Contest result!

Of Darkness And Light

Hey everyone! I know it's been way too long and if you check on my profile, the status would be "on an indefinite hiatus" which is true cuz i am. I've been MIA for quite awhile now and (please stay in ur seat as you continue this sentence) i haven't been writing at all. Uni life really takes a toll on someone (more specifically me) and i've been struggling with laziness everyday. I'll write again someday (hopefully).

But that's not what this post is about (heh).

So as you'd know from the foreword, this story was entered in The Chosen One Writing Contest hosted by knovelist and the results are in! Here's what is said about my story Of Darkness and Light.

Sadly, i did not placed first or second in the contest. I was, however, chosen to be in one of the contest categories!



I'm really happy to actually have a best in anything so this is a wonderful feat for me :)


P/s: I haven't posted anything on aff in a long time so this is ugly and not fancy (i'm sorry!) but it's fun so let's see if i'll do anymore of this hehe :)

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Chapter 1: it just feel right. jongin and soojung are just right. love it<3
can't find another great story like this. the way u choose the hunger games to be ur inspuration is just feel right:)
Chapter 1: you never disappoint me author-nim.. you wrote this so well and i almost cried XD.
you always good when it comes to writing back then but i never know you're this good. amazing. you even wrote angst which i love the most.
keep writing and all the best for you ;))
* idk if i can face you this sept after i wrote this XD* and excuse for my poor english ^^
Chapter 1: well, i am a fans of the hunger games trilogy. and this stroy is just amazing and beautiful. the feel is so real.
Miemela #4
Chapter 1: This is good.
Chapter 1: Best hunger games au i have ever read really. This is breathtakingly beautiful and well-written, i can only congratulate you for writing it and appreciate the fact you shared it with us <3