as loud as he can. But that seems to be a good thing as his screams brought a large blast of wind that threw the red fledgling of off Sehun and into the nearest tree.


He groaned as he hit it and Sehun got up as fast as he can and ran from there.


His shoulder was bleeding but it wasn’t that deep so it was okay for now but who knows what kind of viruses the red fledgling is carrying.


He started to slow down as the running was hurting his shoulder more when he could hear the red fledgling catching up behind him. A quick look at the back proved it’s true thus Sehun braved the pain and broke into a sprint.




“Why did you bring me here Suho hyung?” Kai complained as Suho kept dragging him deeper into the forest.


“I told you already.” Suho said, not really listening.


“And i told you that you might’ve just imagined it. A red mark? Like seriously?” Kai scoffed.


“I hadn't imagined it. I know it’s true, now shut up and help me look.”


“That’s another thing, look for what?!” Kai just wanted to go to sleep.


“The red fledglings of course!”


“Okay, hyung, listen here, you must be tired, let’s just go back to our room and rest shall we?” Kai tried to persuade Suho was his hands were tugging Suho away.


“I won’t go out of here till i find them!” Suho whined.


“Red fledglings are still fledglings, they will sleep in rooms not a freakin forest! so let’s go!”


“I searched everywhere at campus, they are not there!”


“That’s because they don’t exist!” Kai wanted to yell.


“They do!”


“They don’t!”


“They do!








“I saw them!”

“You could’ve miss seen it!”


“No i didn’t!”


“You could’ve! Like because of the lighting or something!”


“It was outside!” Suho put his hands on his hips.


Kai stomped his feet on the ground “Outside still could make people miss seen things!”




“I am a brat! So, listen to this brat and let’s go home now!”




“Ugh!” Kai walked over to the nearest tree and banged his head on it. Repeatedly.


“You know we could go home earlier if you would help me search for them.” But Suho has already turned around to try to see through the dark forest.


“I don’t wanna search for them! They don’t exist!” If he wanted to, Kai could really let out some tears by then.


All further retorts was forgotten when a scream resounded through the forest.


“What’s that?” Kai asked, on defensive mode.


“I don’t know.” They moved forward together, slowly, wary of anything that might jumped out of them from the darkness.


“Do you think it could’ve been a zombie?”


“Not possible, it’s too far from the cemetery.”


“We better be quick.” Kai said and led Suho to the direction of the yell.


Just then something ran past them a few feet away, it was too fast to see anything clearly but they both saw one thing, a colourful thing on top of the head.


“Sehun!” They both whispered to each other.


“What’s he doing?” Kai asked.


“How should i know!”


They both quieted soon after as they heard another running footsteps chasing after Sehun.


That one was too fast they couldn’t see anything so they opted for chasing after it.


Kai ran faster so soon he managed to tackle the boy to the ground. Kai pinned his wrist behind the back and grabbed his hair to stifle his movements. The boy just kept struggling and snarling.


“Sehun!” Suho yelled to get Sehun to stop running. It work as Sehun stopped to turn around, panting and short of breath. Suho raced over to Sehun. “You alright?”


Sehun leaned over first to catch his breath. “Yeah, well, kind of.”


“What’s wrong?” Sehun showed Suho his wound where Suho promptly winced in reflex.


“It’s better than it looks so don’t worry.”


“Still, you’re gonna need stitches.”


“Oh Goddess, don’t tell me that.” Sehun was not a fan of needles. Especially needles that will be sewing his skin together.


“Okay then… noted. Who's the guy?”


“I don’t know. He was spying on me so i chased after him, and then he bit me.”


“That’s crappy…”


“Tell me about it. But you know the weird thing is…” They stopped walking so that Sehun could whisper in Suho’s ears. “The boy’s mark is red.”


Suho froze, which thrown off guard Sehun. “... Did i say something wrong?”


Suho ignore him and instead ran towards Kai. Dropping to his knees once he reached him and pulled the red fledgling’s face up and stiffen.


Kai who thought it was weird, turned to look and finally saw the red mark. “Oh my Goddess…”


The boy snarled and thrashed. As Kai was shock, his hold on the boy was weak so he was soon overtaken.


Kai got thrown to the ground and the dagger from his boot slipped out. The red fledgling saw it and quickly went to grab it.


The three of them stood apprehensively as the red fledgling got into a fighting stance with the dagger.


“What are you?” Kai asked and it seems like the red fledgling didn’t like it as he pounced on Kai.


The both were trashing on the ground, trying to get hold of the other. The fledgling managed to swipe Kai’s cheek with the dagger, causing a long red line to oozed blood from the wound.


Sehun couldn’t managed to do anything as dizziness started to overtook him. Seemed like the loss of blood was a huge deal, as it still keep oozing but Sehun hid it before it gets unwanted attention.


Then, Sehun stared in awe as a huge thread of water appeared around Suho where he had his eyes closed in concentration. He brought his hand up and the water gathered over there. He didn’t stop till the ball of floating water where big enough and he threw it at the fledgling, where he ended up a few feet away.


The fledgling, soaking wet gave them a last hiss before running away. Kai was about to chase after him when Suho yelled out. “Just let him go.”


“Are you kidding me? You were the one who wanted to catch a red fledgling so much and we almost got a chance! And you want me to let him go?” Kai stated unsatisfied.


“Yes, because it’ll be better that way. Now’s not the time, plus Sehun is a second away from passing out.”


The two looked over at him after the sentence and Sehun was trying hard to show he was fine. “I’m not, i’m alright.”


“No you’re not.” Kai said as he hurried over to Sehun.


He was just in time too as at that moment Sehun’s legs gave away. Kai put Sehun’s good arm over his shoulder and they proceeded to get the hell out of the forest before anymore unwanted surprise came at them.


By then the sunrise were nearing so it was a little easier navigating the forest.


“Guys, don’t tell anyone about today alright? We’d better make sure of things first before gossip starts. I’ll talk to the High Priestess about this later.” Suho suggested.


“Alright.” Kai said, not really paying attention as he was focusing on Sehun who had passed out at this point. As Kai changed to carry Sehun bridal style, Suho looked back at the forest. The red fledgling… Not only was he right that there was a red mark but the fledgling… Suho knew him. He knew him very well in fact, and he also knew that the boy had died three years ago.



Sehun moaned as he tried to move his body, his shoulder hurt the most and basically, it felt like hell. So, he just lied down there on the bed, frozen, not sure what to do.


He knew he was in the infirmary, but where's the Healer? He frowned at the thought of them leaving him all alone, unattended.


"What if I have to pee?" Sehun mumbled and pouted.


A sudden movement from beside of the bed shocked Sehun so, he let out a strangled scream. He was still traumatized by the attack of the red fledgling.


"Shh, Sehun, calm down," a familiar voice whispered and Sehun felt a hand touching his cheek. His head was turned to the side and Kai's worried, tired, worn out face came to view. "It's just me."


Kai's hand was warm against his cold cheek and he leaned into the touch. Desperate for heat, it's been too cold. He realized that he's been shivering all the time.


"Are you cold?" Kai stood up and covered Sehun up with another blanket, tucking it gently.


The cold went away but just for a while.


"I'll go get a Healer," Kai told him and was about to leave.


Sehun quickly reached his arm out and tugged on Kai's wrist. Kai looked back questionably and Sehun’s air knocked out of his lungs.


The wind blew Kai's bangs up, making it look light and soft, highlighting his outline crescent. For a moment, it took Sehun's breath away. He was breathtakingly handsome. No boyish smile not a smirk, just Kai's worried and concerned face. Sehun's heartbeat doubled its pace.


"I'm still cold," was what Sehun said.


Kai broke away from Sehun's grip and interlaced their fingers together.


Kai lifted the blanket off Sehun and pushed Sehun to the other side of the bed and slipped in.


Sehun was shocked. He didn't know that Kai would join him, he just need him there.


Kai adjusted the blanket around them and wrapped his arm around Sehun, instantly warming Sehun up.


Sehun whimpered as Kai accidentally pressed too hard against his bad shoulder. Kai muttered a quick apology which Sehun nod to.


"Feeling warmer?" Kai mumbled against his ear. The close distance between them wasn't making Sehun any calmer. He felt as if his heart would jump off his throat. Kai's warm breath against his cheek, their body pressed against each other in the small bed.


"Y-yes, thank you," Sehun shyly glanced up to meet Kai's warm gaze. Sehun's hand reached up to touch Kai's cheek where the scar from the fight earlier has healed. Kai leaned in into the touch and closed his eyes, sighing.


Them both closed their eyes, breath warm against their skin.


"How long has I been asleep?" Sehun asked soon after, can't sleep.


Kai's breath wasn't uneven so he knew that the boy was still awake. “Almost four days,” Kai traced random pattern on Sehun’s arms.


“That long?” Everyone must have worried, Sehun wondered.


“The healer put you to sleep so your shoulder can heal well, you’ll feel slightly numb but it’ll wear off soon,” Kai explained, his voice in hushed whisper against his ear.


“Oh,” Sehun managed. Kai’s hands trailed down to Sehun’s wrist, still trailing random patterns making Sehun shivered at the sensation. His skin is quite sensitive in that area, especially.


They both engulfed in a comfortable silence, each of them just enjoying each other’s company. Soon, Sehun felt sleepy and found himself deep in slumber.


“Sleep well, Sehun-ah,” Kai’s eyelashes fluttered against his cheek before he planted his warm lips pressed on Sehun’s forehead.




Sehun was discharged a few days after and was greeted cheerfully by his group of friends. Luhan, especially, screamed a ‘sehunnie’ and ‘are you alright, you looked like ’ while others just laughed at Luhan’s serious expression. They can’t really take that kid seriously.


Kai came in after Sehun and told all of them that Sehun has healed perfectly, punching Sehun’s used-to-be bad shoulder jokingly.


The others panicked and threw Kai’s glares as Sehun whimpered and groaned in pain. Luhan went to check up on Sehun, and pushed him away when Sehun just smiled goofily at him.


“Was just a joke, guys,” Sehun moved his shoulder in every way and they all started to pounce on Sehun for scaring him like that.


In the midst of everything, Sehun’s eyes met Kai’s and they both shared a knowing gaze. Kai winked playfully and Sehun looked away, blushing madly.




Kris was marking his class papers at that time when there was a knock on his door. Happily thinking it was Tao, when he opened it, he was disappointed.


“Ouh, it’s you.”


Suho raised his eyebrow. “Good to see you too.”


“Sorry, thought you were someone else.”


“Ahh…” Suho knew exactly who that someone else is. “Listen, we need to talk.”


“Okay sure, what’s up?” The both sat on the sofa in Kris’ bedroom, facing each other.


“First thing first, i once saw a red marked fledgling.”


“Red marked fledgling?”


“Yes, like we are blue, well i saw a red one.” Suho played with the end of his sleeve in nervousness.


There was silence until Kris finally replied. “Are you sure?”


“Positive, we actually had a face-to-face confrontation and Kai and Sehun was there too.”


“Okay then…” Kris said not really believing it.


“Kris please, just ask them if you don’t believe me.”


Kris stared at him intently before he finally nodded. “Okay, i believe you.”


“You do?” Now Suho was skeptical.


“I’ve known you for a long time, you’re not the type to kid about these things.”


“Thank you.” Suho said relieved. “Now back to the point. The red fledgling… I know him… or actually, we know him.”


“What? Who?”


Suho looked away, it felt like if he said it out loud, it would’ve been even more real. “It was Jongdae…” He whispered.


“What?” Kris was dumbfounded.


“It was.”


“It can’t. Chen rejected the change. He died in front of our eyes Suho.”


“I know! That’s why i’m freaking out. But it was him Kris, i swear!” Suho pleaded.


Kris look away, shaking his head, eyebrows furrowed. He believed Suho, but it just can’t be.. Chen died three years ago, so why now? And most importantly, how?


“Do you think… that he got turned into a zombie?” Kris asked.


Suho shook his head. “No, he was different from a zombie, but different from a fledgling too. He was somewhere in the middle. He could stand straight and walked properly but he just kept, snarling, like the zombies.”


Kris bit his fingernails, a habit that only appeared when he was troubled. “What does this mean?”


“I don’t know…” Suho said tiredly.


“The zombies, red fledglings, they few signs of dark magic around the school… Suho, i’m afraid something big is going to happened. Something bad.”


Suho stared back at Kris, eyes sad and tired. “I think so too…”


“What are we going to do?”


“I don’t know… But later i’m going to go to the High Priestess to tell her all this.”


Kris thought for a moment. Somehow he doesn’t want Suho near the High Priestess, it was just a feeling and Vampyres usually trust it like a limb. “No, i’ll tell her.”


“You sure?” Suho asks.


“Yeah, you should probably go to bed, the Sun is high already and you look like crap.”


“Geez, what a way to bring a man up.”


“Take whatever you can get.” Kris teased.


They grinned at each other, gave a quick hug and Suho walked away to back to his dorm.


Kris watched at Suho’s retreating back, trying to make sure he could still at least walk properly. Kris was about to enter back to his room when he changed his mind and turned direction. He stopped in front of the Rituals and Spells teacher’s room and knock.


“Yes?” A voice from inside called before the door was opened and a pale, blond man appeared.


“Lay, we need to talk.”

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Chapter 16: please update the sequel
lalicesarang #2
Omg this story is all kind of awesome. Hundred times better than twilight :) im anticipating the rest!
RuJunior2112 #3
I'm really impressed by this story!
This's awesome >w<
but I want more SeKai and I'm waiting for your second part ^^.
And can you give me the permisson to translate it into Vietnamese? That my friends who don't know English can read it.
Please reply me soon, thanks very much for a great story.
Chapter 16: Sequel please ! ; n ;
sooyoung_ramen #5
Chapter 15: aaaaaaaaaaaaargh super duper great story!!!!! *///*
lil bit confused at first.... But omfg it's really really awesome~~ sequel juseyooooooo ><
violetwindspear #6
Chapter 14: A sequel please?
Chapter 14: HNNG. NOOO. I WANTED SEKAIIII. /sobsobsob = w = but it was a great story
toomanyfeels #9
omg the feels for this. this is a really great fic!! > <