Getting Jealous Of His Friends

Which guy is gonna fall in love with me?

Young Min saw you two hugging eachother

He was curios about what's happening then he suddenly remembered that Kwang Min has to do something for him.

Young Min ran and pulled Kwang Min away from you.

__________'s POV

... why did he pull his brother

...ooh, did he get jealous or something

... or maybe he has to tell him something privately

... what ever the reason is, I'm just gonna ignore it.

End of ___________'s POV


Young Min and Kwang Min stayed outside for a while.

You entered the school and told the twins, 'see you at class'

After you left, Young Min and Kwang Min had a conversation.

"Dongsaeng, you have to give something back to me!!"

"Hyung, what do you mean by that'

"I cooked food for you two, and I got tired, so you have to do something for me too"

"Fine, what do you want me to do?"

"Hmm, I have two conditions"

"What are they?"

"First, you have to teach me how to do my homework and second you have to do ALL my chores today!"

"WOW, can I just do one thing?"

"NO, if you want, you do one today and one for tomorrow.. Sounds good?"

"Okay fine,, I'll teach you today and the chores tomorrow"


The twins went seperate ways and went to their first class.

You saw Kwang Min and asked him,

"Is there any problem? Why did Young Min pull you away?"

"Nahh, it's nothing, don't worry about it"

"OKay fine. "

The teacher walked in and your class started.

After your first class, you went to your locker and saw Young Min.

"Hi Young Min" (You said shyly)

"Oh, Hi"

"So, how's your day so far?"

"Good! I met new friends and they are really nice"

"That's nice.. So, see you at lunch?"

Young Min didn't reply back because one of his friends called him


Break is over, you went to your second class with Kwang Min, Dara and Bom.

Dara and Bom doesn't know anything about Young Min yet.

On your second class, your teacher has a meeting so she gave the class free time.

You were thinking of what to do then Dara asked you,

"Who do you like?!?!"

Kwang Min and Bom heard it and they both gathered up beside you and Dara.

"Woah.. How did came up with that question?!?"

You got speechless for a while.

Since you are good friends with Dara and Bom, you decided to tell them about Young Min too.

"Uhmm, the guy I like is in the other class. His name is ..'

You were about to tell them then suddenly your teacher came.

Before the teacher started teahing you quickly whispered to them,

"I'll tell you at lunch, I'll show you"

Kwang Min looked at you smiling.



You and your friends got out of the classroom.

Since you promised Bom and Dara that you would show them your crush, all of you waited for Young Min by the classroom door.

Young Min came and you told them that it's him, it's the guy you like.

They looked at him and recognized something.

"It looks like Kwang Min"

*You smiled and said, 

"Yeahp, he does.. It's because that's Kwang Min's twin"

"Ohh" They both said.

"Let's go get our lunches and go to the lunch room"

Bom and Dara went to go get their lunch but you stayed there for a while.

You saw the twins talking to eachother and you tried to listen to them.

Kwang Min asked if he's gonna eat lunch with them

Young Min said that he wants to get to know his new friends so he's gonna eat lunch at the other lunch room.

Bom and Dara came back and they led you to your locker.

While you were opening your lock, a sunbae accidently pushed you towards Young Min.

The two girls at your back started giggling, you blushed a little and said sorry.

After that Young Min heard his friends calling him so he went to the lunch room quickly.

The hallways are now empty, you and your friends slowly walked to the other lunch room beside the one where Young Min is.

You keep on peeking inside and see if Young Min's doing good

You saw him with guys and GIRLS and you got a little jealous so you pulled Kwang Min and went to the lunch room and ate.


Time passed by and it's hometime.

You walked home with just kwang Min because his twin is hanging out with his friends.

It was quiet and you two didn't even try to talk.

You couldn't talk because your thinking about Young Min being with his friends and that you might not be able to get close to him.

Kwang Min couldn't talk either because he doesn't have anything to say..

Then you two went seperate ways back to your home.


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I'm so in love with park sandara
They're all so sxy
i'll till story is finished then i would definitely read this...<br />
@ilovekwangminjo<br />
iill try to update everyday but sometimes i get busy... <br />
thnx [;
@yeoniie, thnx(:<br />
yeah, she imagines Young Min,, she likes to imagine alot.. CRAZY LOVE,, HAHAHA <3<br />
He didn't really forgot to speak Korean, he's just used to English..<br />
I'll try to update if I can..
awww sooo cute! ahahhahaa<br />
she's already imagining about Youngmin before she met him?<br />
I'm so loving this, UPDATE SOON! ^^
Seems interesting :D update soon
Please Subscribe.. I know the Foreword doesn't look that interesting but trust me,, it will get better.. It's funny :))) LOOL