

"Oh! I'm sorry!" stumbling, the attractive blonde man split the hot coffee onto his crisp white shirt and he stared at it in dismay. Shocked at what he had done, Bang Yong Guk ran over to help the man up.

"I didn't see you there, I'm so sorry! Can I get you a new shirt, or anything?" muttering apologies over and over, Yong Guk grabbed some napkins and passed them to the man. The man's blonde head bobbed up and their eyes met for a second, causing Yong Guk's breath to catch. He looked very familiar, but Yong Guk couldn't place a time or place that they had met before.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" Yong Guk blurted out, desperate to break the awkward silence. The man seemed to think for a bit, then he shook his head.

"No, I don't think so. I would remember you if we had" blushing at his comment, the man glanced down at the napkins in his hand and fidgeted with his hands.

"But, I'm Himchan. There's a first time for everything, right?" suddenly smiling, Himchan stood up and shook Yong Guk's hand. Yong Guk couldn't help but notice Himchan's sudden change of character and he found that he couldn't stop staring at Himchan's perfect, pretty features.

"I'm Yong Guk" smiling back, Yong Guk savoured the feel of Himchan's strong and sure hands in his before they both let go, a little bit hastily, as if just realising that they had long passed the required amount of time to shake someone's hand. Flaming red, Himchan nodded at Yong Guk then turned away, strolling out of the coffee shop that he couldn't help but feel an attraction to.

After thinking for a second more, Himchan turned back and rushed back in, locating Yong Guk in the crowd again. Looking up, Yong Guk smiled as if expecting him and cocked his head, inquiring.

"Would you- I mean- are you? - would you like to come to dinner with me?" tripping over his words, Himchan suddenly felt very self-conscious. To his relief, Yong Guk nodded in agreement, even a little enthusiastically and Himchan grinned goofily back.

"Right, see you tonight then"

"Yep, see you" winking at him Yong Guk went back to drinking his strong coffee and Himchan nearly skipped out of the café.


"I won't leave you"

"I know you won't. Just promise me to stay by my side until the end, okay?"

"I will my sweet, I will"

"Remember that coffee shop that we always used to go to?"

"Yeah I do, love, I do"

"I'll miss it when I…"

"Shh, nothing's going to happen to you, I promise"

"I love you"

"I love you too"


Startled by his sudden dizziness, Himchan found a bench outside to sit down. The flashback, or vision or hallucination, whatever it had been, it had seemed so real. Closing his eyes again, he attempted to draw the memory back, but instead was hit by a very different vision.


"I know it hurts, but just hold on, okay?"

"I don't think I can do this, I'm sorry"

"No. No you are not leaving me alright?"

"I guess I'll see you in heaven, my angel"

"Yoonji? Yoonji! Doctor?! Help! He's fading out!"


Opening is eyes with a gasp, a sudden realisation hit him. Was the man dying, was Yoonji, him? Was it possible that in a past life, he had died from an illness and was reincarnated for some reason? As if the universe had heard him, he was hit with yet another vision, this time, a horrific one.


"Hey Mister! What do you think you're doing? Get off the tracks!"

"Someone, help him!"

"Sir! Get off the tracks now!"



Dripping with sweat, Himchan turned pale and gulped. He had been Yong Guk in the vision this time, he was sure of it. Had they been lovers in their past life and Yong Guk had committed suicide because of his death?

No, that is ridiculous shaking his head, he cleared the unwanted thoughts out of his mind and stood up a little shakily, making his way home. He had a date tonight, and he was not going to let some hallucinations ruin it. He couldn’t help but shiver though, whenever he saw the face in his vision, which had an uncanny resemblance to the man he had met today.



"Can I- can I ask you something?" playing with his food, Himchan sat uncomfortably, still unable to get the disturbing hallucinations he had had that afternoon out of his head. Yong Guk, seeming unruffled, grinned at him across the table and popped yet another meatball into his mouth.


"Yeah sure" gulping down the savoury food, Yong Guk washed it down with the glass of wine that he had ordered for both of them.


"Don’t run away screaming when I say this but, did you have some sort this afternoon after we met?" still pushing his food around the plate, he refused to meet Yong Guk's eyes. Finally, unable to stand the silence, he glanced up shyly and caught Yong Guk staring at him intently.


"Yes, yes I did. What sort of vision did you have though?" scratching the back of his head thoughtfully, he waited patiently for Himchan's answer.


"It was you, and me, in a hospital. At least I think it was you and me. I was dying, I guess and you were there, comforting me. We were...lovers" forcing the last word out, Himchan blushed and looked down. Feeling gentle fingers under his chin, Himchan looked up in surprise and found Yong Guk smiling at him.


"Isn't this a coincidence? Tell me, did you feel something...warm, something spark in your chest when you had that vision?" Yong Guk asked, curiosity colouring his tone. Himchan, admiring his lack of shame and his over b confidence nodded, remembering the soft, warm feeling that he had had right after the first vision. It soaked into his bones and made him look at the world in a whole new perspective. Suddenly, he was more cheerful, more friendly, and people had seemed to catch on to his inviting aura.


"Yeah. I think- I think it may have been love" still a little bit uncertain, Himchan grinned nervously and Yong Guk chuckled.


"Just what I was thinking. So what do you think, ex-lover, or quite possibly, lover-to-be?" winking, Yong Guk went back to his food, humming softly to himself. Himchan smiled in satisfaction.


"I think we'll get along just fine. Aren't you glad that I asked you out?" smirking, Himchan also went back to his untouched food, feeling as if a great weight had been lifted of him.


Love, no matter how impossible, or no matter how unlikely, will always find a way into a person's heart. A sly, yet happy thing, it jumps upon someone at the most unexpected of times and they start to see the world differently. The trees are a brighter colour, the sun shines especially for them and everyday is like a dream. This was how Himchan and Yong Guk felt now after their amazing discovery that had brought them together in the first place.


The inseparable pair were now engaged and everyday saw them planning their wedding, making sure everything was perfect. Yong Guk, being the more laid back one in their relationship, constantly told Himchan to stop worrying, that they still had three months until the Big Day. Himchan snapped at Yong Guk every time he said this and would go off in a huff, usually for a stroll around the park. He would always come back after an hour or so however, and crawl back into Yong Guk's ready embrace.  Their happy routine continued until their wedding day, which saw each of them in matching white suits, their friends and family all dressed in pure white.


Vows were exchanged and as the crowd cheered when the happy couple kissed, Yong Guk could not think of anything that would ever tear them apart.


As they ran out, hand in hand, to the waiting car outside, snow started to fall to the joy of everyone. Giggling, Himchan skipped out onto the road, raising his hands up to the heaven. Yong Guk watched him fondly, taking in his new husband's graceful figure, and the way he smiled, dancing in the snow. Himchan gestured for Yong Guk to join him. He never saw the truck speeding toward him. Acting quicker than light, Yong Guk ran in front of Himchan to face the truck barreling toward them. Wrapping his arms around Himchan, he turned them away from the vehicle. Then they were enveloped in a bright, white, light.


"Gukkie? Where are we?"

"I don't know Channie, but we're together"

"Right, I remember. Do you take this beautiful, humble and loyal man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"I guess we'll meet again in another life huh?"

"Because we're eternally joined. Do you take this honest, loving and kind man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" 

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Chapter 1: That's quite sad actually! But I liked it! Destiny's so strong!