Afford Me!


Title: Afford Me!

Genre: Romance, Slice of Life, slight!Angst, crack,

Rating: R

Pairing: main!Enhyuk/Donghae , side!Kyuhyun/Sungmin

Summary:  A million dollar man, Lee Donghae decided that life is ing with him, he already get anything that he wanted but he can never be satisfied simply because he knew nothing of the world below his feet. Hiring a very disturbed, all-about-money man Lee Hyukjae to teach him, promising that he will pay every single debt he has in exchange for letting him live the life he never had.




The ‘Las Vegas’ of the east. A city of luscious lights, posh celebrations, luxurious living and highly elevated lifestyle.

Lights from prestigious hotels and casinos illuminate the black night, everybody were busy with their own heads and clutch bags where money is spent as easy as a swipe of a card, shining jewelries, seductive music of pure exorbitance. Everything is an apple for your eye, and you could only hope that your life will be as splendid as the ones walking the carpets of the high class buildings.

On the top floor of a 5-star hotel, a young man not older than 25 stared down to the world. Yes, he’s one of those people seated at the top of everybody else, standing at the peak of the human status pyramid.

Why is he standing above everyone else? He was one of those born with a golden spoon hanging on his lips, when your family is the backbone of a country’s financial assets then surely you don’t need to sweat for this kind of lifestyle.

“Mr. Lee. The car’s waiting.”

The door opened to a built man in black suit, transceiver on the right ear and small communication microphone on his collar. The bulk man seemed old but nonetheless reliable, he entered the room formally but the younger man kept staring at the world beneath his feet.


“I heard you Leo.” The young man pursed his lips, heaving a deep sigh, he fixed his tie looking through the transparent glass, took his coat from the back rest of the couch and wore it flawlessly, eatching him dress himself with finesse make it seemed like he was dancing to an unheard music, the fluidity of his action made his figure more desirable than imagined.

“And please… don’t call me Mr. Lee, that’s my father. When were alone you can always call me Donghae.”

The older man smiled.

“But we’re on a business trip, this is still formality.”

The younger frowned, but nevertheless complied he walked to the carpeted floor of his hotel room pass the man that bowed when he walked.

“Then let’s end this formality quick.”

The moment he had step into the lime light of the lobby everyone’s eyes were on him, some criticizing, other’s admiring. They were all kept to their own thoughts on how lucky will they be if they befriended him or even marry him, Donghae knew those evil minds around him yet he pay lesser and lesser attention to them.  It had been exhausting to feel stupid and useless and discarded as a mere stepping stone for the other’s welfare, he’d been sick of it yet he can never escape it.

They rode across the city, the lights played to the window of his car passing through the flirtatious neon signs, how it nice to place your feet on the ground, how nice would it be to have a dream, to aim high.

His head lounge forward at the impact and he hit himself on the backrest of the driver’s seat.  The car has came to an abrupt halt and the blunt pain he had just felt from his temple shot up to him making him hiss a curse.


A young man were in front of their car, around the same age as his dirty blonde locks, small eyes, a wide gummy smile.

“Hey! You didn’t look like your having the time of your life in there! Come on out!” the man shouted and Donghae’s heart stammered. The man is obviously drunk, he was with his buddies which comprised of another tall guy and a woman, the man who yelled in a surprisingly familiar language swayed as his companions keep leading him out of the road.

“Stupid brat!” Donghae heard one of his body guards cursed and he honked his horn louder and eager to make the man come out of his senses.

The stranger glanced once more at him with eyes that deliver not adoration, nor admiration. That dirty blonde guy looked down at him with pity and disgust. He had never been looked down in his life and his heart swelled not with disappointment but with a new found feeling of embarrassment.

Soon the stranger swayed intoxicated towards the alley and Donghae’s eyes followed him as he laughed with his friends. He can hear his attendants mutter apologies for the delay and for him putting up with a lowlife such as that man but he can barely register what they were saying.

For the first time in his life, he felt ‘envy’ he envied that man with all his heart.




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brattygurl #1
I read your prologue on LJ and looked forward to the first chapter. I'm glad I found your story on AFF too since I check this site more often then LJ.

The two seem to be polar opposites and that will make the story very interesting.
Gyaaaa #2
kyuririn #3
Waiting patiently....
kyussi #4
Cant wait for this too!