You'll Thank Me Later

You People Are So Blind!

Yumi's POV:

"Yah! Jo Youngmin! Jo Kwangmin! You better give me back my diary before I beat all the life out of you two!"

"Hahaha, come and get us Yumi-ah! Hmm, Youngmin hyung, I wonder what type of secrets we can find in here," Kwangmin said as he and Youngmin ran away high-fiving and laughing with each other. Sigh, tell me why these guys are my best friends again? I just hope Youngmin doesn't read it. I filled practically every page with my feelings for him. If he reads it, I'm dead! UGHHHHH! >.<

Kwangmin's POV:

It's so fun to mess with Yumi. She thinks we would actually read her diary? We may be her best friends but we still respect her privacy. Plus I can probably guess what's in there already. She probably declared her love for Youngmin hyung like a million times. It's so obvious that they like each other. It too bad that both of them are to dense to realize that the other likes them. And neither of them have the guts to get off their butts and confess. OMG IDEA! I should help them! Since they can't do anything my themselves I might as well help them out a bit. 


This is gonna be kinda hard. Since both of these people are so stupid I have to work extra hard. I should pray to get some good luck first:

Oh Great Pikachu, Please help me get my brother and my best friend together. Since they are both hard to work with I need your power to help me through this. Thank you Pikachu~

Ok, I'm done. Now to go to work. SUPER KWANGMIN GO GO! 

Normal POV:

Yumi walked to school anxiously as she was still worrying about her diary that was in the hands of her mischevious best friends.  'I really hope they didn't look inside, especially Youngmin,' she thought to herself. She reached the school gate and saw Youngmin and Kwangmin talking to each other. She ran up to them and said, "Yah! Give me my diary back." They just smiled and gave it back to her. She glared at them and mumbled, "Tch, you guys are so annoying." 

"Haha, you know you love us anyways, Yumi-ah," Kwangmin said putting an arm around her. She just pouted and pulled his arm off her. She walked away and Kwangmin turned to Youngmin and said, "Hyung, how about you and Yumi walk to class first. I have to go get something from my friend."

Youngmin nodded and said, "Alright then, see you in class." Then he ran away to catch up to Yumi while Kwangmin walked off and smiled to himself. 'Time to work my magic. Pikachu~ wish me luck!' 

Youngmin's POV:

"Yumi-ah! Wait for me! Let's walk together~" I said catching up to Yumi. She just ignored me and kept walking. I bet she's still mad at us for taking her diary. I swear we didn't look in it! I finally got up to her and said, "Yah, are you still mad at us? I swear we didn't look in it." She just pouted and mumbled "Lier..." I laughed because her mad face was really cute. 'You're making me fall more in love with you, Yumi-ah.'

Skip to the end of the day

Me, Kwangmin, and Yumi decided to go to our favorite cafe after school. Yumi said we had to make it up to her for stealing her diary. She's so cute. We got there and ordered our stuff. We ordered 3 strawberry smoothies and some cake. But when we got our order the waitress said, "I'm sorry. We ran out of strawberries so we were only able to make 2 out of the 3 smoothies. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." She bowed and left us there. 

Kwangmin's POV:

My brain is amazing. I told the waitress to change the 3 smoothies to 2 smoothies on purpose and use the excuse I told her. Now Youngmin and Yumi have to share the same smoothie and they'll look like a total couple. "What do we do now?" Yumi said pouting. 

I smiled and said, "How about you and Youngmin hyung share?" 

They both stared at me and then at each other and yelled, "MWOH?! WAE?!" 

I tried to keep my composure at their reactions and said, "Because. I don't want to get hyung's germs in my smoothie." Just for that I received a slap on the head from Youngmin hyung. 

"Yah! I have the same DNA as you, stupid! What's wrong if we share a smoothie?" he yelled at me. 

I just stuck my tongue out at him and said, "Because I don't want to look gay with my own twin!" 

Before he could do or say anything else Yumi stopped him and said, "Ok, enough you guys. Before you two make a scene. Youngmin-ah just share with me. I don't really mind anymore." He just sighed and nodded. They both went for the smoothie and started drinking at the same time. The whole time they were staring into each other's eyes and didn't even notice that I was still there. Haha, maybe they'll come to their senses after this.

Youngmin's POV:

Her eyes are so beautiful. And I've never been this close to her face before. It's just so.... perfect.  It's like her eyes are hypnotizing me... And my heart feels like it's gonna explode any minute.

Yumi's POV:

Have Youngmin's eyes always been this pretty? They're like perfect little brown orbs. And his face is all the much cuter up close. I never thought that I could come this close to him before. Aigoo, my heart is beating at a million beats a second. 

Skip to later

Now Youngmin and Kwangmin are walking me home. My heart is still beating. Every time I steal a glance at Youngmin my heart starts racing again. Then I felt someone grab my wrist. I looked behind me and saw Kwangmin. He just smiled and winked at me. What is he doing? Then I saw him grab Youngmin's wrist and he brought our hands closer to each other. No, he's not doing what I think....


Me and Youngmin were now holding hands thanks to the great Kwangmin. I was blushing so hard and I could tell that Youngmin was too. Kwangmin smiled, put his arms around us and said, "You'll thank me later." Then he ran off leaving me and Youngmin standing there in awe. 

............. awkward..............

Youngmin's POV:

D-did he really just do that? Am I really holding Yumi's hand? OMG THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!!! Ok that was kinda gay....... ANYWAYS. I'M HOLDING HER HAND! Woah, my heart won't slow down. Is this a bad thing? No it should be a good thing because that shows how much I like her. But what if it doesn't slow down and explodes?! Then I would die! OMG I COULD DIE BEFORE I EVEN CONFESS! Ok breathe, Youngmin-ah. BREATHE. Ughh, I should really stop spazzing out like that. 

Ok back to reality. I'm still holding Yumi's hand right now and I'm like SUPER happy inside and out. I hope she doesn't pull away. If she does then I think I would cry. I wonder why Kwangmin did that anyways. I mean, we're not even going out (even though I really wish we were) I cleared my throat and said, "U-um well, I g-guess we should keep walking." 

She raised our hands up and said, "With our hands like this?" Oh no, maybe she doesn't like it. 

I quickly pulled away (WHY?!?! T^T) and said, "O-oh if you d-don't want to t-then we don't have to." 

Then she grabbed my hand again and interlaced our fingers. She smiled and said, "I never said anything like that." 

Ok I'm pretty sure if I die today then I will die happy ^^ We kept walking to her house and I couldn't help but feel like someone was following us. I looked behind us without Yumi knowing and I saw my brother hiding behind a tree. He saw me and winked at me. Remind me I have to talk to this kid later.

We got to her house and she turned to me and said, "Thanks for walking me home, Youngmin-ah." 

"No problem. It was nice with just the two of us," I said remembering that Kwangmin wasn't with us. She laughed and nodded her head, agreeing with me. 

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then," she said. She gave me a hug before walking into her house. Man, why can't I just confess to her. I mean we even held hands today! I turned around sulking and started walking away.

Kwangmin's POV:

NO WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING?!?! HE SHOULD BE CONFESSING RIGHT NOW! Ugh, I swear. Even though he's older than me I'm pretty sure I'm a lot smarter than him. I can't let this go on anymore. I ran out from behind the little kid I was hiding behind (yeah, I asked a 5 year old kid to hide me. Cuz I'm that cool) and ran up to Youngmin hyung. I grabbed him on the shoulders and yelled at him, "Yah! Hyung, what are you doing?! Why didn't you confess to her?! You had your chance right there. After all I did for you. I let you share a smoothie with her. Heck, I even got you to hold her hand! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" 

He shook me off of him and said, "Face it Kwangmin. I can't do it! Plus she probably doesn't even like me back. She probably just held my hand to be nice. I'm never gonna be able to be with Yumi." IS HE FREAKIN' STUPID?!?!

"Hyung! Of course she likes you! She's freakin' in LOVE with you! I've seen the way you two look at each other. It's so obvious. I don't know how the two smartest people can be so blind," I said trying to wake him up. I swear some people these days. 

"Y-yumi likes M-ME?! Are you sure?? Ehh, I bet you're joking. You can't be talking about THE Jang Yumi," he said shaking his head. Sigh, I don't know how I'm related to this kid, let alone his IDENTICAL TWIN. 

I put my hands on his shoulders, looked him in the eyes and said, "Listen to me carefully, hyung. I'll say this real slow. JANG.YU.MI.LIKES.JO.YOUNG.MIN. Did you get it that time?"

He stood there looking stunned for a couple seconds then his eyes widened and he shouted, "OMG SHE LIKES ME! JANG YUMI LIKES ME, JO YOUNGMIN!! OMG I HAVE TO GO BACK AND CONFESS!" Finally! Gosh, I thought he would never realize it. 

"What are you still doing here, hyung?? Go to her and confess already!" I said pushing him away. 

He started running and yelled back at me, "Thanks Kwangmin-ah! I really owe you one!" I just laughed and waved back at him. Psh, of course he owes me for doing all this for him.

Youngmin's POV:

I ran back to Yumi's door and banged on the door. Yumi opened the door and said, "Yah! What are you doing banging on my door?" 

I can't hold it in anymore. "Jang Yumi! I LOVE YOU!"

Yumi's POV:

Did he just say that he loves me?! DID JO YOUNGMIN JUST SAY THAT HE LOVES ME, JANG YUMI?!

"Y-yah, Jo Youngmin s-stop joking around," I said looking away from him. He can't mean it. This can't be happening.

Then he grabbed my face and said softly, "Yumi-ah, I'm not joking. I really love you. I always have and I always will." Then he pulled my face closer and I felt his soft lips touch mine. I widened my eyes out of shock, but after a couple of seconds I kissed him back and he deepened the kiss.

After we pulled away from each other out of impulse I hugged him. I looked at him and said, "I love you, too, Youngmin-ah. I love you so much!" He smiled and pulled me into another hug.

Then we heard my.... bush? shout "YES! FINALLY! PIKACHU WE DID IT!" 

We looked at each other and laughed. "Kwangmin," we both said at the same time. 


Youngmin and I laughed and I said, "Thanks, Kwangmin-ah. You're the best."

"Psh, of course I am," he said flipping his hair, "I'm the great Jo Kwangmin. Well I'll let you two have your moment together so I'll see you tomorrow, Yumi, and I'll see you at home hyung. Remember I better get something AMAZING from you two." And he walked off proudly after that.... with his Pikachu plushy that appeared out of no where.

I laughed and said, "That boy really is something." Youngmin laughed and pulled me into another kiss.

We let go and both said to each other with every feeling we had, "I LOVE YOU."


Ok not the best comeback but I tried my best ^^ please comment and subscribe. I'll try to start a new fic soon. thanks everyone :) <3

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Chapter 1: super cute *^*._.*^*
So cute omg x3
Chapter 1: CUTE!!!!!!~
Cute~~ <3
kwangminshypika #6
wonwoojpeg #7
How cute!♥
I. Love. It. <3 Even though I've seen you write in your fic notebook I've never actually read your writing before. SO FLUFFY <3 <br />
<br />
Ha well, this was cute~ :3 btw, Do you know any Boyfriend songs? I know two... Boyfriend and Let's get it Started, but I can't find any others >.> Help me out here? :D
iLoveJoYoungmin #9
Nice fanfics! (: