


Taeyeon sat at her usual table in her usual cafe. The fragrant aroma of coffee beans greeted her as she typed away on her laptop. She was a part time writer and somehow coming here always gave her inspiration to write.
Well maybe it wasn't the place… more like the girl. 
That girl to be specific. 
The girl that always came at eleven am, with her light pink wallet and her pink cased handphone. Her loud laugh would chime through the cafe and her bright eye smile lit up even the gloomiest of days. 
But of course, Taeyeon the writer couldn't muster up the courage to ask for a name, much less a number. She just sat at her usual table, slowly prodding the keys on her laptop, pretending to focus when all she really did was sneak glances at the girl.
The only thing she did was to leave a napkin at the same table the girl sat at every morning. Each morning, she would leave a different message. The waitresses all knew it was her, but she had specifically told them to tell her it was some other guy that always left before she came in. For goodness sake, she didn't even know if Tiffany played for the same team as she did. 
It was eleven am again. Taeyeon smiled subconsciously as the bell at the door rung. She sat there, quietly enjoying the same pink accessories, the same cheerful voice that greeted the waitresses. 
Today, the girl chose to walk past Taeyeon's table. Taeyeon caught the scent of strawberries, maybe with a tinge of citrus. The girl's silky red hair flowed behind her, leaving Taeyeon in a little bit of a trance. She focused her eyes back onto her screen and squinted, pretending to type away once again. Her silly heart was beating away crazily, and she gulped down a mouthful of tea in a hopeless attempt to calm it down. 
Silly heart.
Taeyeon sighed. When would she ever be able to ask for a name, or maybe even a number? Probably never, she thought to herself.
The girl sat down and quickly grabbed the napkin that was awaiting her arrival. 
Pitter patter, 
the raindrops fall.
What a gloomy day,
with them dark clouds.
But a-ha!
I see an eye smile,
that gives my heart,
electric pulse. 
An eyesmile surfaced on the girl's face, and Taeyeon felt like there were butterflies in her stomach. The renewed warm feeling in her heart gave her the inspiration to type more poems, and she did, specifically to fill up the next poem for the following day. Her fingers flew across the keyboard and she typed hurriedly away. 
Before long, it was twelve o'clock, and as usual, the girl got up to go on her way.
Taeyeon sighed. Another day without a name. 
Taeyeon stood at the counter, waiting to order her drink. She tapped her foot lightly against the wooden floorboards a little impatiently. She had come in a little later than usual today, and it was 10.57am, only three minutes from eleven. If she didn't get her drink within the next two minutes, the girl would come in, and there was a high chance that Taeyeon would have to walk past her to get back to her seat.
She didn't know if her heart could handle it. 
Taeyeon blanked out a little as the queue crawled forward. She had half a mind to return to her seat, but she really needed her tea to start the day. A minute to eleven. She would never make it. Turning back, she bumped into someone accidentally.
A someone who had red hair, pink accessories, and a gorgeous smile.
"Oh sorry!" The girl apologised. 
Taeyeon suddenly felt like the pull of gravity on her jaw was a little stronger than usual. "I.."
"Are you okay?" The girl smiled. 
"Ye…s." God she wanted to faint.
The girl smiled and pointed towards the counter. "It's your turn to order." 
"Aah." Taeyeon turned back and approached the counter, ordering the usual. She fumbled around in her pockets but they were empty.
Where was her wallet?
Taeyeon smiled embarrassedly to the waitress. "I uhm. Wallet." 
A handful of bills approached from her left, and Taeyeon turned around. 
"I'll get it as an apology for bumping into you just now." The girl did her signature eye smile.
Taeyeon wanted to faint, she really did. But of course, she couldn't so she just stood there, dumbstruck and lost for words. 
After her mind finally rebooted from the shock, she nodded a thanks. 
"No problem." The girl started towards her own table.
"U-h wait!" Taeyeon startled herself and the girl with her sudden outburst.
The girl looked at her, a polite smile playing on her lips.
"What's your name?" Taeyeon had to fight so hard internally to not stutter. 
"Tiffany, my name's Tiffany. What's yours?" 
"Taeyeon." Her heart couldn't take it anymore, an answer with multiple words would've killed her.
"You're welcome, Taeyeon." Tiffany chuckled amusedly. 
"Thanks, Tiffany." Taeyeon smiled sheepishly. 
Tiffany then went to her own seat, and Taeyeon went to get her drink that was still on the counter. The waitress winked at her success, and Taeyeon could only blush.
It was a cold saturday, rain was pelting down mercilessly on the sidewalk and the trees swayed dangerously in the fierce winds. 
It was five minutes after eleven, and Tiffany hadn't showed up yet. Taeyeon started getting a little worried. Had something happened on the way? Was she even going to show up?
The napkin on the table looked a little lonely. The words were scribbled a little messily, as Taeyeon had to write on both an apology for missing the previous day's, and also the new poem for the same day. 
The door bell chimed and Taeyeon looked in anticipation. Was it Tiffany?
The man coughed.
Darn, it wasn't. 
It happened a couple of times, and Taeyeon only looked back to her screen dejectedly. It was half an hour past eleven, and she sighed, giving up hope that Tiffany would come in for the day. 
Suddenly, Taeyeon caught a whiff of strawberries. 
Her head shot up. And she thanked the heavens it did. Tiffany was here again. The rain couldn't dampen her mood anymore. 
Tiffany took her usual seat, a little later than usual. She picked up the napkin that awaited her.
Sorry I missed yesterday's. I was running late so I couldn't drop by. I hope you accept my apology, I got the waitress to get you a cookie. (p.s. I hope you like cookies.)
Eyesmiles and pink, 
makes my heart skip.
A loud voice and laugh,
make me dreamy. 
I do hope,
you accept my apology. 
A faint smile appeared on her lips, but it never reached her eyes. Tiffany sighed and placed the napkin back onto the table. Taeyeon watched from behind her screen, and wondered why Tiffany seemed so downcast today.
When Tiffany had eye bags, it meant she hadn't slept enough.
When Tiffany forgot to bring her book, it meant she was running a little late.
When Tiffany's eyes were red… Taeyeon didn't have a reason for that. 
So she wondered why. And wondered and wondered. Then she decided wondering would do her no good, so she a little note.
I hope you're feeling alright today, an eyesmile couldn't hurt could it?
p.s. pink looks good on you.
Taeyeon signalled to the waitress, and got her to bring it to Tiffany.
Tiffany received the note, a little shocked. She stared at the napkin for the longest time, and then suddenly looked up. 
Taeyeon was caught unaware, and their eyes met for a split second. She panicked. Tiffany probably knew it was her. There were only four other people in the cafe. An old man, an old lady, and two teenagers. 
The only viable option had to be her.
"I'm too dumb." Taeyeon muttered under her breath, sighed, and continued to type on her laptop, giving up all hopes of ever getting Tiffany's number.
A napkin was dropped onto her keyboard, but when she looked up to see who it was, the person was already gone. 
But of course, it could only be one person.
Thanks, Taeyeon. (inserts eyesmile here)
p.s. blue looks good on you. 
Taeyeon could've swore her heart exploded. 
Tiffany came in the next day wearing a pink checkered shirt. Taeyeon looked up and smiled, and Tiffany smiled back. But what she hadn't expected was for Tiffany to walk towards her.
Only one metre away.
Taeyeon's heart seriously had enough. It threatened to just stop with all the constant attacks Taeyeon had been giving it. 
Tiffany pulled out the chair opposite her and sat down, pushing the laptop screen down.
"Hi Taeyeon." Tiffany smiled.
"…H-h-hi." Taeyeon stuttered.
Tiffany placed a napkin onto Taeyeon's laptop and walked back to her own table.
There were ten numbers on it.
Taeyeon waited outside the cinema blowing on her fingers. Tiffany was well, not late. But she on the other hand, was a tad bit too early.
Like an hour early.
But of course, silly Taeyeon didn't mind, and she just stood outside the cinema waiting for Tiffany to arrive when she could've just entered the building to wait.
About five minutes from their meeting time, Tiffany alighted from a cab.
"Taeyeon! Have you been waiting long?" Tiffany waved and eyesmiled, while walking towards the entrance of the building with Taeyeon following.
"N-no…" Taeyeon lied.
"Oh my god you're shivering." Tiffany slipped her hand into Taeyeon's and held it tightly. 
Taeyeon swore she saw an amused grin, but she quickly erased that thought, or rather her brain just stopped working completely. 
The next few minutes were a blur, Tiffany led her towards the ticketing booth, and suddenly they were already in the cinema.
The lights dimmed, and so did Taeyeon's sanity. 
Having Tiffany in such close proximity was messing with all her senses. The extra strong scent of strawberry, the silky soft hair…
It was like heaven on earth.
Tiffany rested her head onto Taeyeon's shoulder. "I've always known it's you."
"Whaa…" Taeyeon couldn't get the last syllable out of .
"I was just waiting for you to gather some courage to ask me out." Tiffany intertwined her fingers with Taeyeon's.
"I like you too." 
Taeyeon finally fainted. 
"Morning Fany." Taeyeon snuggled closer to her girlfriend. 
Tiffany yawned and ruffled Taeyeon's hair. "Morning."
"You look good in pink." Taeyeon's eyes trailed along Tiffany's pink bra.
Tiffany hummed in approval. "I think you look good in blue."
"Do I? I'm not even wearing blue now." Taeyeon mumbled while she closed her eyes.
"Nah, I think you look good not wearing anything." 
Taeyeon felt light kisses on her neck and after that, who cared about what colour she was wearing anyway? 
The End 
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Kezziebitcrazy #1
Chapter 1: I hope things like this happen in real life
Chapter 1: Very cute. I like how Taeyeon always wait for Tiffany to arrive at the shop. Just.. this is too cute!
Chapter 1: this amused me. thanks. ;)
smoothyhwang88 #6
Chapter 1: This wow..please write more fics..pleeeeease:)
Chapter 1: Wohohohoho! *curls both fingers and toes*
A nice read:)
I shall look forward to more of your fics being posted here, unnie!
imtaenyslovechild #8
Chapter 1: you mentioned that it's you're first time posting on aff ryt? so can i ask where do you often post your stories? :) it's just so good. i wanna read more of your work, if you don't mind teehee
imtaenyslovechild #9
Chapter 1: good read :)
Chapter 1: cute~ love this story~
post on going as well author ssi~
looking forward to your writings